
Children of the Holy Emperor (Full)

Lee Seongjin, the strongest hunter who defeated the demon king. He possessed the body of the pig tr*sh Third Prince, the Holy Imperial Family’s shame. But the members of this family… there’s something strange about them? ‘Overpowered’ Holy Emperor. ‘Regressor’ First Princess. ‘Player’ First Prince. Lots of trouble and lots of words The story of the Holy Emperor and his children. . . [This novel does not belong to me; all rights belong to its author. I merely upload it, and translation credits go to: Blossom Translation] Original Author: 카페인나무s Official Page: https://page.kakao.com/content/58825221

Zeom · Fantasie
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185 Chs

Chapter 56

Upon turning 18, Masain graduated from the academy.

His initiation into aura took longer than most, leading to some struggles. Fortunately, he barely managed to succeed just before graduation, enabling him to pass the imperial knight selection exam.

Part of the reason for his late success was due to the Holy Emperors interference. Under the pretext of helping his nephew, the Holy Emperor had merely provided nebulous explanations for a while.

Before perceiving the aura, one must first understand the vast void of this world.

It is upon this void that intent stands, and thereafter the aura appears. This signifies that the aura goes where the mind wishes.

Its not about moving with the heart infused in the aura. If the intent materializes as a mental image, the aura will naturally follow.

There was a limit to such nonsensical explanations.

At one point, the usually calm Masain lost his temper.

Uncle, please never consider teaching anyone again!


The Holy Emperor looked noticeably dejected.

Luckily, he was eventually able to provide critical assistance to his nephews training. After much contemplation, he came up with the groundbreaking idea of letting the aura flow directly into Masains body, allowing him to understand its movement.

Surprisingly, this method was incredibly effective. It catapulted Masain to a level difficult for even those who had trained with the aura for years to reach.

Though his initiation was late, once he got the hang of the aura, his proficiency in its use skyrocketed. As his original sword skills were already excellent, he quickly became one of the top contenders among the new knights.

Dressed in the imperial guards uniform for the first time, Masain entered the Blue Rose Palace with a shy expression.

Wow! Brother! You really came to work here starting today?

Morres, running around the garden with a red cloth draped over him, rushed over when he spotted Masain.

The boy had stopped jumping from heights as before, but he had recently become obsessed with a red tapestry.

It was an old decorative cloth stored in a corner of the warehouse, depicting the battle between the first king and the demon race. It was an antique piece, though somewhat damaged and hideous now.

Morres had taken to wearing that tapestry like a cloak. He never took it off, not even during sleep, making it impossible for anyone to intervene or even wash it.

Queen Lizabeth was disgusted, but even her hysterics couldnt overcome the boys stubbornness.

Your Highness, Prince Morres.

When Masain greeted him formally, Morres looked puzzled.

Why are you speaking like that all of a sudden?

Since Ive become an official knight serving the imperial family, I want to remain conscious of my duties.


Morres tilted his head, finding the explanation a bit complex for his young age. However, assuming Masain would continue acting like a knight from now on, he accepted it and chuckled, clutching Masains sleeve.

So you wont be going to the academy anymore and will stay with us here?

Yes, thats correct.

While Morres beamed and clung to his arm, another child slowly emerged from within the Blue Coral Labyrinth.

Congratulations on your official appointment, brother.

It was 1st Prince Logan, who, despite not yet being six years old, already had a mature demeanor.

Thank you, Prince Logan.


Logan seemed momentarily taken aback by Masains response but soon gave a faint smile. Sometimes, due to his slightly droopy eyelashes, his smile seemed a tad sorrowful.

So well see you in the palace every day now?

As long as there are no official duties with the knight squadron, yes.

Thats great. Imperial Father will be delighted.

Logan smiled warmly, but his eyes widened upon spotting the unfamiliar sword hanging by Masains side.

A sword?

Ah. Masain glanced at his new sword and smiled awkwardly.

Its a gift from His Majesty. A bit extravagant for a graduation present.

On the day of his academy graduation, the Holy Emperor had sent Masain a sword through his chief chamberlain.

