
Check in System in Douluo

Hello Everyone. I do translation i decided to translate this novel as it is one of my favorite fan-fiction based on Douluo. If you want I can translate other novel that you want but dont forget to give support

Translator_nim1 · Bücher und Literatur
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227 Chs

Chapter 173: Battle with Qin Ming (6)

When Wang Feng walked out.

In midair, the host of Dou Dou, who had been numb from the intensity of the battle, suddenly lit up.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it seems that this battle has once again seen a new turning point... Unexpectedly, as the fierce battle reached its climax, the final mysterious key figures of both teams have simultaneously entered the stage!"

"We can see that these two mysterious figures did not initially participate in the battle when they made their entrance! It's unexpected that they are finally taking action now!"

Dou Dou flew in midair, and his expression seemed somewhat excited. He couldn't help but introduce them again:

"These two mysterious figures have just recently joined their respective teams. The one from the Imperial Soul Team is called Ming Qin, a level 40 Battle Soul Master with a martial soul of Fire Wolf. On the other side, the mysterious figure from the Shrek Seven Devils is called Sol, a level 34 Soul Engineer with a martial soul of Red Lotus!"

"Just now, we saw that this Sol, seemingly performed a magical martial soul fusion with the girl nicknamed 'Shadow Cat' among the Shrek Seven Devils, causing the balance that should have tilted in favor of the Imperial Soul Team to suddenly reverse! At this point, Shadow Cat has lost her combat capability. Can Sol overcome Ming Qin?"

"This exciting duel is finally reaching its most crucial moment!"


Dou Dou's voice slowly rang out with Wang Feng's footsteps!

In the spectator area:

"Ming Qin, Ming Qin... I didn't expect this guy to join in too!"

Frande couldn't help shaking his head.

He didn't expect the battle to reach this point.

The number of people in the Soul Arena is relative, and it is done for fairness.

The number of people here refers to the number you had when you registered or entered.

It is generally 7v7, so if you temporarily have an additional member, the other team will naturally have one more as well.

Of course, you can register seven accounts and enter the field alone... no one would refuse to let you score easily.

So, the Imperial Soul Team added one more member, and Grandmaster also had Wang Feng enter the field.

However, Dean Frande's requirement was that this person called Ming Qin should not make a move, and Wang Feng wouldn't either.

And the identity Wang Feng used was naturally the combined identity with Zhu Zhuqing, Sol.

"It should be the Imperial Soul Team's countermeasure against Little Feng, right?" Grandmaster pondered, "Little Feng's punch used Rong Rong's combination of the monster team leader's identity. Since Rong Rong is one of the Shrek Seven Devils, Yu Heng naturally has reason to suspect that this monster team leader is also affiliated with Shrek. But now, the one who appeared is... Sol."

"I guess they didn't expect Wang Feng to register three different identities using different martial souls."

On the side, Zhao Wujin grinned and said, "This guy Ming Qin is from our last generation of Shrek monsters. I estimate he's at least level sixty now. However, in this team battle at the Soul Emperor level, even if Ming Qin temporarily joins using a false identity, he should only be able to display the strength of a three-ringed Soul Emperor... But with his mutated martial soul and the physical qualities of a beast martial soul, it's not that simple, even with only the strength of a Soul Emperor."

"Wang Feng and Zhu Zhuqing's martial soul fusion technique, although powerful, is more suitable for group battles. Moreover, it consumes a lot, and at this point, Wang Feng has very little soul power left... He can only rely on physical strength, and he can't use other forms of martial souls."


On the main Soul Arena:

"Teacher Ming will only use the strength of a level forty Soul Elder," said Yu Tianheng in a deep voice. "But, he possesses a mutated beast martial soul with additional fire attribute attacks and an extremely powerful physical body!"

Beast martial soul masters naturally have super-strong physical strength!

There's no need to say more about this. Originally, Zhao Wujin didn't use any soul power, just stood in place and let Tang San and the others attack, and nothing happened.

