

Following this insane rhythm Sam 's week was now over, tonight was finally the day of the finals. The song as well as the outfit were both ready, actually it was as he thought: after listening to Keith's production he realized it was perfect and he didn't need to ask him to change anything, he had sent it right away to the production team of the show and kept an a copy in a usb hard drive in his pocket just in case.

After a longer time thinking than actually arranging the outfit Rena had decided on an outfit. She chose a dark silver suit she had made on her free time with light silver classic shoes, the suit wasn't extraordinarily extravagant but the silver color would attract a lot of attention and made Sam shine even more, this time it wasn't a catwalk so he didn't have to make the outfit shine, it was the reverse, the outfit had to make him shine !

Today was finally the day, he spent the morning training for the song. He had already trained for 6 days but he didn't stop even on the last day, he had to shine as if he got first place today he would win 100 000€ and a lot of visibility, he YouTube channel's popularity would explode overnight.

In the afternoon he had to meet Rena in her school to get the hair color and make up done, she didn't want him to stay with that silver hair color as it would make him silver from bottom to top and it would probably be too much, she was switching back to his original black color and applying as usual just a light makeup to make him look better in front of the camera.




After tonight Sam's busy travel to Paris will finally be over, he was starting to get impatient, he spent a great time in Paris and met a good friend but he missed his home and his sister too much.

Finally the sun started setting in Paris. It made the beautiful city even more beautiful with that light red hue everywhere and the warm weather, the only issue was that people started leaving work and schools now so Sam was compressed in the metro. Amongst the people around him he realized a little boy kept staring at him non stop, after awhile the kid turned around to look at his mom and said

« Mama look the mister there, he was in « la France a un incroyable talent » last week ! »

His mom followed where his finger was pointing and said

« Don't point at people with your finger it's rude ! »

When she realized that Sam was also looking their way. The only thing was that the kid didn't talk softly so a lot of people around them looked in Sam's direction, he already had his hair dyed to black again by Rena but most of them could recognize him now that the kid made the link for them.

« Are you Sam ? I'm already a big fan of you ! What will you sing tonight ? »

« It's him ! I recognize him! Wow it's the first time I've met a celebrity ! »

Even though it was uncomfortable he still answered their questions with a smile

« Yes I am.

Thanks !

I'll sing an original song tonight, please vote for me ! »

The first time he had been confused but every time he went out this week he would be recognized by a person or two, sometimes he would see people staring at him but avoiding eye contact when he looked at them, they probably recognized him but were too shy to engage a conversation.

Finally after 20 minutes in the subway surrounded by people that asked him about everything, he was even asked if he had a girlfriend or a boyfriend. He reached the venue were the final round would be held, Rena had sent him a text to tell him that she was already inside and sitting in the audience, today the audience had to come 2 hours before the start of the show so they came at different times, he headed straight into the contestants waiting room.

After his identity was checked he got inside, this time the waiting room wasn't as big as usual and inside the relatively small room were already sitting 8 people, 3 « women » and 5 « men », most of them were younger than 20 so it was an exaggeration to call them men and women.

Since they were already 8 waiting inside it meant that Sam was second to last to arrive, those that had already arrived were separated from each other, each one was sitting in a corner alone and doing their own things, the tension in the air could be felt by touching it.

In the earlier round nobody knew who they would be against in the finals so they weren't as competitive as today but today they knew that for them to be champion they would have to beat the other 9 present today.

As usual Sam didn't care much about his competitors and went to find a place to sit while listening to a recording of him singing his original song: « Love me » that he would be singing today. He was totally confident that he was made into the most talented person here since he had gotten the system.

He was also confident in the feelings he had put into his first song and knew that lots of people must have had a similar experience as his with Sophia, or at least that they would identify with the song. That would help him gather more votes.

After a long awkward silence in the room the final contestant arrived and also found a place to sit. He was that Moussa Nelle that did a hip hop dance act on the previous round and was announced to be a finalist just before Sam, the show had actually started before the guy arrive and he would have been considered losing by forfeit. On the TV in the front of the room the judges were being shown while they were discussing, this was made to leave time to the production team to get everything ready, the show would officially start in the next minutes.

While they were all waiting a girl around 19 years old stood up, Sam knew her from sight as she was not too far from him during the finalists announcement. What he didn't expect was that she headed in his direction and stopped in front of him while showing his earphones.

« Can I help you with something ? »

He asked while taking them off, he didn't know this girl so he was confused at her reason for approaching him.

« You can't, I just came to tell you that today you'll be losing to me. I heard your singing and it's great but singing what other people wrote isn't enough to be amongst the best. »

He finally understood what she came for: she was just an arrogant person that wanted to boast.

« Haha you are right, I'll try writing on my own someday. »

He replied while starting to put back his earphones but she kept on going.

« I hope that you're singing alone will be enough to put a fight against me, I don't want to win too easily and the rest of the people here are nowhere near my level. »

He had guessed that she was an arrogant person but he didn't expect it to be this much, everybody in the room looked at her vehemently, she was way too arrogant but nobody spoke. Expect Sam that was too confident the rest of them wanted to analyze their concurrents's skills so they watched the show and knew really well that the two favorites today were Sam and that girl named Julie.

She was also a singer and she sang her original songs on both the previous round, her singing skills were on par with Sam so they felt like she would win if she sang and original and Sam a cover, of course that would give her more points in the audience and the judges's view.

« I'll win, you can't do anything against me with your level. »

Replied Sam, he didn't like being arrogant but he knew that in this world he was the only one that had the right to be. The system was his permission to be arrogant, since she didn't have a system why did she come and blasted in front of him ? It was only their first conversation but he disliked her already.

Im happy I’ve had my first review in awhile haha

Thanks William0306

Hahahshhscreators' thoughts