
Cheat system(Hiatus)

Earth a peaceful world So peaceful and Warm You can Enjoy sightseeing in this world, Many attractions you can find. Mankind slowly upgrading their technology. Wars can happen on small-scale. They say WWIII will happen soon because of some countries who wants to expand their territory. Because it's so peaceful, God got bored and decided to play with them, God sent people from earth to another world to fight the demon king, After that he got bored again, God turned Earth Upside down, God create mana on earth, Earth became a Magicworld. God put monsters on Earth and watch Humans and Monster fight, While enjoying the show. Mankind didn't expect this kind of scenario befall on them. After Mana became active on Earth, Some people cannot handle the mana invading inside them and died. Mana made polluted world into fresh world, Illness such as Cancer and incurable disease slowly disappeared because of mana. Mankind thought it was blessing from the god. Mankind thought of Mana as good virus killing bad virus. Mankind thought Mana as a cure for sickness. Mankind though Mana cleansed the world. Mankind thought Mana upgraded their Body and Flesh. They didn't know what Mana is. They were ignorant on how to use mana. They don't have a clue what mana is. They researched it but could not find the conclusion. They decided to research it deeply but too bad. They could on conclude that mana is miracle virus. Too bad, God played with them. AN: Hello there, Read this, Thrash this, Burn this. Binge this. I don't care if you don't like it. I wrote it for fun. as for release, Nah i decided if i want to release or not. Tags: Harem, Romance, R-18, Magic, Modern, Transported to another world, Beautiful female lead, Male protagonist, Calm protagonist, Confident protagonist, Over powered protagonist.

ScarletBloodMoon · Urban
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2 Chs

My System Status









Wondering what is happening right now?

Right now, Im no, We are on a training ground with my Earthling comrads. Of course we are training and exercising our body and mind.

This Guys took out different weapons and skills that was given by a certain Cheeky kid.

There are weapons that originally from our world, such as Guns, Rocket launcher and etc.

For skills, Taekwondo, Kendo, Martial arts and etc.

This is the skills given by god s

Seth to us...

The inhabitant of this world are shocked of what is going on in front of them at first but now they just watch us while being entertained by our skills.

The Other world's civilization is Medieval Era-like world with behind technology.

Just like the light novels I read.

2 Months had passed since we arrived in this world.

2 months ago...


Shining and Shining is what we saw right now.

We are on a huge area with towering pillars around it. The pillars is so cool, It is made by a white marble, With Golden light engraving-like Runes.

The floor we are on is not made by conrete, I think it's made by a special material. It too has a runes and a magic-circle-like engraved.

We are on top of mountain. The sight is so pretty i say. This world is brilliant and fresh.

"Woah! Amazing"

"Cool! It's cool!"

"What's this! Why is this so pretty"

"Where are we! It's like we are on another world"

Psst hey you the last one, We are though.


"Yeah, what is it Mai?"

"M-My hands"

"Ah! Sorry Mai, I'm so rude right"

I reluctantly let my hand go.

Ah i want to hold that hands forever.

"Eh! No it's okay...You could hold it as long as you want though" Mai got disappointed and she muttered the latter part silently.

I look at Mai, Her head is down. I sighed then i hold her hands again.

I heard it clearly you know, the latter part. As for why i heard it, Isn't it beacuse of the status?!

I'm not dense, My years of reading novels is not useless for nothing.

I don't understand our relationship but at least i can read the atmosphere or the mood.

Whe i held her hands again, I realized it felt cold. Maybe she's nervous but it could be she was dejected. Little bit later her cold hands became warm again.

"Can I hold your hands? Mai"

I asked.

"Un, you can. But say it before you catch my hands okay"

Mai lift her head and stared at my eyes. She's lively again.

"You won't get angry if i hold it forever right"

"Uhh, do what you want" Mai have tinged red on her face.

"Okay then I'll do what i want hehehe"

I pulled her closer to me and make her lean on my shoulders.

"What are you doing shen-kun" Mai flustered.

"No nothing, I'm just doing what i want"

"Is that so?" She looked down. I glanced at her red ear. Waa she's blushing. I want to embrace her but Let's not push our luck further.

While the two of us flirting around. Footsteps rang below the platform, The sounds of the steps is like a metalic steels, it's not your ordinary footsteps.

The platform is on top of a tall mountain, Then we can see a huge kingdom, tall walls, Unique buildings, Medieval structures, Towers and of course a Huge beautiful castle. The platform is 5 meter tall and there's a stair.

We took a glance below and saw knights in golden and silver armor. The knights lined up as if welcoming ceremony, They take their swords and raised it.

"Her Majesty have arrived!"

A leader like knight shouts.

A carriage stops in the middle of the knights. The carriage have a royal-like feeling on it. Then the door of the carriage opens up, two knights came over at the side of the door. It's too prevent accidents i guess.

