
Chapter 29

The very next day Cassie had a doctor's appointment with her OB. As Cassidy was sitting in the waiting room Max showed up and sat down beside her. So Cassidy are you ready to see our babies today Max it asked yes Max I am so excited to see her babies and hear their little heartbeats today. At that moment the doctor called him out and called them back. Cassidy if you would like to lay on the table and pull your shirt up we will get started with the ultrasound and then we'll go from there. Cassidy got up on the table and she lifted her shirt up just above her bump. The nurse placed some gel on her belly and started moving the wand around. Up on the screen the picture of their two babies popped up and with one turn of a little knob on the monitor they could hear their baby's heartbeat. okay Max and Cassidy would you like to know what you're having Cassidy looked at Max and then they both like that the nurse and in unison they both said yes please.

Well this little peanut right here will call Baby a who is a boy. At the sound of having a little boy Max's face lit up. As the nurse moved the wand over to BBB she got a big smile on her face and looked up at Cassidy. well Cassidy it seems like baby be is going to be a girl. with the sound of having a girl Max's face went from pink to White. Max what is wrong Cassidy asked. well if you must know Cassidy if our little girl turns out like you then I want to be beating boys off of Front Porch as soon as she becomes a teenager. Cassie just started laughing.

The doctor told her and Max that she needed to start taking it as easy as possible. So today she was going to sit at home and surf the Internet and get started on the thing she needs for the nursery. As she was looking at cramps her phone ring. She finally stopped checking her caller ID two weeks ago so she answered without looking. Hello hello to you too honey. It was Max calling from work. Hey babe how's work going. It's going good I was just calling to make sure you were taking it easy like the doctor said for you to and to see if there is anything I can get you on my way home. Yes I am taking it easy Max I am on the couch looking at Baby things and you can bring me home some ice cream and a dill pickle Cassidy replied. I'm sure I can but that is one weird craving but I'll get it on my way home Max said. with that Max hung up the phone and headed out the door.

At home Cassie realized that it had been a while since she and Max had been intimate so she called her doctor to make sure it was okay and once she got his approval she said her plan in action. Max walked into the front door inside the bag of food by the door. He thought he was in the wrong house. There were flower petals leading upstairs and candles lit everywhere. Besides the stairs on the stand was a note for him that said to grab the apple cider out of the fridge and come upstairs.

He did exactly what the note said and followed the pedals upstairs to the bedroom. As he opened the door he saw Cassidy lying on the bed and her black teddy. She looks so sexy laying there waiting for him. He said the bottle on the dresser and started stripping his clothes off as he made his way to the bed. As he was about to get into the best his cell phone rang and the song of his security was playing.