
Chronicles of Asura

Alexander endured a thousand hardships without fear, but in the end, everything he held dear was taken from him. Now this young man would become a weapon to wipe those who had harmed him from the face of the earth, a legend on the path between Elysium and Earth. What happened at the end of the road was irrelevant. Alexander wanted to be the ruler who decided.

SageGumiho · Fantasie
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52 Chs

Chapter 41: Land Behind the Gentle Clouds

This year's spring rains were not over either. The stairs rising thousands of meters were soaked with rainwater, making it difficult for the young people climbing the stairs. People on the earth, beaten by raindrops, raised their heads a little and saw the magnificent view.

The high mountains were blessed with the glow of nature. Gentle clouds gave them an otherworldly appearance while at the same time hiding their peaks. Raindrops seeped through the clouds, soaking the huge academy city below.

Another world suspended a kilometer above the ground... Circle, the flying island soaring in the skies above the Federation capital Andromeda. It was a great organization for the indiscriminate training of humanity's most promising young people.

The Circle had a history of nearly a hundred years. At first, it was a military academy created to train the youth of the Earth Federation, but after the Ancient Phoenix War, it also recruited Elysium youth.

With its expert staff and a surface area of 11,891 km2, it was humanity's greatest support against other races. Named after the flying island Circle, the academy was originally a military school. But thanks to its versatility, it also offered training in other subjects.

The Ancient Phoenix War and other inter-realm wars were wars that took a huge toll on humanity. Rare bloodlines were lost and magical technology was severely damaged. In later periods, wars between the two realms continued, but these wars were insignificant compared to their predecessors.

At the door at the bottom of the stairs, white-clad instructors stopped passersby and checked student IDs.

"Please hang your student ID on your lapel! Please don't make the mistake of passing through the gate without your student ID! Hey you, introduce yourself." One of the instructors stopped a red-haired young man passing by and began to examine the document in his hand.

"Alexander Valentia, first year, rank 500, School of Martial Arts, Faculty of Military Sciences."

"It is strictly forbidden to bring anything into the academy other than what is authorized. At this time, you cannot bring in anything other than your personal weapon and special clothing."

"Got it."

The young man nodded and continued on his way. His student ID was taped to his black suit, with all the information he needed to identify himself, including his rank, name, and major.

The system at Circle was very different from other schools. Structured like a city, the Circle was divided into five zones. Each zone was controlled by various numbers of factions, strangely allowing students to devour each other.

After passing all the checks, the young man went to one of the student hostels in the city center. At Circle, students could stay wherever they wanted. Each student would live in a six-person dormitory. After earning credits for exams and other activities, he could rent any place in the city center and stay there.

Training at the Circle was divided into two different schools: Martial Arts and Magic. The School of Martial Arts, as it was called, trained martial artists, while the School of Magic trained wizards. Of course, these were just two umbrella schools. There were many faculties and departments under them.

Military Sciences, Defense Arts, Medical Sciences, Engineering, Biology, and Political Sciences were the most prominent among these faculties.

The young man came to his ward. The fact that no one else was there gave him the privilege of choosing his bed. Without much question, he decided on a bed and left his suitcase. He tied his long red hair with a hairpin and prepared for the ceremony.

He put on his neatly folded school uniform. The young man was not bulging, he was well-proportioned and tall. His handsome face stood out after he put on his loose-fitting black school uniform.

"Should I change my look?"

The young man stared into space as he clutched his student card to his chest. He was talking to himself as if someone was there.

"I don't think the students will notice, but you are right. My presence is very strong, I make myself known in a crowd."

The young man closed his eyes and took a deep breath. At that moment his aura changed, from suffocating and powerful like that of a tyrant, it slowly faded and became mild. The look in his eyes also changed. Now he looked like a child of his age, pure, ambitious, and excited.

The difference was enormous.

His previous gaze had a madness that left you breathless. His experiences had turned the young man into a killing machine. This was reflected in his gaze and his body.

But he looked better now. His long red hair was tied neatly back, his red eyes shone like rubies. The serenity in his eyes was seductive enough to draw people to him.

"Am I better now?"

The young man smiled and hung his sword on his belt.

"I copied Noah."