After the door opened a Girl, a beautiful figure came out. One could see a fairy once in a lifetime but never had an oppurtunity to conquer a fairy, this kind of feelings you will get when you see her figure. You could see her beautiful long eyelashes, Sharp brows , Azure eyes, Sharp nose, Rose lips and a fiery hair. Her dress is princess dress, Her body shape is curvy, it's hard see if there is a fat but her Chest is busty and valoptous. She have tiara on her head, so she might be a princess.

This girl could rival my wif- wait no, Mai, Aikawa Mai is a Goddess and this girl is a Fairy.

"Ah! So beautiful"

"Right! My heart flutters around when seeing her"

"I bet this girl is cannot be conquered easily, kuuh i want to marry a girl like this"

The Women in our group looked the men in contempt.

"I can't deny that. She really is so pretty like a fairy" I said. "Ouch! Ouch! It hurts!"

My hips hurts, I looked and saw a wrench-like hands on my hips. I could not help but smile when I look at her pouty face. Is she jealous or something? well i don't know about that. But still she's cute.

As an apology I pull her closer to me, now she leaned on my chest. Mai's face blushed, steam rose up on her head.

After the Fairy came down, Another figure came out. This time a Mature cold face Woman came out, She's a Mature version of that fairy princess but her body is more mature. My male hormones reacted to her body, This type of body can easily make a male into a wolf. She looks like an Elf Queen.

But the downside of it is that she had a crown on her head, Then looking at the fairy. She's a mother of this fairy princess doesn't that mean she's a queen? The wife of the king?

Haaa, Sighs can be heard in our group.

Beautiful and Excellent Women is hard to conquer. There is one at my side, but our relationship is complicated. If I confess right now? will she accept me? maybe. I'm not sure, This girl is ignorant in both love and relationship. At home her relationship with her family is complicated. At school she misunderstand everyone and made wall, As a result she had no friends to talk to.

Maybe I'm using this oppurtunity to conquer this girl who is ignorant and innocent. That's why I'm a bit afraid and felt guilty at the same time. But that won't make me backdown, I made it here so i can only push it further.

Ahem, Where were we? So excellent and beautiful women is hard to conquer. Their beauty can topple countries or Can cause war between countries just to have this kind of woman.

"Her Majesty the Queen and her highness the Princess have arrived!"

The two Women walk through the knight's and they climb up the stairs. Because our group blocked the stairs it splited and they made a way for this women...

Then the two women stops in the middle of the plaform, I forgot to mention the attendants and knights guarding them. I laughed, I was too focused on the two women.

"Greetings to the heroes of another world, I, Felicity De Cardinal the Princess of Cardinal Kingdom, The 1st daughter of the king and daughter of the Queen." The Fairy princess inroduced herself. So I was right she's a princess.

"Heroes, The god gave us oracle that he will send heroes to defeat the demon lord. So I, Felicity came to meet you heroes. Now we will teach you about our world in the city."

That Elf Queen's cold face and chilly atmosphere. She did not introduce herself, What a rude. Is she mute or something? I wonder.

"Now that I, Felicity is done introducing myself. I pleasantly introduce My Mother, The Queen. The Queen's name is Felicia De Cardinal. Heroes may have questions, why my mother won't speak it is because she was cursed...sob sob" The princess introduced her mother but she cried and her glistering tears falls down to her face, she looked pitiful.

"My Mother, The Queen could not speak, hear and feel emotions. 5 years ago the vassals of the Demon lord attacked the Queen's Carriage, Then they put a curse on her" Tears did not spilling on the grounds. To think the beautiful fairy while ago is crying.

If this is a novel, then this template is conspiracy. I think there's a problem behind this. Looking at the princess crying, i can tell that she's not faking it, it should be genuine.

"The God did not abandon us and send you mighty heroes to defeat that malicious Demon lord. I, the princess of this country beg you to end this farce" after saying that in dignified voice, she bowed her head to us. Ah that's surprising eh. This woman is good.

"Princess! please lift your head!" The attendees and the knights called out.

"No! I won't lift my head after i seek approval to them, the mighty heroes. I will throw my status as a princess in exchange for a peace world" Felicity said strongly.

Our group was stunned and did not know what to do next. They are hesitating, of course they are, they were thrown into this world without prior notice.

I feel movement in my arms and saw my wife, wait no stop it, Mai looked troubled at the situation. She looked at me and was trying to convey something but she hesitated. Oh I laughed, this girl is way to soft.

This is Mai's status by the way.



Player: Aikawa Mai

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Affiliation: Highschool student, Otherworld hero, Shrine Maiden

lvl: 1 (0/10)

Attributes (infinite):

STR: 110 (100)

MGC: 300 (100)

DEF: 101 (100)


AGI:110 (100)

DEX:111 (100)

STA:104 (100)

INT:140 (100)

Skills (10): Cooking(MAX), Chores(MAX), Arithmetic(9), Singing(4), Strategist(6), Ethics/Manners(9), Commander(3), Light Magic(MAX), Earth Magic(MAX)


Goddess of Light: +100% damage to Dark attribute, +100% resistance to light. You are a light, a light that leads the way, a light shines, a light that gives way in the darkness.

