
Choosing the impossible difficulty.

Lux, just an average guy living a normal life who wants something to happen just like everyone else. Until it actually does. God tells humanity that their world will be destroyed and they will all be moving to different realities. But first they will have to adapt to the possibilities of powers and monsters existing. What will happen when Lux picks the hardest difficulty and has to try and fight for his survival. I would appreciate it if readers would leave reviews, add this to their reading lists and vote for it. Recommend it to your friends to increase my readers. If you do then it means more people can read it. Also, I have another novel called, Tortured Before The Apocalypse which I will also be writing at the same time as this current one so please check that one out as well.

L_6 · Fantasie
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52 Chs

Wrathful Demon

After Petra located the being in possession of the Sin Of Wrath, she told Lux that it was in a dimension that was located directly below all of the other ones.

"What do you mean by below?"

"I believe that it is some sort of Hell which is spoken about in legends. It is said that all Demons and Monsters originate from there and it is where the strongest evil beings reside."

"Whatever happens I will kill the enemy so do not worry."

Lux opened a dimensional portal and him and Petra walked through it. On the other side was just pure flames and monsters roaming everywhere. As soon as he noticed this, he pushed Petra back through the portal ,as she would have burnt to death, and sent Jörmungandr to protect her.

"That was close, I hope I am close to the one who owns the Sin Of Wrath though because I do not have Petra to help me find them."

He looked around and saw a huge red Demon crushing buildings and other Demons and monsters. The more things it destroyed, the angrier, more powerful, and larger the Demon got.

"I think I have found my target. I am going to analyse him from a distance."

Name: Neilos Glaucus

Age: 4568

Class: Wrath Lord

Species: High Demon

Title: {Sin Of Wrath}


[Sin Of Wrath] (Impossible) lvl.10. (Full Mastery) While activated, the more beings the user kills and the more things they destroy, the angrier and more powerful the user will become. The user's stats will all continually increase along with the user's size in return for not being able to properly control themselves. When the skill is deactivated, the user's stats and size will return to their original forms.

[Liquification] (Impossible) lvl.10. User has the ability to turn their entire body or just specific body parts into liquid. The user can still move and think while in this state and the user's body can be swapped between solid and liquid quickly. While liquified, the user can either become completely formless or stay in their original form but stay a liquid at the same time.

[Pain Splitting] (Legendary) lvl.10. When activated, enemies that attack the user will feel half of the pain that the user does which also halves the user's pain. Although this does not negate the damage, it will mean enemies are unable to fight due to the pain they are feeling even if they are not damaged.

[Organ Rearrangement] (Legendary) lvl.10. User can manipulate the location of their organs to make sure attacks do not hit vital places to minimise damage. This skill can also slightly change the position of other people's organs, this can not kill them but can allow an accurate attack on a specific organ.

[Fists Of Destruction] (Legendary) lvl.10. When activated, the user's fists become more powerful against buildings and enemies. The more times the user punches things while this skill is activated, the more damage the attacks will do. Can be used at the same time as [Sin Of Wrath].

[Feet Of Destruction] (Legendary) lvl.10. When activated, the user's feet become more powerful against buildings and enemies. The more times the user punches things while this skill is activated, the more damage the attacks will do. Can be used at the same time as [Sin Of Wrath].

[Spinning Fists] (Legendary) lvl.10. When activated, the user's fists will spin at a rapid speed and increase damage and piercing power. Can be used at the same time as [Sin Of Wrath] and [Fists Of Destruction].

[Spinning Feet] (Legendary) lvl.10. When activated, the user's feet will spin at a rapid speed and increase damage and piercing power. Can be used at the same time as [Sin Of Wrath] and [Feet Of Destruction].

[Explosive Fists] (Legendary) lvl.10. When activated, all attacks from the user's fists cause explosions of different sizes depending on the force put into the attack. Can be used at the same time as [Sin Of Wrath], [Fists Of Destruction] and [Spinning Fists].

[Explosive Feet] (Legendary) lvl.10. When activated, all attacks from the user's feet cause explosions of different sizes depending on the force put into the attack. Can be used at the same time as [Sin Of Wrath], [Feet Of Destruction] and [Spinning Feet].


