
Chapter 47: New York

“When will we talk about your return?”

Selene was trying to squeeze in as much sightseeing as she could before she had to return back to the restaurant the next day. However, her mother was more than insistent on talking about her personal life and everything else. Said he didn’t seem to interest her that much.

“I don’t think there is anything to talk about, mother.”

“Your father really wants you to get back as soon as possible.”

“I am well aware. But I actually have a life here and a well-paying job.”

“And your boy.”

The young bartender couldn’t help but roll her eyes at her mother. Luckily for her, her mother never quite learned how to initiate eye contact, and she definitely skipped the action of her daughter.

“His name is Carter. And he is not a boy. Definitely not ‘my’ boy.”

“You seemed very cozy.”

“He is the chef and my boss.“

“So, when did you start dating?“