God of Happiness: Where ever you are, You shines and give people happiness.

God of Earth: +100 Earth damage, +100% earth resistance. You are like an Elf and Dryad, Nature loves you.

Hero: +100 all attributes every level up. 2x exp. +10 skill points every level up. 2x damage on demons.

Title: Hero(New), Shrine Maiden(New), SchoolGoddess, Scholar, Loner


Mai is a good girl...Even the gid recognized her as a Shrine Maiden. Shrine Maidens have a good and pure heart.

That's why her exrpession right now is telling me that she wants to help the princess. I sighed.

"Don't give me that look okay, If you want to help her then i will back you up too." I said softly.

"Mhm, thank you shen-kun" She sweetly smiled.

I forgot another thing, Before we arrived at this world our group consist 200+ people right. After we arrived at Cardinal kingdom, Our group only had 50+ people. Where are the others?

Nah, let's not think about that now. let's understand the situation first.

Mai walk through the crowd with me, still holding her hands. We arrived at the center of the platform. I want to remove my hands but Mai held it firmly. This is embarassing you know.

Look, the people stared at us. Damn I'm not used to this. After all I'm just an otaku. kuuh

Ah, Our schoolmates are gossiping us. They are whispering things.

Mai too is blushing and fidgeting, She's not saying anything. Come on Girl you can do it, Fight!.

"Etto ne, I-I'm Aikawa Mai, nice to meet you. I am one of the heroes you were talking about. I want to help you princess Felicity. I'm not a representative of this group, Only myself that wants to help you" Mai stuttered when sayings.

"Ahem, Me too will help you. I am Endou Shen by the way" I said. I looked at the people around us and said "If you don't defeat the demon lord how can you go back home?"

Then Our group realized that they could not go back home if they don't defeat the demon lord. Some might be scared, Some might be reluctant, Some might accept, Some might want to stay in this world. But that won't help them solve this problem, Demons wants to dominate he world. They will ruthlessly kill anyone. We are heroes sent by that cheeky god, So we can only accept this quest.

It couldn't be help, This girl drag me into this. Okay let's support her thoroughly.

"Right! The boy and the girl is right. How can we go back home without doing anything"

"I'm scared but i want to go home too"

"Isn't that Aikawa Mai from our school, She's one of our school goddess and who is that boy next to her!?" A schoolmate found us.

"Aah! They are holding hands, Are they dating?" Another one pop up.

"Ohoo! This is a scoop! too bad we are not on school right now haah" Maybe she's from Newspaper club.

"Ara! Aikawa-kun is so bold desune" A rich young mistress.

"Eeeh! E-Endou-kun and Aikawa-san?" Damn, why is she here? It's my troublesome childhood friend and my Ex-girlfriend.

Now that I ignore my surroundings and entranced by Mai, There are people I know here. Ah god are you sh**ting me?!

"Because this two young kids bravely accepted your request, I as a senior won't back down too." Adults

""Since we are schoolmates then we'll help too""Schoolmates

"Thank you very much for accepting such unreasonable request mighty heroes, I'm not strong but I too as a princess will help you on defeating the demon lord." The Princess cried more and smiled.

Then my schoolmates came to us and ask whatever questions. Damn I've never thought of this.

The Queen is still expressionless as ever. Cold face and Chilly wind.

"Everyone, We should go now to the Capital city to meet the king, My Father."

The Princess said

I mentioned earlier that the platform is on top of the mountain but it's only halfway though. The queen and princess's carriage is on the entrance of the ruin where the platform is.

So how do we get there? we will walk huh?

While thinking such thing the magic circle below us lightened up. White lights covered our sight then a magnificent city came to our view.

Oh so it was a Transport Magic Circle? hmm? why did the princess and queen is taking a carriage? So confusing.

Damn I forgot again, Did my INT attribute works properly? Ah forget it, let's just look at my System Status.


Galaxy Cheat System

Host: Endou Shen

Sex: Male

Race: Human

Galactical Rank: Novice 1 star (0/100 Gpoints)

OverAll stregnth: 10/100

Physical strength: 13 (ton)

Mental strength: 12 (IQ)

Spiritual stregnth: 10 (Qi)


Blessings: A power given by an entities called Gods.

Magic: A phenomena that can activate elements


Cooking 4/10

Arithmetic 7/10

Etiquette 5/10

Martial arts 9/10





[Lucky spin](3)


[Skills & Upgrades]


Oh a different format. let's see, I have 3 spins and 3 gifts. let's open it after we confirm our situation first.