
Choices & EXes ~KOLAWOLE~

It was back in 2011; I had just gained admission into the university after having to wait a whole year at home just because of the wrong choices I made in my application form the previous year. I was pretty much eager to start cause I felt my classmates were already way ahead of me and true to form, they were.

It wasn't my first time on campus. Even before the exams and all, I was a regular, coming to pick up supply boxes and taking the proceeds from sales home to my mom every afternoon after school dismissal. I easily found my way to the admissions unit where I commenced my registration process.

I was the first to come from my department as a whole. Lol

While at it, this guy walked up to me and introduced himself as Buchi. He was the Course Rep of 200level class, Economics department. I was to be his junior colleague. He said he liked my spirit and composure and would like to introduce me to the course rep of 400level and also the economics department chairman also a 400level student. I wasn't in a hurry to go home so, yeah, let's go.

Their's was a short meeting. Just introductions to names and faces I'd never forget and a promise that I was going to be the course rep for my level. Izzy had an immediate fondness for me for something I must have said while Oaksman (the chairman) tried to give me the stink eye, but he was game. I'd be the course rep on one condition, KOLAWOLE would be the assistant course rep.

No issues senior man, I'll do just that.

I've not been one to shy away from politics and leadership positions, so I got to work immediately. Put up posters that read "All Year One Students of Economics Department Should Contact The Number Below". I pasted at the Admissions Unit, Bursary, Economics Block (EcoBlock), ETF 1&2 buildings and all the entrances to the University, that's all. Calls started coming in and in less than a week, I had over a hundred students registered in my log. But no KOLAWOLE.

By this time, I had already met a lot of interesting people, Sica, Jojo, Beans and Alma. Jojo was one of those pretty girls who already knew they were coming to school to look hot and she had the body and face needed for that. Dare I say she was the hottest in our department and was quite lively and cheery. She was hard not to be noticed and would always make subtle passes at me. I acknowledged the passes but yet allowed them to slide past.

Problem was, Jojo already had an orientation about being the course rep or assistant and the privileges, power and popularity that comes with it. She wanted it but it was a position already reserved for another.

A couple of weeks passed with me fixing timetables, lecture venues and identify with lecturers and school management as the Acting Course Rep of 100Level Economics Department (We were yet to have an actual election). On one of those occasions, I got a call from Oaksman asking that I come to the EcoBlock. I doubled up and on getting there, it was still the same old faces as the last time with addition of two new female faces. The first was plumped up and more sure of herself in the gathering, I soon learnt she was called Mama, as in The Mama of our department. The second lady, a bit girlish with slender body and a beautiful face, was introduced as Eni, ENI KOLAWOLE. I looked at her as per, finally. She gave a knowing smile and my heart melted.

••• To be continued•••