




Two dominant Alpha genes/chromosomes

2 to 3 scents

Prominent top and bottom fangs

Protective and dominant

Only experiences ruts

Can get omegas and Sub-alphas pregnant


One dominant Alpha gene/chromosome and one recessive Omega genes/chromosomes

3 to 4 scents

Prominent top fangs

Protective but can be submissive

Experiences both ruts and heats

Can become pregnant and get omegas and other Sub-alphas pregnant


Recessive Alpha or Omega gene/chromosomes

No scents

No fangs

Neutral but can be protective of mate

Does not experience ruts or heats

Depends on assigned gender at birth


Dominant Omega gene/chromosome and on recessive Alpha gene/chromosome

3 to 4 scents

Not as prominent top fangs

Submissive but can be slightly dominant/protective

Only experiences heats

Can become pregnant


Two dominant Omega gene/chromosomes

2 to 3 scents

Tiny tiny fangs (unless you are Luna)

Submissive to mates

Only experiences heats

Can become pregnant


It is illegal to force/manipulate someone to try and bond with you when you are not fated mates. You will go to jail.

Once bonded with your fated mate(s) you are practically considered married or at the very least engaged.

When meeting your fated mate(s), there will be a strong tingling feeling throughout your body, as well as a need to protect or be protected. This depends on your status.

When in a polyamorous relationship, there will be a feeling of incompleteness until the group of 3 or more is complete.

If two or more mates are incomplete, they'll feel the tingling when meeting their fated mate(s) at the same time.

One universally accepted law is that marriage is only available to fated mates.

Divorce is physically impossible.

Mating is impossible if two or more people are not fated to mate

Mpreg. He/Him pussy.

Sub-alphas who are born female have retractable dicks.

Marking is one way to show your fated mates before fully bonding. Or you can mark your mate(s) just to show off.

Bonds cannot be broken through forceful means and actions. But someone can forcefully mark another person who isn't their mate.

It is common for people to have two scents, but some can have up to three or four scents. Mainly alphas and Sub-alphas have more than two.

Betas aren't directly affected by pheromones but if they know their mate's scents, they can tell what kind of mood they're in.

Alphas are more prone to release pheromones when in situations where they need to protect someone or show dominance over others.

Omegas have close friendship bonds no matter the age or gender, they will always stick together and protect each other.

Female born alphas have dicks.

Heats and ruts can be triggered when someone finds another person attractive even if they are fated mates or not.

Sub-alphas have both ruts and heats depending on who they are with.

Betas don't experience either but they can still enjoy sex.

Polygamy is normal. Very normal.

When a bond first happens, it can last from just a few minutes to almost an hour or more, and can be a little painful. It is best to be in a comfortable position before that happens.

Hi, just a few words before you get to reading. Thank you for giving this a chance, this is my first ever work that I'm publishing of AO3, I have uploaded on sights like wattpad but that was years ago and that's behind me. I would call this work like a small redemption work because I could never finish writing a fanfic before and this work is my most prized possession and I am really proud of this. This is a one shot of a much larger story that I have not typed out to be more of a fleshed fanfic but i really need this one to be finished and uploaded at the first few hours of my 20th birthday, which would be the day that this full one-shot is released. I think that's it for my dump but beofre getting to the fic, I want to thank my writing partner/SO, who was such a major part of this fic for I cannot write Erwin Smith how i envision because every time I try, i get all giggly and I can't finish, they wrote Erwin so well in the smut portion and in the rest of the fic.

Without further ado, please enjoy, Cherries and Scotch.

Jinhai_Changcreators' thoughts