
Cheat Characters in Another World

After defeating the final boss of the narrative phase of the 7th server of the biggest game in the world. Mythologies Online. The Invictus guild decided to meet up to throw a party, they all then decided to log out at the exact same time. Unbeknownst to them. Their characters had been transported to different regions in another world with their personality, memories, and experiences of the game with all their legendary items gone, level and stats had been reset back to that of a level one. All they had are their trusty main legendary weapons and three skills that they often use. How can they survive a world of magic and swords when there are extremely powerful beings who could blow up an entire country? But wait. We are talking about the characters of people who. Prevented Ragnarök from happening by stopping the mistletoe branch thrown at Baldr. Granted blessings by Odin for doing so, which is a passive skill that basically triples all their stats. Their guild master basically passed Zeus's extreme trials and is said to be able to outsmart Athena herself. Their warrior based members are personally trained by Ares in combat. Their seven male founding members are married to the Pleiades. Given an Eye of Ra which boosts their luck to an exponential level and Eye of Horus which provides them protection. Denied of death by the shinigami when their leader annoyed them for often killing himself just to visit them and annoy them. This grants them the ability to bypass the system penalty of dying that takes tons of exp from your character and makes you lose levels and along with it are stats. All of them are also trained by Artemis. Making them use everything in their surroundings and be resourceful. And lastly. Defeated Surtr when he himself initiated a new Ragnarök that is previously prevented. Making gods live more and not having to worry about the Ragnarök again, thus giving them more blessings. So. They would easily survive. Don't they?

JustNanaseKun · Fantasie
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18 Chs

Chapter 13

In an isolated road beside a hill. A carriage and a wagon could be seen riding.

"Elija. Why exactly do you aim to become an Omega adventurer? You see. Our party has been doing this for six years since we're on your age. And still. We are only still Gammas. Talent really is necessary for this profession. Along with many other factors. But the most important is knowledge and power. We're not exactly bad at this but many other things are just too hard to do and we could not achieve what others had. Would you mind telling us?"

Mytzen said to the boy who's apparently named Elija.

"I just wanted my parents to be proud of."

"But you said you need medicine for your mother when you joined here."

"Yes. She does need medicine. But still… I wanted to do this for them! I will get onto the top and make them proud."

"Becoming an Omega adventurer means you risk your life through extremely dangerous quests. You know that there are only four Omega adventurers party in our country right?"


"They too had risked their lives many, many times. Even though in those four parties have at least one awakened Godkin. They still had life or death experiences and encounters. Did your parents asked you to become an adventurer"

"No. They don't actually want it. But I want it and I wanted to make them proud, to prove myself. That's why even when they are opposed to it. I enrolled in adventurers' academy and became one last year and I am still an Alpha."

"You know what? If I were a parent of an adventurer? I am already proud of my child going home after a quest that threatened his life. I don't need a child that could become an Omega one. All I need is for him to be alive and well."

"Hah! And who's going to be your child's mother?"

Regild said, ridiculing him.

Rai's group is just there in the wagon with goods alongside them and they are just quietly sitting and listening.

"It's up to me! It could be anyone! I will have a beautiful wife! Unlike you! Nobody even dares to approach you!"

"Huh!? You idiot! Come on! Let's fight! Even though I am the tank I'll smash you to pieces!"

"Guys! Could you be quiet? Let's chill and hope the goblins will not attack since we're here already."

Ritz scolded them.

"Oh yeah… Sorry about that."


"What is it?"

"I am having an ominous feeling."

Ririha told them.

"Just shrug it off. We'll manage even with the goblins' attack."

"But still..."


Laurence whispered to Rai who's beside him.

"What is it?"

"I am feeling small footsteps."

"How many?"

"Three hundred."

"What? The woman said there are just about seventy. Wait… So it's not their full force. I guess seventy is enough for them to do the trick so they do not need to get every single one of them out. I see. Then. Let's just move accordingly first and not have them rush taking out the whole force."



"They began."

"G-goblins! Adventurers!"

One of the coachmen screamed in fear since there are over seventy goblins out in front of them.

"Hurry! Protect the baron!"

Mytzen commanded.

"Please also protect the goods! Those are valuable!"

Baron Hayden asked. After all. Those are important since he would sell those later on and he is in a rush because of due in selling it.

The group took the position of protecting the wagon and the other protects the baron.

"S-seventy goblins..."

Ririha mumbled.

"We can manage through this!"

Mytzen encouraged them.

"Hey, humans! It seems you are cornered! Then! Die and let us take everything!"

A goblin said.

"Tsk! Just protect the baron guys!"


The goblins charged and the fight began.

"Wait! Those guys don't have weapons right?"

Rigeld asked.

"But they said they do have. Let's just trust them!"

They fought some goblins and killed more than five of them.

As they glanced again to the group.

"Did you saw that!? They pulled weapons out of thin air!"

Ritz shouted.

"Yes, we did..."

Mytzen replied.

Rai's party began fighting along with Elija on their side.

They hold themselves back but still killed many goblins to get EXP. They also let Elija fight and kill some goblins and they saw him went from level five to level six.

Oh. He'd leveled up. After all, it was near to leveling up.

Rai thought to himself.

"Elija. Could you drink this buff potion? It's for endurance."


He replied while nodding.

He drank it and began fighting again.

After a while. They managed to reduce their number to less than twenty.

"Back off goblins! Or we'll kill all of you!"

Mytzen shouted.

"Back off!? We have more! Brothers! Come out!"

The whole forces charged towards them with even more power from all directions.

"Ririha! Use an AOE spell!"

"Yes! Multiple Fireballs!"

A barrage of fireballs came crushing to tens of goblins burning them to the ground.

"Guys. Control yourselves."

