

Will your father's sword choose you? The War of Three Brothers, which took place ten years ago, changed the unknown fate of Rhivenia. The Sword chose Prince Charles to rule; however, his brothers dared to go against its choice. Prince Charles gained victory over his brothers, who were the victims of their greed. Executing all the traitors, he strengthened his reign and became the rightful king of three kingdoms. He's been living a peaceful life with his two wives and four children until an unexpected enemy shows up.

AARON_Amah · Fantasie
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21 Chs


"My beautiful children, together again." Your mother leans against the wall, smiling gently. Her smile grows when her gaze finds you. "I'm proud of you, little one. You're slowly showing them how strong and wise you are."

"Is it true that we're celebrating tomorrow?" Freya asks excitedly.

"Of course," your mother says, walking into the chamber. She sits between you and Freya. "Our allies will visit to celebrate with us. It's a good opportunity to create a bond with them and strengthen our alliance." "I'm scared," Freya admits. "Gerard said when allies gather together, it means the war is closer than ever. I'm not ready yet."

"Our enemy doesn't intimidate me anymore," Atheris comments. "He didn't attack when we were poisoned. So I think we will be able to make peace."

Your mother shakes her head. "You can never stop a vengeful man with peace. No matter how merciful he is, he will never stop until he avenges his father and mother."

"I'm trying to be hopeful," Atheris says, annoyed. "You don't have to try to prove me wrong every single time."

Alvena gazes at her daughter silently. Their relationship is still unfixed, you realize.

"You were right, Atheris," Alvena says after a while. Atheris frowns and turns to your mother. "It wasn't a marriage of love. Your father married me only for the alliance. He never loved me. I lied to you, Isabelle, Richard and, most importantly, myself."

"At least you accept the truth now," Atheris says, smiling slightly. Your mother returns the smile and nods her head. "Now, go to your chambers and rest," your mother says, standing up from the bed. "All of us deserve it."

"Sleep well, little brother." Freya smiles before leaving with your mother.

Atheris lazily rises to her feet, sighing. She gives you a comforting smile before following your sister and mother. You close your eyes and slowly let yourself sleep. Tomorrow will be a new day. From now on, people will expect a lot from you.

You have to choose your path. What kind of leader will you be for them?


You wake up to waves of laughter. For a moment, you question if you're really awake or if it's a dream because it's been years since you've woken up to a happy day. Then you remember: it's the celebration day. All of your allies will attend the event.

You leave your chamber and walk through the corridor. Servants run past you with so much excitement that they don't even notice your presence. This is what your people truly need, you realize. They wish to acknowledge every single victory, no matter how small. It encourages them.

Well, maybe this will calm your people for a while. Servants are decorating the great hall carefully. It used to be full of worried people yesterday. Now, it's decorated for the celebration. Even if it's not a real victory, it still makes you feel better.

The worst could've happened. Pirates could have attacked your men, or Erwan could have changed his mind. Luckily, none of that happened.

"I think the green curtains don't fit well," Freya says to the servants. "Perhaps try white?"

The servants are quick to follow her orders. Freya doesn't like commanding people, but she becomes excited when it comes to organising huge events.

Your mother is conversing with handmaidens on the other side while Atheris eats fruits from the table. Unlike the others, your sister doesn't seem very excited. She's never cared about events and parties.

"Little one!" Your mother notices you. She dismisses the handmaidens and walks towards you, smiling. "Are you ready to celebrate our victory "I am." You nod. "We deserve this."

"Your speech was good yesterday," she says. "You see, little one? You're earning their admiration. Just tell them what they want to hear. In the end, you have the power to do as you wish anyway."

"Lady Alvena," a handmaiden calls for your mother. "Where shall we put the table?"

"I'm coming," your mother shouts. She places a kiss on your forehead. "They can't do anything without me."

You watch her stride towards the handmaidens.

You move to the kitchen. Everyone is focused on preparing a meal for the guests. Even if they are nervous, there's still a smile on their faces. The war is not over, but even the slightest victory is enough to cheer them up.

"Your Grace." Jarean notices you. He puts a cup on the table and walks to your side. "I've sent a letter to Erza. She will attend the event too."

