
Jesus Is Coming Soon!

For believers, there is no greater joy or hope in waiting for the soon coming of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the Son of God. Whether we believe in the Rapture, or that we have to go through the Tribulation Period, it doesn't change the fact that the same hope resides within us. I am writing today to share with you this same hope. Some of you will certainly be surprised to see me writing a book like this considering my other style of writing. The thing is that I am first, and foremost a Christian. Writing those other books was a form of escapism for me for a long time, however, the content of my stories went against my beliefs and it became harder and harder for me to even write. One of the topics that I wish to discuss with you is the identity of the Antichrist. Now, this has been a topic of debate for many ages. There are people convinced that he is a president, or some politician or a noble of some kind in today's society. However, I am here today to give you a different answer. On August 14, 2017 the Holy Spirit spoke to me and reminded of the story of Cain and Abel and how Cain slew Abel and God marked him with a curse mark and to be a restless wanderer on the Earth and out of God's sight. Then the Holy Spirit dropped a bomb on me. He told me that the identity of the Antichrist is none other than Cain and that The Mark of The Beast and The Mark of Cain are one and the same. This blew my mind for the last few years and I have barely been coping with it since. As if that weren't enough, the Revelation 12 Sign appeared on the Earth a month later and God me hyped up thinking that this was it. However, here we are still here 3 years later. Does that mean that Jesus isn't coming soon? No! In fact, the time now is so near that isn't even funny. How many of you have heard of ID2020? How about Agenda 2030? No? Yes? Either way, it is my belief that the ID2020 is the Mark of the Beast, and that Cain is about to appear on the world scene as the false messiah. Is the identity of the Antichrist important to your salvation? Of course not. Above all else, the one and only important thing is that you turn to Jesus if you haven't already. You don't need to pray aloud, nor does anyone need to know that you have done it. Keep it between you, God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. Anyway, that is all for this chapter. If you have questions, please feel free to ask and I will answer them if I am able to. Thanks everyone, and God bless you in the name of Jesus Christ!

Jesus is Lord, and is coming so soon that it isn't even funny. Prepare the way for the Lord!

Lord_Vancheltzcreators' thoughts