With a longing expression on his face, the young man left the room and made his way to the square in the center of the academy. As soon as he walked out the door, hundreds of young people like him left their barracks and made their way to the square.

The square was crowded. Crowds of students numbering up to five thousand were lined up in neat rows, listening to instructors and officials on a huge platform in the center of the square.

The young man went to the desk of his class and began to listen intently to the speaker.

"We have entered a new academic year. Our instructors specializing in Magic and Martial Arts will do their best. Please, get along with each other and don't forget to study! I would like to invite Deputy Headmaster Dannar Anakirr to the stage to present the prizes to the students who did well in the exam!"

Although he didn't know who the speaker was, he realized that he was not a serious person. Aside from the fact that he spoke very casually, the way he felt about him said the same thing. His strength was... around level nine.

At a glance, the young man was able to gauge the level of the speaker. But now he frowned when he saw the old man taking the microphone. The vice principal was a short wizard who looked to be in his fifties. After his peaceful gaze swept over the students, he approached the microphone.

"Alexandra Rose Icarus, who placed third with a total of 99 points! Please come to the platform to receive your award certificate!"

Every year, those who placed in the top three in the entrance exam received large prizes. These included luxury apartments in the city center, medical drugs, pills, special techniques, and weapons. This year's top prizes were a luxury apartment in the city center and four credit points.

At that moment, a sixteen-year-old girl with red hair left the desk of the 1-1 class and walked to the platform. Her red silk hair rippled with her steps, and her bright blue eyes resembled an ocean. Her well-developed body, graceful stride, and epic beauty stunned not only men but also women.

Alexandra Rose de Icarus!

She was the only daughter of the leader of the Icarus Federation. She was also the president of the Elysium faction in the first years. A single question she got wrong on a written exam had pushed her this far back, but even that was enough to cause a storm in Elysium.

Alexandra stepped onto the platform and received her award certificate from the principal. She had an icy expression on her beautiful face that pushed the boundaries of human beauty. Without even saying thank you, she took her certificate and stepped down from the platform. This caused whispers among the students.

Neither the deputy director nor the officials seemed bothered by this. They ignored Alexandra's emotionless retreat and announced the next person.

"Kai Merikh, who came in second place with a total of 99.5 points! Please come to the platform to claim your prize."

After the vice principal's announcement, a tall, handsome young man from class 1-2 walked onto the platform. He mesmerized people with his above-average height and heroic looks.

He was the second prince of the Merikh Kingdom, the most powerful organization in the World Federation. He was also the future master of the Merikh Guild. Unlike Alexandra, he was highly modest when receiving his award.

With a pleasant smile on his face, he paid his respects to the vice-principal and went down from the platform to his desk. On his way to his desk, he looked at Alexandra, who was standing in the row of the 1-1 class.

"Finally! Natasha Monroe broke a long-standing record with a perfect score of 100! Come to the platform to receive your award!"

The young man standing in the row of the 1-1 class suddenly looked up and looked at the platform. Long black hair, and red eyes shining like rubies. Beauty beyond words, a seductive body, and an unattainable goddess aura... These were enough words to describe a small part of Natasha's beauty.

When Natasha took the stage, whispers broke out among the students.

"Monroe family?"

"Natasha Monroe! I heard she was kidnapped years ago. Is she coming to the Circle even though she was recently reunited with her family? What does the Monroe family think? That they're as invincible as her minus?"

"You know what happened to the family after the old leader died. The new leader has a more humanistic point of view. Natasha is not much different."

After Natasha received the award from the vice principal, she thanked him expressionlessly and went to the desk of classes 1-3. Throughout the whole process, her expression did not change for a moment. She was neither arrogant like Alexandra nor humble like Kai.

It was completely cold.

Just like snowflakes at the poles.

"That's it for the award ceremony! Now, wait quietly at your desks. Our counselors will pick you up and take you to your classes!"

Today there was only a guidance class. The school was to be introduced, electives were to be chosen and information about the workings of the Circle was to be given.

At that moment a woman with long hair came in front of the 1-1 class.

"1-1 class follow me!"

Thus, the new academic year has begun for students.

I feel like I have to ask since English is not my native language. How would you rate my grammar? Reply please. Important for me.

SageGumihocreators' thoughts