"How's your mother?" you ask him. It's been a while since he's mentioned her. Is she still alive?

"She's alive and well." Jarean smiles. "She can't celebrate with us, unfortunately, but she feels much better."

"Have you finished making drinks?" You eye the cup he put on the table.

"I wanted to make all the drinks, but Larne didn't let me," he complains to you. "He insisted that I shouldn't make all of them since they will taste the same. Well, he's the head of the kitchen."

"I want you to make all the drinks." You speak loudly enough for everyone to hear. "If Larne tries to stop you, tell him that you're the head of the kitchen from now."

Everyone pauses to look at you. Larne opens his mouth to argue but quickly changes his mind. He lowers his head in shame, sighing.

"Truly?" Jarean can't believe it. "Am I the head of the kitchen now?"

"Yes, you are," you confirm, smiling at his excitement.

"You won't be disappointed." Jarean grins and returns to work. On your way outside, you come face to face with Lady Isabelle. She pauses in front of you, watching you with different emotions in her eyes. Her hatred for you is evident.

"Your mother is a lucky woman," she begins. "Her children always survive. But my…my babe. She killed my babe."

"What are you saying?" You take a step closer.

"Your mother poisoned me while I was pregnant," she explains. "She thought Charles would love me less if I was infertile. Her plan didn't work. Your father grew to hate your mother. He loved me and hated Alvena. You feel angry. Your mother is the reason why your father never loved you and your sisters. Did she have to do that? She couldn't even earn her husband's love. She only made him hate her.

"So, do not blame me for wishing for your failure," she continues. "You're her favourite child, and I want you to fail. I want her to receive the punishment she deserves. "Be careful, Lady Isabelle," you warn her. "I could have your head for threatening me."

"You think executing me is a punishment?" She smiles sadly. "You would reward me."

She refuses to continue the conversation. She walks past you, making her way to her chamber

"Your Grace."

Daemir and Revna approach you as Isabelle leaves. Neither of them is dressed for the event. Do they intend to leave before the celebration?

"Are you leaving now?" you ask them.

"Not both of us," Daemir replies. "If House Everan is left without a leader for too long, our people may grow concerned. So, we've decided that one of us will stay with you while the other will protect our house."

"So, who will stay?" You look between Daemir and Revna. "Have you decided, or shall I?"

"You're the king." Revna shrugs. "You decide

"Revna, you stay," you make the decision. "You shall return home and lead your people, Daemir."

"I will return to Whistlerock in an hour," Daemir says. "Send us a letter if you need our help."

"I will." You nod.

"We should prepare." Daemir clears his throat. "Revna, you will represent House Everan in the event. Don't try to—"

"I will behave." Revna waves her hand dismissively. Daemir nods. With a last glance he throws at you, he walks away.

"I will see you in the event, Your Grace." Revna grins before following Daemir. You make your way outside. Every spot reminds you of last night. So many people died or lost their loved ones on this ground.

"It's your first victory." Sir Arnold walks towards you. "How does it feel?" "I feel hopeful now," you reply. "I don't know how many plans they have, but at least one of them has failed."

"Exactly." Sir Arnold smiles. "This is our victory, and we deserve to celebrate it." You remember Matteo. He's probably with Richard now. He has a good friendship with Sir Arnold. Now the knight has no idea that Matteo killed his king and you forgave him. It's not the right time to tell everything about it.

"What do you think about a man who kills a woman's husband because he's in love with her?" you ask him. Sir Arnold furrows his brows and looks at you as if you've asked him the weirdest question he's ever heard. Perhaps it is.

"Did the woman love her husband?" He lifts a brow.

You take a moment to think before answering, "Yes, she did."

"Some people don't understand the difference between love and obsession," he says. "Love is what you do for their happiness. Obsession is the things you do to own them. What that man has is an obsession. He wants to have that woman, so he kills the man she loves."

He turns to study your face. "I hope what you and Clara have is love, not an obsession."

"We love each other," you tell him. "She confessed her feelings to me."

"I hope it will not ruin your relationship with Richard," the knight sighs. "Because from what I've seen, he loves her."

