
Chef in the Apocalypse

Chapter release at 8pm every day - UTC +10 ---------- "Cataclysm: Worlds End" The name of the game that threw the world into disaster. 3 months after its release it descended onto Earth, merging with it and creating an apocalypse. Hordes of bloodthirsty monsters were let loose onto the waking world, killing and destroying everything in its wake. Landmarks were torn down, whole continents left desolate in the destructive wake of the Cataclysm. As the Cataclysm descended, every human regardless of age heard a monotonous voice in their heads... [Choose your Class] The story follows Jayce, an accomplished Swordsman who is killed by a boss monster 10 years after the apocalypse began. One of his last sentences before his death was how he dreamed to be a Chef when he grew up. After his death, he returns back in time to the release day of Cataclysm. Having 3 months to try and figure out a way to improve his odds of survival this time around. And the day finally arrived. [Choose your Class] [Class: Chef has been chosen] "W-Wait what? I didn't even get a choice!" -------------------------- Release schedule: 2 Chapters per day WPC July 2023 [ML] Winner

leeroycgna · Fantasie
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305 Chs

Feast (4)

A hush fell upon the gathering, an anticipatory silence that held its breath in the face of the unknown. Then, like a volcanic eruption, the first voice broke through the stillness.

"Aye!" The proclamation came from a stout, bearded man, a figure who might have seemed at home among dwarves, his long, wispy hair flowing like a banner of resolve.

Once the barrier of silence was breached, there was no stopping the tide. One after another, the citizens rose from their chairs, voices roaring with emotion, a collective shout that surged through the city's streets. Their agreement rang out, echoing through the very foundations of the town.

Jayce observed the scene with a mixture of astonishment and mystification. His slaying of the High Troll had evidently set in motion a series of events he hadn't foreseen. His actions in this new life diverged so dramatically from his previous existence that the consequences were beginning to ripple through the fabric of time.