Rai said in a low voice


They broke from their positions and charged cutting and shooting down many goblins in their wake.

"There's too many of them!"

Ritz shouted.

"Look at them... Are they actually Alphas?"

Mytzen mumbled.

"Stop thinking about them for a second! Let's protect the carriage! You're the leader! Don't be like that!"

"Hey! Can you manage through a violent shaking!?"

Rai shouted.

"What do you mean?"

"It might cause damage but it will do."

"But the carriage and the wagon…"

"Please! Whatever that is! Please let us out of this! I don't mind some of my goods being destroyed! As long as I get back for my daughter alive!"

The baron shouted to Rai

"Alright. Asser!"

"Heh! Fine then! Guys! Get ready!"



He slammed his mace on the ground resulting in extremely violent shaking.

"Looting heal."

Rai healed every one of them from them the damage by Assser while also looting their abilities. But this skill only mimics the skills the caster saw from those being healed and do not steal those skills. It grants Rai ten days of usage for that skill in special skill slots and does not affect the skill slots cap in his character.

After the violent earthquake. Everybody managed to pick themselves up including Elija and Rai also healed the horses after then.

"That was powerful… Did that come from raw physical strength or Ki?"

Ritz wondered.

While the goblins are still down. They made their move and started slaughtering them.

"Death Lotus."

Niel casts his skill and began using his pistol and dagger to kill every goblin in his path.

His gun has three modes. An assault rifle, pistol, and sniper rifle.

"Killing Spree."

Laurence also casts his own skill and began tearing down the enemies with speed.

"Blade of light!"

Rei's blade glows and he too joins the fray.

"Wow. They're not Alphas! They are fitting to be Deltas!"

Mytzen exclaimed.

"Yeah. It is. But Elija over there is also fighting. He's really sure about being a good adventurer."

Ritz replied.

They talked while fending off and killing goblins.

After a while. They managed to kill more than a hundred of them.

"Back off goblins! This is your final warning!"

"There's still more of us. Why would we!!!"

They charged once again and lighting bolts and fireballs came towards them.

"Huh!? Ririha? Did you do that?"

"What? N-no! I'm not capable of such force! I know I have those spells but not as strong as that. I'm also not capable of casting many spells simultaneously."

The magic spells immediately kill tens of goblins in that time. Scaring the goblins but not enough to make then turn away.

"I did it."

"Really!? But Rai. You said you're just the support and a healer!"

Mytzen loses his composure and suddenly asked.

"Yes. I could use other people's spells. That's just it."

"Y- you mean? You mimicked my spells?"

"Yes I did. There are not more of them now. We should be able to wrap this up."

"Y, yeah. You're right."

"Y- you humans! You… We'll kill you!!!"


The three of Rai's party went on and faced them since those left are gathered in one direction.

They could hear screeches as the trio killed them.

"That's enough."

The trio stopped. Less than sixty goblins are left after then from more than three hundred of them.

"You guys. We'll be capturing the goblins. Please kill them."

"Huh!? What do you mean?"

"Our gift. Please kill them."

"W-why? Can't you just kill them?"

"We wanted you to kill them so that you'll be stronger."

"Eh!? How are we supposed to be strong just by killing those goblins!?"

"If you don't trust me. Then you'll not be able to advance your power."


"Hey you three! Capture and tie them!"

"That's easy but we don't have ropes! Can't you just remove their bones!?"

"Nope. Won't do. They seem to have higher magic resistance."

"We do have a rope."

"Really? That's neat. Please give me."

Mytzen rushed towards the wagon and after he gets back. He has many rounds of ropes.

"You do really have ropes."

"Yeah… Sometimes we really do need to capture something so we always brought ropes."

Rai ran to the trio who had cornered and disarmed the goblins.

"Here. Take."

He gave it to Niel.

They began tying the goblins whose legs and arms are severed into a huge bundle.

"Come here."


Since the two coachmen are still fixing the wagon and carriages' wheels since some of those broke from the earthquake. They still have time for this.

"Kill them."

Rai ordered the five.

"Let Elija kill more."

"Uh, yes."

They began slaughtering the helpless goblins. Ririha just cuts their throats by a knife and others began to also cut them down. Elija used a shortsword to just stab them right through the heart. But they let one of the goblins alive.

"Guys. They're gaining EXP don't they?"

Rei asked.

"Yeah. Even though we cannot see it. They sure really are gaining EXP."

Niel answered.

Mytzen's group is level twenty-two and Rai could not see them level up.

Maybe they just don't have enough EXP? But since we are level one. We leveled up to three and it seems I gained two of my past skills. Could it be that's what we get? I don't also know if we could generate new skills. Better look deeper into this.

Rai thought to himself.

But then. Elija leveled up again towards seven.

"I see."

"The wheels are fixed! We're continuing our journey!"

Rai and everybody went back. But Rai talked to the baron.

"I am sorry. But we have to be dropped here."

"What? But."

"We also have another quest. We have to locate and exterminate their settlement. Please understand. It doesn't seem that there are more goblins ahead but it could be possible. But I am pretty sure you'll manage. We'll locate their settlement and exterminate them once and for all. You don't need to pay us as we are dropping our quest here. Please understand and I am truly sorry."

"You fought valiantly I admire you. I'll be going to sell these off and after three days I will be attending my daughter's wedding. Please go to the celebration. I'll also invite them so you'll meet them again. Just please say my name and people will help you find me."

"Yes. We'll go. Thank you. May Ra and Horus bless you."

A system message popped up.

[Eye of Horus and Ra activated: You blessed the Carriage and Wagon. Luck increased. A protective barrier has been set.]

After bidding a temporary goodbye to the party and Elija. They started torturing and questioning the remaining goblin for the direction.

"Now. Tell us!"