Strength: 2,000,000,000 *+1,000,000,000* [Sin Of Wrath]

Speed: 2,000,000,000 *+1,000,000,000* [Sin Of Wrath]

Defense: 2,000,000,000 *+1,000,000,000* [Sin Of Wrath]

Dexterity: 2,000,000,000 *+1,000,000,000* [Sin Of Wrath]

Endurance: 2,000,000,000 *+1,000,000,000* [Sin Of Wrath]

Vitality: 2,000,000,000 *+1,000,000,000* [Sin Of Wrath]

Magic: 2,000,000,000 *+1,000,000,000* [Sin Of Wrath]

Charisma: 2,000,000,000 *+1,000,000,000* [Sin Of Wrath]

"Strongest one so far. Time to take him out then."

Lux walked over to the enemy and called out to him. However, he did not seem to notice Lux and kept smashing everything around him. He called out again but the same thing happened.

"Well, I may as well try out my [Ultimate Musician] skill of he can not hear me normally."

Lux used his skill to create a bass guitar, huge speakers. He turned the sound on the speakers up to the max and used the guitar to play the guitar solo from 'Free Bird' (If you do not know then search it up) which got the attention of the monster and directed it's attention towards Lux.

As it ran towards him, the monster was clearly in distress, this was due to Lux making it so that the music would explode it's head. As it started to get closer to him, the monster fell over and it's brain burst out from the top of it's skull.

A red light came out of the dead body and floated into Lux's body.

Skill [Sin Of Wrath] (Impossible) lvl.10. (Full Mastery) has been obtained.

Skill [Sin Of Envy] used on Neilos Glaucus.

Skill [Liquification] (Impossible) lvl.10. (Full Mastery) has been stolen.

Title {Sin Of Wrath} has been obtained. Title will allow user to use skill [Sin Of Wrath].

Lux checked his status.

Name: Lux Tenebris

Age: ∞

Class: Inheritor of Deception

Species: Half God Half Jötunn

Title: {Sin Of Envy}, {Sin Of Sloth}, {Sin Of Pride}, {Sin Of Greed}, {Sin Of Lust}, {Sin Of Wrath}


[Infinite Regeneration] (Impossible) lvl.10 (Full Mastery)

[Matter creation] (Impossible) lvl.10 (Full Mastery)

[Teleportation] (Impossible) lvl.10 (Full Mastery)

[Shapeshifting] (Impossible) lvl.10 (Full Mastery)

[Activate Lævateinn Set] (Impossible) lvl.10 (Full Mastery)

[Ultimate Psychokinesis] (Impossible) lvl.10 (Full Mastery)

[Life Drain] (Impossible) lvl.10 (Full Mastery)

[Absolute Order] (Impossible) lvl.10 (Full Mastery)

[Elemental Mastery] (Impossible) lvl.10 (Full Mastery)

[Charm] (Impossible) lvl.10 (Full Mastery)

[Possession] (Impossible) lvl.10 (Full Mastery)

[Self Multiplication] (Impossible) lvl.10 (Full Mastery)

[Full Control] (Impossible) lvl.10 (Full Mastery)

[Godly Body] (Impossible) lvl.10 (Full Mastery)

[Ultimate Analysis] (Impossible) lvl.10 (Full Mastery)

[Dimension Warping] (Impossible) lvl.10 (Full Mastery)

[Wither] (Impossible) lvl.10 (Full Mastery)

[Ultimate Musician] (Impossible) lvl.10. (Full Mastery)

[Ultimate Pain Immunity] (Impossible) lvl.10. (Full Mastery)

[Like Night And Day] (Impossible) lvl.10. (Full Mastery)

[Liquification] (Impossible) lvl.10. (Full Mastery)

[Sin Of Wrath] (Impossible) lvl.10. (Full Mastery)

[Sin Of Sloth] (Impossible) lvl.10 (Full Mastery)

[Sin Of Envy] (Impossible) lvl.10 (Full Mastery)

[Sin Of Pride] (Impossible) lvl.10. (Full Mastery)

[Sin Of Greed] (Impossible) lvl.10. (Full Mastery)

[Sin Of Lust] ](Impossible) lvl.10. (Full Mastery)


Strength: 5,000,000,000

Speed: 5,000,000,000

Defense: 5,000,000,000

Dexterity: 5,000,000,000

Endurance: 5,000,000,000

Vitality: 5,000,000,000

Magic: 5,000,000,000

Charisma: 5,000,000,000

He teleported back to Petra as he knew where she was and got ready to fight the last sin, The Sin Of Gluttony.