Though categorized as a long sword, it was longer and thicker than usual and slightly heavier. But it perfectly fit Masain, who was tall and sturdy. And the swords design felt familiar to him.

The new swords design, for some reason, reminded him of a well-known royal treasure.

The treasured sword, Mithtratis.

A sword of [Oath] handed down from crown prince to crown prince. 

The famed blade, which was said to remain sharp even after severing a thousand necks, was in the possession of the first Prince Cameron during the reign of the former Holy Emperor. Now, after his death, it is carefully stored back in the imperial warehouse.

Masain had seen that sword his father carried several times, and remembered it as a brilliant and gorgeous sword with delicate golden reliefs engraved on it.

This sword was somewhat similar in shape to the Mithratis. However, unlike the royal treasure sword, it had no particular decorations, and the guard and pommel were generally modest.

[T/N: Sword guard and pommel, is the hilt part of a sword]

Nevertheless, it looked quite luxurious with an overall subtle golden glow. Masain guessed it might be a practical sword made to imitate the excellent balance of the treasure sword.

However, Logan, who had been staring blankly at the sword, made a strange remark.

Seems like Imperial Father really cherishes you, brother.


Looking at Logan with a slightly cryptic smile, Masain blinked in confusion, not knowing what he meant.

Of course, if Masain knew what was happening in the Holy Emperors office now, he would never have comfortably carried that sword.

Why not just give him the Mithratis instead?!

The situation was explosive, with Archbishop Benitus clutching the back of his neck and Armand, the dean of the Theology Academy screaming as if having a fit.

The Holy Emperor responded with a slightly plump-looking face.

The Mithratis symbolizes targeting the Crown Prince. I have no intention of making the child who barely saved his life after becoming a Klanos a target again.

But even so! That doesnt mean!

And where would you use a sword so laden with decorations.

Then at least give him one of the other practical treasure swords!

Well, you should use good stuff if you have it. Theyre all going to wear out and break someday, its a waste not to use them before that.

At this, Dean Armand fell backward, foaming at the mouth, and Archbishop Benitus clutched his forehead and cried out in a scream-like voice.

Your Majesty! What do you think sacred artifacts are?!

Thats right.

The sword Masain received was the treasure sword Mithra, which could be said to be the origin of Mithratis. It was the Sword of [Oath] and at the same time, it was one of the few weapons recognized as a sacred artifact in the Holy Empire.

It was incomparable to the Mithratis in importance.

But even the Holy Emperor who graciously gave the treasure sword away, hadnt anticipated it at the time.

That his nephew would seal that sword in the warehouse before long, and would not pick it up for more than a decade afterward.

A decade later, the once awkward young knight became a dignified Knight Commander of the Imperial Guards. The current Masain was older than his uncle who had taken him from the gate fortress for the first time.

And now, he was standing, holding the sword he had admired since then.

The name of this sword is Nutcracker. Isnt it a name that suits its purpose perfectly?

Back then, he should have told his uncle how terrible his naming sense was.

Masain chuckled and held the slightly lighter and thinner handle compared to the sword he usually used.


As he injected aura into it, a sword cry that was slightly different from his own sword resonated softly. A clean and calm vibration, much like its usual owner. Masain enjoyed the sword cry, pushing the aura slowly until enough golden outer aura formed on the blade.

And then he started to swing the sword.

Seongjin watched silently from the corner of the training ground.

For the first time, he saw the Imperial Knights standard swordsmanship seamlessly flow from the first to the eighth stance. A pristine swordplay, unfolded with aura, based on the Banahass fluid techniques.

In the training ground, where twilight had passed and the surroundings were darkening, only the Nutcracker infused with aura faintly glowed in gold.

Something seems different?

Without realizing, Seongjin muttered.

Although it was the same swordsmanship he had always seen in the training ground, what Masain now demonstrated felt different. It was different from the swords shown by the resident knights during practice, and even different from Seongjins own.

They were the same movements but executed differently, the same flow of the sword, yet it felt distinct.

He couldnt understand where such differences stemmed from, even though they all practiced the same swordsmanship.

