
Error In The List.

Sawako glared disgusted at her useless unconscious cousin, Hayato. He was placed sloppily on his messy bed, sleeping over many manga, dvds, old homework, notebooks, and other trash. The young teen shook her head at how Hayato was living. She never spoke or went into his room for a long time and this was the condition it was in?

"Such a sh*tty nee-chan." Sawako mumbled as she pulled out a white phone that had the word "ten" on it. She placed a finger on her chin curious of what had happened before. "I felt . . . delayed when I was going to hit him" The orange haired girl thought back to when she was about to knock his lights out. It was like a strange power was restraining her from moving at all. "Could he be the new one? No, my sh*tty cousin? On one of the most power magical contracts in the world? Impossible! I must be out of it!" Sawako reasoned with herself as she slip her phone back into her red trench coat. Then the apartment doorbell rung, causing Sawako to rush out of Hayato's room. "Yuori-chan! What are you doing here?" Sawako questioned, surprised to see the girl waiting in the front of the apartment door.

Her name was Yuori Ehara, she was a freshman in college and was Sawako's only friend. Despite being the older one of the two, Yuori was so timid and soft-spoken people would have never guessed she was in college. She pushed her longish black hair out from her face. She had purplish-blue eyes, slight and feminine build. She wears a white and light green hooded jacket hiding the majority of her slight and feminine body. She wears fitted light blue jeans that shows the curvyness of her ass.

"Kobayashi-san--" Yuori was suddenly interrupted by a loud crashing sound. Sawako's smile had faded into a scowl. She cursed under her breathe as she pulled Yuori into the apartment. "Is - is it your brother, Adashi-san?" Yuori questioned; a bright blush appeared across her cheeks. Sawako turned to face her timid friend.

"Just sit on the couch here, Yuori." She sighed, rubbing her temples. Most people don't know about Sawako living with Hayato. And if hey do Hayato just tells them that their related so people don't get the 'wrong ideas.' Sawako never corrected Yuori when she called the two siblings, since Hayato didn't care and Sawako didn't want to explain her story. Before Sawako could even leave the living room, Hayato walked in. His nose had two bloodied cotton balls stuffed in. He had a bruise on he left side of his face and wasn't looking great overall.

"Adashi-san are you okay!?" Yuori questioned as she quickly ran up to him concerned. She sat him down on the couch and took note of his injuries. "Did someone in college hurt you?!" She asked causing Hayato to chuckle darkly. Besides Kihei, Yuori was the only other person around his age that talked to him. Hayato didn't consider them friends, but they did talk -- well mainly Yuori to some extent.

"I'm ok, Ehara-san." He answered blankly as he felt someone's burning glare against his neck. Hayato then felt someone strongly kick his back, the dark haired man suddenly was pushed towards Yuori. "What the --" He tried to yell but he ended up falling on top of the young black-haired woman.

"If you love each other so much, why don't you get married!" Sawako growled angrily as her hair covered her eyes. She then reached out something in her pocket and Yuori's eyes widen. Youri had a bright blush on her face but it immediately started to fade.

"Kobayashi-san! Please don't!" She cried causing Hayato to turn and face his cousin. She pulled out a white phone and aimed it towards Hayato. Before she could do anything drastic, a loud buzzing sound could be heard coming out from her phone. Two other loud sounds seem to be coming from not only from Hayato himself, but Yuori too. Huge bright red words flashed across Sawako's screen, reading: 'ERROR. CHRONICLE LIST MAGIC STORAGE HAS GONE OVER LIMIT. MEET AT XXX STATION IMMEDIATELY.'