
A God Named Oculus.

"Good afternoon, Adashi-san." Hayato finally looked up at who was talking to them and was surprised to see Mayura in front of him with a smile on her face. She looked around nervously waiting for Hayato to greet her back. The black haired man quickly realized his rudeness by not saying anything and then bowed.

"S-Sorry!" He apologized timidly. The young women tilter her head to the side confused by his actions. An awkward silence fell between them, since Hayato had little to no skills with communication especially with the opposite sex. Mayura pushed her one long strand of hair out of her face before she realized Hayato phone was right next to her shoe. Hayato couldn't help but be awkward since he was used to being hit or teases when someone even looked his way. It also didn't help that Mayura was one of the most cutest girls in college. Even is she was wearing a simple brown long sleeve shirt with a black pencil skirt and beige jacket, she was still so cute.

"Oh . . . !" She exclaimed as she bent down to pick up the white phone. She looked at it for a couple of minutes looking a bit surprised for a split second. Mayura giggled as she handed Hayato's phone, well it wasn't really his but no one else was around but him. Their hands lightly brushed against each other causing Hayato to suddenly see white.

"Ah!!" He yelped as he put a hand over his left eye. Flashes of monochrome images quickly entered and left his mind. All he really could remember seeing was Mayura with widen eyes and a bloodstained shirt. There was someone with long hair . . . and a knife . . . ? Whatever Hayato saw caused his head to pound loudly in his ears for a couple of seconds.

"Are you okay?!" Mayura asked worriedly as she reached out to touch Hayato but she stopped herself. Hayato looked at Mayura with a blush, nodding his head as a sign that he was okay. The brown haired girl sighed with relief but Hayato had a million thoughts running through his mind. "That's such a weird looking phone case, Adashi-san!" Mayura chuckled glancing at the device that was now in his cold hand. "Where'd you get a funny looking case like that?" The brown haired girl questioned getting close to Hayato.

"MAYURA!!" Her friend called as she held up the drunk blonde girl who was called Yuki. Hayato couldn't even answer Mayura's questioned. The brown haired young woman gasped as if she was just realizing where she was right now. Not only was she talking to a total loser in front of her friends but it looks like she was flirting with a total loser in front of her friends. She then looked at Hayato with a smile before turning back to her friends.

"Well, goodbye Adashi-san." Suddenly Hayato felt a vibration in his which made him jump with fear before he realized he was getting another message. His dark eyes went over to the screen to read what it said. The ID read 'Help Guide' which was different from the previous text.

'Hello, number 12! You are now on the Chronicle List, congrats! When you get the chance please text Oculus -- and what I mean by 'when you get the chance' I mean now!' Suddenly the phone vibrated again, this time someone else was texting him.

'You need to learn how to answer your phone better!!' The text read confusing Hayato even more. He then click on the green button with a text bubble symbol and was surprised to see over 50 messages from this one person. The white phone began to vibrate again.

'I am God Oculus and you are Hayato Adashi! Please read my texts closely! If you have any questions, you can text the support / fairy guide, Yui!'

So many questions were running through Hayato's mind that snowy cold night, but the one decision he made was to go home and take a nice warm bath. He couldn't stand being outside any longer.


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