
Chapter 28

Max I don't know who it is calling Cassidy said before handing her phone to Max. Max answered it. Hello who is this Max asked? Come on Max you mean to tell me you don't recognize my voice Nick said. What do you want Nick Max asked. As he glanced up at Cassidy. I was just wondering if you two like my wedding present? It was all Max could do to keep his temper under control. Oh you mean blowing up my house and Cassidy getting hurt in the process. While Max was on the phone with Nick, Cassidy was on max's phone with a detective and told him what was going on.

The detective told Cassidy that they had a tap on her phone and we're at that very moment trying to trace nicks whereabouts but he was using a disposable phone which is untraceable but they will continue to monitor at her incoming calls. Casidy thanked him then hung up the phone. As Cassidy and ended the call with the detective Max hung up the phone from Nick. What did the detective say Max asked. He said that Nick was using a disposable phone that is untraceable but they would continue to monitor all calls that came into my phone Cassidy reply. Are you ladies ready to leave Max ask? We sure are, reply from cast and Sylvia. All three got into the car and headed home. An hour later they were driving up the street toward the house when Max's phone rang. Hello this is Max. Hey Max it's Pete I was calling to let you know we are all set for when you get here. That's good said max because we are right down the road from the house and should be there in less than a minute so I will talk to you when we get there. As they pulled up to the house cast do you notice the black SUV parked outside the gate before she could ask what was going on Mac stop the car at the gate and got out.

Cassidy and Sylvia looked at each other and Shrugged their shoulders. Max got back into the car and they drove through the gate and into the garage. Max sent the women into the house while he and loaded the car and brought the luggage into the house. 3 Days Later Max was in his study on cassidy came in and sat on the sofa. Max I have been meaning to ask you why those guys are always out front of the house Cassidy asked question mark sweetheart those guys are out there for your protection. After what Nick did I wasn't going to take a risk of him hurting you again Max said. Max got up from his desk and walked over to the sofa and sat down beside her and pulled her into his arms and just held her for a while.

Sylvia mentioned that she is going to be heading home at the end of the week, Cassidy informed Max. Why is she wanting to leave so soon I thought she would want to stay longer? She wants to get back because she misses her babies and she is missing her nightly card game with the girls so I told her we would take her home when she was ready to go. Okay sweetheart we can do that Max replied.

For the next 5 months Cassidy felt like she was in heaven. Her babies were healthy and growing. She had the only man she felt she could be herself with and was madly in love with him. She had never felt better plus Nick hadn't called in 5 months so she reckon that he got the message that she was done playing his silly little games. Can I see was now in her second trimester so her risk of miscarriage was low so she decided it was time to start thinking about the nursery.