"But this Sol just used the martial soul fusion technique with that girl called Shadow Cat from the Shrek Seven Devils just now. Martial soul fusion techniques consume a huge amount of soul power."

Looking at the figure slowly walking out on the opposite side, Dugu Yan said, "His soul power state should be very poor right now!"

"But if he is that monster team leader..."

At this moment, Yu Tianheng and Dugu Yan glanced at each other, and both saw fear in each other's eyes.

They had thought the same way before, and the result was... they were sent flying with a single punch by that monster team leader.

"Don't worry. If it's really him, Teacher Ming may not necessarily be without a chance of winning! His physical qualities are very strong..."

Yu Tianheng spoke in a deep voice.

The physical qualities of a level sixty-two Soul Emperor and a beast martial soul master, even if he only displays the level forty Soul Elder's strength, a punch would be enough to defeat Yu Tianheng.

It's like in a game, where a high-level character comes to a newbie village to show off equipment. Although he only uses three skills, his body attributes and health are real...

After Wang Feng walked up and glanced at Ming Qin, he first said to Tang San and the others:

"Go detoxify them first."

After saying that, Wang Feng looked at Qin Ming in the black robe and mask on the opposite side, saying:

"It's just the two of us. Who wins and who loses?"

Qin Ming remained silent for a moment and nodded slightly.

He came onto the stage to witness the unexpected situation that Yu Tianheng mentioned, and now that the unexpected had happened, it was only natural.

In this way, the two teams that were just hotly engaged retreated to the side, seemingly specifically preparing the battlefield for the two of them.

"I wonder how the physical qualities of this guy I don't know compare to that Ming Qin. It should be much stronger..."

Wang Feng thought to himself.

In the past four months, his physical qualities had improved very little, most of it was the improvement of soul power and the use of Xuanming Spike.

Pure physical qualities can only be judged by fighting against soul beasts and fighting against Tang San and others.

And Qin Ming possesses a mutated beast martial soul, the Flame Wolf. Would this be a good test stone for him, considering it is also an extremely powerful beast martial soul?

"Then let's get started!"

The moment Wang Feng's voice fell!

Qin Ming disappeared!

His speed was extremely fast!

Almost leaving a series of sparks in midair, he attacked Wang Feng!

Wang Feng did not hide the Xuanming Armor, and directly faced this move in a tough manner. At the same time, he also launched an offensive against Qin Ming!

"First Soul Skill: Double Wolf Fang!"

Qin Ming lowly shouted. Just now, when he fought against that girl, he was somewhat afraid of hurting her, so he did not use soul skills, only relying on the pure strength of his physical body to perform Martial Soul True Body. He used his extraordinary speed and powerful strength to knock her away without using any soul skills.

Now, for the first time, he used a soul skill!

Although he could only use three, it was enough at this moment when the opponent's soul power was in a weakened state!

Moreover, his intuition told him that this Sol, who had been hiding behind, was not simple!

Double Wolf Fang: Flames attached to both palms, increasing the attack power of each palm by fifty percent and the speed by fifty percent.

Using Double Wolf Fang, Qin Ming's hands transformed into wolf claws, slashing towards Wang Feng, leaving several fiery traces in the air.

Wang Feng snorted, and a trace of unusual light flashed in his eyes. The opponent's speed was very fast, but he could still easily perceive it.

"Reversal of Heaven and Earth!"

Wang Feng directly accepted this move, grabbing the opponent's twin claws with both hands, and smoothly drawing a mysterious circle in the air as if drawing an eerie circle in mid-air. He placed both wolf claws directly on the opponent's chest.

In a critical moment, a look of shock flashed in Qin Ming's eyes. He couldn't figure out how his own move fell on himself.

However, with extremely rich combat experience, the moment his Double Wolf Fang hit him, the second soul ring suddenly lit up:

"Second Soul Skill: Flame Wolf Barrier!"