"Sir Arnold," Sir Locke calls for your mentor. "Where are you?"

"I should join the other knights," Sir Arnold says. "Be ready, Amah. You will face your allies today."

"Amah!" Leia rushes to your side. "I like events! Will there be many people?"

"Yes." You nod. "All of our allies will be here to celebrate."

"I can't wait to meet them!" Leia giggles. "I will be in the garden until they arrive!"

"Alright." You smile. You watch her run towards the garden.


Clara caresses Zeus's nose, smiling. The last time she was in this barn, she was confused about her feelings. But now, she's sure. She knows what she wants.

"Clara." Richard enters the barn. Clara's smile fades. It's odd because she used to feel comfortable around him.

"Richard." Clara turns around to face him. She's surprised by her own confidence. "What do you need?"

"I…" Richard licks his lips. "You know I won't marry Eda, right?"

"You told me," Clara responds. She wants him to finish what he wishes to say.

"I just want to say." Richard pauses. It's so difficult for him, especially when he already knows how she will react. But he needs to tell her. "I just want to say that I love you. I always have, ever since we were little children."

Clara sighs. "I know."

"And?" The prince bends his neck to the side a little.

"You're a great friend, Richard," Clara begins. "You're a good man, and I'm glad I met you, but I don't love you that way. I don't return your feelings."

"Because you love Amah." Richard swallows the lump in his throat.

"I do." Clara smiles. "I love Amah."

"I understand," Richard says, his voice quivering. "I knew he would take you from me someday."


"I don't want to hear anything from you." He leaves the barn quickly, not wanting her to see his tears.

Clara's heart breaks for Richard, but he had to stop dreaming of something that would never be realized. Richard deserves someone who can love him back.

It's not Clara

"Keep your chin high and posture straight," Atheris says as you gather in front of the gates, waiting for the guests. "Don't let them belittle you for your young age. Well, I don't know much they can belittle you since you're as tall as the castle."

"Let us not talk about heights." Freya smiles sheepishly.

"Be grateful." Atheris grins. "You could've been like Clara. I swear she can be invisible sometimes."

"Did someone mention my name?"

"I did," Atheris says as Clara approaches you. "We were talking about heights."

"You bully me because of my height now?" Clara chuckles. It seems their relationship is not hostile anymore.

"Why are you happy?" Atheris narrows her eyes at her.

"Nothing." Clara glances at you, failing to hide her smile. Atheris frowns in confusion, looking between you and her.

"You are together?" Freya fails to hide her surprise. You nod.

"Oh," Atheris whispers, looking Clara up and down. There's no anger in her eyes: just curiosity and a slight bit of annoyance. "Be ready," Sir Arnold says as the sound of horses walking interrupts your conversation. You gather with your family to greet the allies.

Clara gives you a gentle smile before joining the others. Since she's not a part of the royal family yet, she's not allowed to stand with you. The guests pour into the castle through the gates. You stand where your father used to stand when he greeted his guests. You keep your chin high.

Your mother, sisters, and half-brother stand behind you. Lady Isabelle stays a little apart from everyone.

Revna stands close to you, as she's representing House Everan.

Maranians used to enter the castle first. Now, there's no sign of them. They are no longer your allies since you've refused to marry Richard off.

You glance at Richard. He keeps his head low and doesn't meet your gaze.

More rulers of ally kingdoms show themselves. You're glad they remain loyal to your father. They stand by your side without question.

You stare at the gates. A part of you is worried that Queen Lena has changed her mind. She didn't seem to like you. A good offer from Erwan could make her change sides.

But it doesn't happen.

Queen Lena rides inside the castle with Asinean soldiers by her side. You can feel everyone sighing in relief.

Beside her, Xavier is riding his horse proudly. He left the kingdom as a prisoner and returned as an ally. You take a moment to look around. Your family, people, and allies are gathered to support your leadership and unite for the future. The last time they saw you, you were nothing but a fourth-born heir who wasn't admired by any. They didn't expect you to become anyone important in the future.

Now you stand before them as the king of Three Kingdoms.

"Shall we begin?"