
Check in System in Douluo

Hello Everyone. I do translation i decided to translate this novel as it is one of my favorite fan-fiction based on Douluo. If you want I can translate other novel that you want but dont forget to give support

Translator_nim1 · Bücher und Literatur
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227 Chs

Chapter 86: Able to Fight, Resist, and Flee! (9)

Shrek's cafeteria was rather rudimentary, constructed with adobe bricks, reminiscent of the rural atmosphere in Wang Feng's memories.

The hired villagers still used clay stoves and large iron pots to cook meals, which were decent and plentiful.

At the moment, Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong were both present. Upon seeing Tang San's group, Ning Rongrong waved cheerfully at Xiao Wu. The two shared a room and were quite close.

Zhu Zhuqing nodded slightly in acknowledgment when the group approached, offering a form of greeting.

After quickly finishing their meal, the group hurried towards the academy.

"Cough, while we still have some distance, let me introduce you," Dai Mubai walked in front and pointed to Ma Hongjun, saying, "He's Ma Hongjun, our last member at Shrek. This is Tang San, Xiao Wu, Zhu Zhuqing, Ning Rongrong, and Wang Feng."

Dai Mubai pointed to each of the four.

Ma Hongjun's eyes gleamed, but unfortunately, during the meal, Xiao Wu seemed to have said something to Ning Rongrong. The two women, one icy and arrogant, the other not even sparing a glance at Ma Hongjun, left him somewhat helpless and forced a bitter smile.

As Dai Mubai pointed to Zhu Zhuqing, she hastened her pace, walking directly ahead.

"Hey, Dai Boss, looks like your lady-killer skills met their match? She didn't even spare you a glance. My heart feels a bit balanced now," Ma Hongjun said, feeling slightly relieved.

Dai Mubai's face looked somewhat embarrassed, but he just chuckled a few times without saying anything.

"Zhuqing, Dai Mubai..." Wang Feng shook his head.

Speaking of it, Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Mubai had a marriage contract from childhood, a legitimate engaged couple. Others had no business meddling in their affairs.

Before long, the group arrived at the academy's main square, lining up and standing in place.

After a while, Oscar, with a trimmed beard, casually walked over, biting a sausage.

It had to be said that the clean-shaven Oscar did look somewhat handsome. However, the girls were not focused on him. Carrying a sausage in his mouth was not the most aesthetically pleasing image.

Moreover, at the forefront, when a middle-aged man appeared, several people's attention was drawn.

Wang Feng stared intently.

This person was Shrek Academy's headmaster, Four-eyed Cat Eagle Flender. All the advanced and unconventional ideas at Shrek Academy were set by him.

Flender was around fifty, with a robust figure, stable and powerful steps, distinctive features, and a pair of square black crystal glasses. His chin protruded a bit, and his eye sockets were deep, giving off a cunning vibe.

"Uncle Merchant?" Xiao Wu exclaimed in surprise.

"What merchant? This is our headmaster, Four-eyed Cat Eagle Flender, a Level 78 Soul Saint, even more formidable than Teacher Zhao! Keep your voice down; if he hears you, it won't be pleasant." Oscar reminded.

"Level 78..." Xiao Wu sighed in relief.

Feeling fortunate.

At this moment, Flender walked up to the eight people, first scanning them and then saying slowly:

"Not bad. I didn't expect that we would gain five new little monsters this year. I won't say much. You had a battle with Teacher Zhao yesterday, and I presume you haven't fully recovered. Mu Bai, you'll tell them the academy's rules and regulations in a moment, then take them to rest. Make sure they rest well. The first class today will begin in the evening. Oscar, Ning Rongrong, Wang Feng, the three of you, follow me."

Dai Mubai quickly stepped forward and responded. He then explained the academy's rules to Tang San and the others. Oscar walked out with a somewhat bitter smile, probably having an idea of what was happening.

Wang Feng was also curious. Why did they call me out? Could it be for running laps? But that wouldn't benefit me at all.

Flender probably wouldn't do such a thing.

To be honest, Wang Feng came to Shrek Academy mostly out of curiosity, and since the check-in location was here, that's why he came.

When it comes to studying, one has to rely on oneself...

"You three are all auxiliary soul masters," Flender looked at the three and said lightly, "Auxiliary soul masters are often the most vulnerable on the battlefield, requiring the protection of teammates. A slight mistake can put their lives in danger. Now, tell me, in battle, what is the most important thing for an auxiliary soul master?"

After speaking, Flender looked at Oscar first.

Oscar thought for a moment and said, "It should be to stay behind teammates as much as possible, trust your teammates' calls, expose your back to them, and use the terrain and buildings to avoid danger, stay away from hazardous areas."

A very orthodox and correct answer.

Flender nodded and then turned to Ning Rongrong, as if asking her.

"The most important thing is, of course, after buffing teammates, find a place to hide," Ning Rongrong said softly and gently, stating it straightforwardly.

Upon hearing this, Flender couldn't help but laugh, and Oscar also chuckled.

Wang Feng thought to himself; this is the difference with Ning Rongrong. Being pampered since childhood, she hardly considers her teammates. After all, in the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, others willingly revolved around her; she didn't need to rely on any teammates. In fact, she was accustomed to not needing them.

"Wang Feng, what do you think? Why did you choose to become an auxiliary soul master?" At this point, Flender shifted his gaze to Wang Feng.

Ning Rongrong and Oscar also focused their eyes on Wang Feng, seemingly curious about his answer.

Wang Feng smiled and said, "I think being able to fight, resist, and escape makes a qualified auxiliary soul master. As for why I became one, it's simple: I'm too strong. If I were on a team, and I wasn't an auxiliary, my teammates wouldn't have a chance to make a move."

As soon as he said this...

Flender: "..."

Oscar: "..."

Ning Rongrong: "..."

The three of them were stunned.

In this simple sentence, there was an extreme sense of confidence and arrogance!

Flender's mouth even twitched directly.

What does it mean to say, "If I weren't an auxiliary, my teammates wouldn't have a chance to make a move"?

Too arrogant!

But thinking about it, this kid does have the capital to be arrogant!

Flender grinned and then burst into hearty laughter. This kid suits his taste!

He finally understood why that guy Zhao Wuji liked this kid so much! This was even more arrogant than Zhao Wuji!

As a member of Shrek Academy, you can be not strong, but you must not be timid! You cannot be afraid to stir up trouble!

That was the principle of their academy.

"Bragging," Ning Rongrong blushed and glared at Wang Feng.

Although these words sounded a bit like bragging, Ning Rongrong heard someone defining an auxiliary soul master like this for the first time and found it quite novel... and... somewhat arrogant and audacious. But she didn't mind; there was even a bit of delight in it.