
My world stops with you

I sit down with Ross he looks up at me expectantly. He shows me the work he has done already and I look over it smiling

Jay has joined Jane in the chair. She's on his lap, his arms are around her, he gently kisses her occasionally, I see each kiss and wonder what his lips would feel like on my body. He eyes me when I look up from the reading and I look away from them.

"Hey you know we're almost there with this, if you want me to just type it, I'll have it done by next lecture" Ross says to me.

"Here let me start" I say taking the laptop from him.

I place it on the coffee table. I unzip my boots and fold my legs on the sofa so I can sit more comfortably.

The Chinese arrives and I carry on typing. I instruct Ross to eat, he tries to argue but I win.

I focus on the laptop. When I've done half I get my phone out of my bag to check on Matty, I send off a quick message.

"Love you be back soon". I type then I put it back in my handbag.

Ross hands me my food and I sit back and eat. I look at the TV, now she's got real housewives on. I can't relate to this. Each to their own I guess. I focus on another painting instead. Jay catches my eye smiling. He's still got her in his lap his hand resting just above her bum. I don't smile at him, I look down at my food.

"Tay you watch real housewives right?" She says.

"Actually no I don't" I admit

Ross strokes my arm, he's finished eating. He's sitting back arms around my shoulders one leg crossed over his knee.

"What?! What girl doesn't ?" She says and I feel insecure and not girly.

"What do you watch?" She insists.

"I watch films mostly. Stuff from different directors." I say counting again in my head. She makes me annoyed and I don't want to be rude to her.

"Ugh boring" she laughs.

I smile and consider that conversation done.

"You watch the soaps though ?" She continues.

I couldn't think of anything worse to do.

"No" I say and focus on Ross. He keeps me calm. I can't look at Jay he's kissing her ear.

"Right, weird" she says. Giggling at Jay and his constant stream of affection.

I lean back, onto Ross. He safely places the laptop on the side and smiles. He stretches his arms above his head and I can't help but to drink him in. His body and the way his shirt rides up next to me. He catches me and places his hand on my back smiling. One hand rubbing my arm. I lean into him and consider closing my eyes.

I look at Jane, in her jeans from earlier and a weird polo top thing. She's stroking his hair, and he's rubbing her hips. Occasionally he kisses her neck. She starts kissing him back. I can hear their lips kissing and I look up at Ross. He absentmindedly strokes my face.

"Right we're almost done here. I'll just save it and email it to you both" he says. He grabs the laptop.

"Thanks Ross" I say after he closes it down.

I zip my boots back up and put on my leather jacket.

"Thanks for the food" I say tidying up mine and Ross' stuff. Jay watches me from the chair, gauging my movements. Thankfully he does not follow me into the kitchen. I loathe him.

He's kissing her and touching her after just coming onto me in the kitchen. He might as well fuck her in front of us.

I head back out to the elevator I don't even go over to the sofas. Ross stands up. He shrugs on his leather jacket and carries the laptop out under his arm. He strolls over to me and presses the call button.

"Thanks Jay" he calls over his shoulder looking down at me into my eyes.

When we get in the elevator he stands in front of my body shielding me from them. I smile up at him, thankful. The doors close and I relax.

"That was awkward" I say.

"He's a dick" he laughs.

We're heading down face to face and his hand strokes my own. I rest my head in his chest briefly, I'm so tired. He lightly kisses my hair.

"Next time wanna be in a group with just us?" he laughs

"Definitely I do not need to see them practically fucking in a chair again" I laugh back.

"I think Jay wanted you to see that somehow" he says.

"I don't think I care" I say. He bends his head and brushes his lips against mine slowly. It's such a seductive kiss, his lips part ready for me too slip my tongue inside his mouth. I clear my throat looking away.

"I'm sorry my bad" he says moving my head lightly back to looking at him.

"Sometimes I look at you and I just forget" he says.

"Like I already consider you and I to be" he begins.

I bury my head against him. The door dings and opens and we head out to the car. I recline the chair and he starts up the engine. It roars to life and the heater comes on. I sigh ready for sleep.

"Sorry" he says

"That was heavy handed of me" he says.

"It's okay" I say smiling to reassure him.

"We got it finished, at least now we don't have to worry about working with him again" he smiles at me.

"I know, you mean you got it all finished. You're the best Ross" I tell him

"Thanks babe" he says and I turn to look at him.

"Ross you know I care for you don't you" I ask.

"Yeah, it's like through your body language and the way you are around me you're my girlfriend but technically you're not" he says

"Taylor it's so difficult because I fell for you the second I saw you, and I've wanted you since" he adds.

"You touch me and hold my hand, you make me feel secure and happy. You told me you loved me so many times after the accident and in the hospital" he says.

"You heard all of that?" I ask nervously.

"Yes I just couldn't speak. And I love you that much too. I would do anything Taylor" he says and glances at me.

He pulls over in the dark. Puts his hazards on so that nobody crashes into us.

He faces me.

"Okay" he breathes out.

"You have a lot going on, that's fine. You have lots of guys and even really Rach wanting to get with you all the time" he laughs. I blush remembering the party.

"I love you, have done since we met on the train. Since I saw you it's like my world changed, I'm only concerned by you, only moved by you, I want you in every way possible. And I don't know where you are with that or what position that puts you in but I mean it. My world stops for you" he says.

He looks through the window. I'm not good with words at all.

"Ross when I found you after the accident, I couldn't imagine that I would be in a world where you were not in it anymore. You were laying still on the road and I just never wanted to leave your side ever again. I was so worried and my emotions really came out" I tell him.

"It changed a lot for me too I had to admit how much I loved you to myself. And I'm still processing that." I say

"Can I kiss you" he asks and with him it always means something.

I lean into him and he kisses me slow, lips parting and moving over mine.

He pulls away slowly.

"I love you" he says.