Unbeknownst to both Seongjin and Masain, Masains sword moves resembled those of his uncles swordplay of the past.

The sword trajectory that he always kept in mind during practice.

The trajectory of that beautiful sword he always aspired to emulate.

Soon, a clear golden aura began to stream from the Nutcracker.

The aura blade that shone as bright as gold. It was the same technique that effortlessly defeated Bantras larvae.

Although he hadnt fully reached the realm of the Swordmaster and couldnt maintain the sword for long, a short moment was enough for him to display the technique he had always admired and practiced.

Swoosh. A long golden line appeared in the void.

This time, Seongjin could more clearly witness the essence of this technique. The afterimage of gold, detaching from the sword and drawing a long tail against the dark sky as it flew swiftly.

A moment later, a loud bang echoed in the air, followed by a fierce wind that enveloped the training ground.


Facing the gust, Seongjin unconsciously mumbled, A crescent that splits the sky.

Although the Holy Emperor once remarked that it was a name that could be ignored, the technique that Masain displayed indeed looked like a faint moonlight splitting the void.

Ending with that technique, Masain halted his movements and stood still for a moment, looking up at the sky.

Although it was an aura released without a specific target, it was still a slightly weak strike. He hasnt yet reached the heights of his uncles skill.

The aura gradually diminished from the Nutcracker. The ringing sound of the sword also faded, soon falling silent.

After standing in the training ground for a while with his sword firmly gripped, Masain eventually turned to face Seongjin.

It certainly doesnt seem like the legendary sword made by a dragon. But seeing that it shows no strain even when imbued with a strong aura, the Holy Emperors words about its sturdiness must be true.

Masain smirked and offered the sword to Seongjin.

Its well-balanced, but it doesnt quite suit my preference for weight.

When Seongjin took the sword, Masain hesitated as if he wanted to say something. However, he soon stiffened his expression, placed a hand on his chest, and bowed respectfully.

Thank you for lending me the sword, Your Highness.

His demeanor was as respectful as when they first met.

Seongjin moistened his lips for a moment, then simply nodded without uttering a word.

He had many questions, but he couldnt bring himself to voice them. Right then, it suddenly occurred to him that, perhaps not only Queen Lizabeth wanted to forget the past.

The next morning, Masain headed to the imperial palace for the first time in a long while, seeking out the Holy Emperors office.

I wish to relinquish my position as the Knight Commander of the Imperial Guards, Your Majesty.

Although the statement was abrupt, the Holy Emperor didnt seem to be greatly disturbed. With his usual cold face, he quietly gazed at Masain without saying a word, then slowly nodded his head.

The one who changed over the past decade or so wasnt just Masain. Even before, the Holy Emperor had been a near-poker face, but after that incident, it became harder to find anything that could be called emotion on his face.

Occasionally, an odd glint like a curious light would appear in his gray eyes, and each time, Masain would feel greatly uneasy, as if his uncle was becoming something other than human.

For a moment, the Holy Emperors gaze landed on the golden sword at Masains hip, then met his eyes again. Masain awkwardly smiled and scratched his head.

Well, I think theres no sword as comfortable to wield as this one.

I see.

The treasured sword Mithra.

There must have been a great deal of torment before his nephew decided to draw that sword again after such a long time. However, neither of them would ever discuss it, not now nor in the future.


Just as he was about to leave the office, the Holy Emperor stopped him. When he turned around, the Holy Emperor spoke in a seemingly indifferent yet serious tone.

Take good care of that child.

There was still no warmth to be found in his gaze towards Masain. However, having known his uncle for a long time, Masain could detect a faint hint of concern in his voice.

This time, Masain was able to respond with a genuine smile.

Yes, Your Majesty.

And that morning, Masain sought Seongjin to inform him of his new appointment as the Head of Security at the Pearl Palace.

The faces of the resident knights who saw him carrying all his luggage turned pale. It goes without saying that they werent exactly pleased.1

Lol. The military-esque style drill training[]

...So that's a bit about Masain's background. We also get a glimpse of Morres's childhood and also, Logan's appearance in this chapter.

And, seems like Morres has been a troublemaker since he was a kid.