
Chronicle of a Gamer (DxD)

My name is Zerono Pendragon Akatsuki, I’m the son of King Arthur Pendragon of another universe. I'm also the adopted grandson of Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg But mainly I'm a Gamer and a magus I will become the new King of Knight. Join me my new family and friends in the world of DxD I don’t own the game, novel and other content presented in this book I only own my OC English is my second language so don’t shot because of the grammar Rewrite of The Chronicles of Zero (DxD) English Cover Art Fate Pinterest and modified by me

Daoist_zero950 · Anime und Comics
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25 Chs

Chapter 1: My Grandfather Is A Vampire

Hello, my name is Zerono P. Akatsuki 17 years old black hair, green eyes, 1m74, normal build, skin a little mixed and I am a magus,

I have been an orphan since I was 6 years old because my mother died in an accident in the town of Fuyuki and I am one of only two survivors of this hell, during my hospitalization I was in the same room as the other boy, he doesn't talk much I learned that he was amnesiac and only remembers his first name Shirou and we quickly became friends because we feel the same thing the guilt of the survivor, he was adopted by a man with an empty look, it's him who save Shirou, when I look at him I feel sadness, joy and full of other emotions.

A few days later I was adopted by an old man who seems to be in his 50s.

"Hello, boy, what's your name?" he asked me.

"Zerono, Zerono P. Akatsuki, who are you?" I said to him

"Very good name, I am Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg, I am the one who will adopt you from today."

"Why, I don't know you?" I ask him with a frowned eyebrow

"Oh, oh I'm looking for someone to accompany this old me who lives all alone I give you the choice either you come with me your life will be more exciting or you stay here and put yourself in a boring host family." he offered me with a playful look

I started thinking and then I look him in the eye, I don't see any malice, and I feel that if I go with him my life will be more active than before and also I just lost my parents, I have no news from the other members of my family. I remember a sentence that Dad used to say all the time

"Follow your own path, remain true to yourself and brave all the obstacles that will come before you."

"Haaaa, OK, grandpa, I'm coming with you" I declare with a sigh

"Can you tell me why?" asked the old man with an interrogating look on his face

I smile at him pointing and say "Because going with you seems to be more fun than anything else"

It was at this very moment that I became the adopted grandson of Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg, one of the 27 Ancestors of the Apostles of Death and also known as Zelretch the Wizard Marshal, Zelretch of the Jewels, Old Man of the Jewels.

He has control of the second magic, "Kaleidoscope", which allows the exploitation of parallel worlds. I only learned of this six years after he adopted me.

The thing is that I'm not even surprised that he can travel between the dimensions and years later he took me with him and I lived a lot of adventure and meet a lot of people and learned a lot of things although I don't stay more than a week in the same world

The days after my adoption I went to live at the magic association of London "the clock tower" where I studied Magic as the apprentice of the Marshal which gave me a special statue, the "Savior" I learned that every promising disciple of the association that Grandpa takes end up broken and each department must provide him with the most prestigious student they have and that thanks to my coming they have nothing more to fear.

After 2 years with grandpa taught me all the basics that a magus must know and I was good at it, I learned faster than a child of my age, when my natural magic circuits were activated I have 68 main ones and 42 sub-circuits and which can contain up to 2100 units of magic energy.

My origin is Forge and my element is 5 great elements and sword, my favorite field is reinforcement, runes, and projection.

I help a lot in grandfather's research to show me the wheels to be a magus sometimes I become a guinea pig to test new invention, one day he came back from an expedition and made me eat a pill I had a fever for 2 weeks after that my physical condition improved and gain another source of power.

But mainly I try to create my own mystic code, although I love being confined in my workshop, I try to live like a normal child.

During these moments I met the 2 Kaleidosticks Ruby and her little sister Sapphire are the only people with whom I can talk normally and we are inseparable as grandfather gave them to me telling me that she would be more useful to me in the future after changing them into grimoires.

As the old vampire has a lot of enemies and travels a lot, for 2 years he trained me to handle weapons to be able to defend myself and give me a class card deck, Saber (Siegfried), Archer (Gilgamesh), Lancer (Cú Chulainn (proto)), Rider (Sakamoto Ryōma), Caster (Medea), Assassin (Emiya), Berserker (Lancelot)

My second passion after magic are mangas, animation, and video games every time Grandpa goes to another dimension I ask him if he can bring me back games from the worlds he visits and my favorite title is the anime Fate/Stay Night and after seeing all the episodes of the Fate series I came to believe in the theory of multiverse, I like cooking and treasure hunting.

// 2 years later //

One day, Grandpa came back with a group of girls, a girl with red hair and pink eyes, another with silver hair and purple eyes, a young woman with white hair, slim physique, tanned skin and golden green eyes, and a sexy woman with long black hair, red glasses, a single earring on her left ear and a mole under her left eye.

"Grandpa guests? "I ask the old man

"No, my dear grandson, from now on these girls are part of your family because I think you are a little lonely when you are at home, I let you get to know each other and if you are looking for condoms they are in the drawer of the coffee table in your room, bye" he said to me aloud laughing

"What are you talking about, you perverted old man?" I answer him with a scream of "Seriously."

I turn around to find these three looking me in the eye, all red, that's when I received Four Sisters, the eldest is called Chisato, then Zest, then the Mio and finally Maria and I even gave them my last name Akatsuki

When I have no experience to do, I go on a mission, I became an executor of the "clock tower" thanks to my statue I have more freedom but I am closely watched by these old croutons, or I spend my time with my sisters

We can say what I learned from the anime Fate, it helped me a lot to improve my magic mainly Reinforcement and Alteration but also to learn the projection version Trace but my Aria is "Forge On" to create but I keep the Aria "Trace On" to analyze I can recreate any weapons or armor that I have seen or/and whose composition and form and history I know.

Thanks to my understanding of Gilgamesh's Gate of Babylon I was able to create a Reality Marble similar to Unlimited Blade Works but much more stable than I renamed [ Sword Genesis World ] it takes me a lot of time and patience to succeed in creating it thanks to my alignment with the sword.

I was able to put all the treasures that Gilgamesh could put in his GoB when I showed this to Grandpa he had to tell himself that he raised a monster instead of an apprentice, even I am shocked to realize in 6 years the work of almost a lifetime.

// 4 years later, //

A few months ago the whole family moved to our mansion in Fuyuki because Grandpa wanted me to participate in the Holy Grail War the only instructions he left me are "do as you please", so I had to register at the Homurahara Academy where I met an old acquaintance in the hallway doing his job as an unofficial janitor" at the school

"Hi Shirou it's been a long time" I say with a smile

"Sorry, but who are you?" he said to me.

"Ten years ago, hospital" giving a clue to my old friends

"Hospital 10 years ago, don't tell me Zero," he points me in surprise.

"How are you, and your old man, how is he?" I ask him.

"Pops died five years ago, otherwise I'm fine."

"What to call your father without being indiscreet"

"Emiya Kiritsugu"

"You have the name Emiya so you know about it on the other side so," I ask him with a serious look

He nodded to confirm, so we made an appointment to meet him the next day because there is no school to prepare him for the war. After talking and making up for lost time, I come home when

When I feel a tingling sensation on the back of my right hand it is a dragon-shaped command spell like Sieg's

"Well, starting the "5th Holy Grail War" I announce by looking at the sky