
Chapter 18: Being A Bartender is a Full Time Commitment

"I told you already. We are not adding this to the menu."

"Our guests will like it."

"How would you know?"

"You hired me to know."

"I hired you to be right."

The argument between the chef and the general manager has been going on all morning. No one dared to interrupt whatever issues they had in favor of trying to get as much work done as possible before the chef started criticizing them as well.

It was also safe to say that he was in one of his moods. The young bartender was told several times that at least once a month, Carter gets annoyed practically with anything and everything around him and starts verbally obliterating everyone who makes even the smallest mistake. Luke called it his signature time of the month, trying to turn the whole mess into a joke. The ladies obviously didn't enjoy this connotation.