
Chapter 41: Endless Midnights

Luckily for Selene, the day was quiet. The only distraction was Owen, who screamed for several minutes from his office. He stormed off, practically slamming the doors behind him and shooting Selene an angry look.

Funny enough, no one was surprised or even questioned his actions.

After a small drama, Selene cleaned the bar after her shift, allowing Thomas to go early to his kids. She double-checked that the espresso machine was turned off before setting off to find her chef.

Carter was currently occupying an empty kitchen, abandoned by all the workers in favor of sleeping it off and getting at least a couple of hours of sleep. The chef, however, was still working tirelessly on his menu and the concept for the new restaurant.

The bartender watched him for a second before approaching him and circling her arms around his waist from the back since he was facing one of the steel surfaces.