
Chapter 40: Home

There are days when you despise unexpected calls. But there are also people from whom you hate getting those calls practically any time. For Selene, it was definitely her father.

"Can I call you back?" Selene just came from her lunch with Charlie, picking up her phone a second after they entered the restaurant. The bartender gestured for Charlie to go without her and she was once again forced to exit to the venue to talk with her father.

"It's a family matter." The bartender wouldn't necessarily call her family dysfunctional or any other popular word today's culture would use. However, her father has always been demanding, making sure she had all the best marks, went to the best university, and actually had a well-planned career. The control was obviously slipping away from him because the only way to reach his daughter was now through a phone call.

"Is everything all right? I talked to Mom only yesterday."

"I didn't know. But it doesn't matter. You have to come back."