
The inevitable 4

I and my dad finished our dinner in no time. Dad sat back on the sofa while I cleaned the dinning and the dishes. I placed my mother's meal in the refrigerator. When I was done with the cleaning, I told my dad that I will be heading to my room because I needed to do my assignment and also rest on time. I got back to my room and close the windows as I was feeling a bit cold. I noticed the downpour have become heavier. I sat down on my bed as I begin doing my assignment. I finished my assignment and looked at the time, it was 7:43pm and my mother was not back. It has been raining for about two hours, still the rain keeps getting heavier and no sign of stopping. I laid down on my bed with my face to the ceiling. My mother's retreating back flashed on my mind. I picked up my phone to call her only to find out that I had a flat battery. "F**k" I cursed. I plugged my phone and lay back on my bed. Shortly after, I drifted to sleep...

"What's happening" I asked looking around as I saw my Father and mother's relatives sitting in our living. My grandmother was crying while my father was just sitting with an heartbroken expression. I saw a coffin at the center of the house... Out of curiosity, I opened it...

"Nooo" I screamed.

I woke up sweating despite the cold weather. I was panting heavily for air. Had this stupid dream for the second time. I look up at my wall clock it was 2:15am. I felt thirsty and got up to go get water. The hall light were still on and I was wondering if my Dad or Mom was still up. I got to the living room and met the TV on, looked around but no one was there. I took the remote and up off the TV. Went to the kitchen and got a glass of water. The rain has stopped by now but it was still cold. I walked over to my parents bedroom, knocked on the door twice but there was no respond. I assumed there were sleeping. I went back to the living room and sat on the couch. I sat there for a while before dozing off.

Rebecca's (POV)

I took the receiver from my daughter and placed it on my ear. "Yes, this is Mrs Rebecca Michael" I told the caller.

"Mam, the painting brush you requested for is now available and packed for pickup" the caller told me

"Okay, I will come pick it right away" I dropped the call and walked over to my husband and daughter who were eating quietly and announce to them that I will rush over to the store. I didn't tell then what I was going to get. I took my car keys and rushed out of the house. It has started raining and I felt the cold air rush in as I open the front door. I walked over the my car, got in and start the car. I warmed it up a little before driving out. With the free road, it shouldn't take up to twenty minutes before getting to the store. The rain keeps getting heavier every passing second and seeing the road ahead is becoming more difficult since is dark already. After twenty three minutes of driving, I arrived as the store. Got the packed parcel containing the brush I requested for and head back home. I turn on the car radio as the silent in the car freaks me out. A program was just about ending but I still could hear a word or two of what the host was saying. It's 7:45pm and the rain shows no sign of stopping.

My mind drifted to how Christiana looked worried when I told her about how I was feeling. A smile spread across my face. 'Silly girl, you don't have to be worried, I'm sure you will find out soon that I skipped work because of you' I thought to myself. I was so engross in my thought that I totally forgot about the road diversion ahead of me and didn't see the truck coming my direction. I tried turn the car from that lane but it was already too late as I felt my car tumbled and what I noticed next was that I was falling into dark void.