
Chat Group of Wealthy People

Brandon Michaels was your average 25 year old until he woke up one morning and found that he had some how been reincarnated back to when he was still a kid who had just started 7th grade and he was some how added to a Skype group chat, and he seemed to be the administrator of it. In this group were the worlds wealthy people. One couldn't join this group unless they had a certain net worth or were invited by those who did. Follow along as Brandon uses this group to become the worlds most influential and wealthy person. ____________________________________________________________________ This is a work of fiction but will have some real world names and people included in it. This story will be mostly fiction, but may include some true events just as my other story did. This story is partly inspired by another one. It will likely have similarities to a story on webnovel called "God-Level Tycoon Chat Group" by Shushu Xingxing. That story can be found here: https://www.webnovel.com/book/god-level-tycoon-chat-group_19697500705965805

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Chapter 3: First Group Store Purchase and First Business

When he made the first purchase in the store the Group Chat actually sent him another notification.

[Congratulations Administrator for making your first Store purchase. You have been rewarded with 1 basic lucky draw and a 1 time forced invitation. The forced invitation can be used to forcefully add someone to the group chat, all you have to do is specify the person and the group chat will add them based on the hosts wishes. The basic lucky draw can be used at any time and will reward the host with 1 of any of the items available in the store or any of the following items: Basic computer skills (Relative to the administrators current universe), Basic language skills (will include all languages known on the current planet), Basic technology knowledge (Relative to the hosts current universe).]

Brandon looked at the information and seemed to realize something. It seemed that what ever this Chat Group was, it was hinting to him that not only was Earth not the only planet with life in this universe, but that there seemed to be more than 1 universe in existence. After this realization he actually was looking forward to what ever came in the future. He also went ahead and used forced invitation and added Elon Musk to the group. He knew that Musk would be able to make good use of the group in the future. He then used the lucky draw.

[You have recieved the basic Technology Knowledge package. All the information will be available to you in your profile. You may choose any of the items in the package and view their details at any time.]

After he recieved the lucky draw he decided he would send a message to Musk to tell him about the chat group. He also decided that he would give Musk the ability to message him privately which other members did not have.

"Good afternoon Mr. Musk, I have added you to this group as I see potential in your business. The group is a gathering of some of the worlds wealthiest people. You will find that if you want to leave the group it will cost 1% of your total wealth. If you have any questions feel free to ask either in the group chat or directly to me."

After sending that message to Elon Musk he stopped paying attention to the chat itself and decided to take a look at the Gene Strengthening regent he purchased. It was listed on his profiles inventory. He clicked on it and it appeared on the desk in front of him along with information regarding it being written on a page. It stated that the Basic Gene Strengthening regent had the ability to increase all of a persons attributes by 10%.

After knowing what the regent did he went ahead and took it. As the regent entered his stomach he felt a warm current flow through his entire body and could notice that his vision had become stronger as he was now able to notice more details on the objects in his room that he was unable to notice before. He also felt as though he had unlimited strength though he knew this was just an illusion in his mind event though he knew he was getting stronger, just not infinitely so.

After taking the Basic Strengthening regent he looked at the Basic AI Assistant claimed it from his inventory as well. After claiming it, it too appeared on the desk in front of him and it was shaped as a typical USB drive except it also had adaptations that would allow it to connect to any electronic device. The note that came with it stated that it could be connected to any device, however that it could only be installed on 2 devices at most so he decided to hold off on installing it on anything until later.

Next he looked at the reward that he recieved from his lucky draw, the basic technology information. He clicked on it and it showed a large number if different technologies. They ranged from batteries to rockets and space craft. he looked at the space craft first and the introduction to it said that it was a space craft that was capable of traveling from Earth to the nearest planet and back within a 1 months time, and from Earth to Mars in and back within 3 months time. After looking at the information about the space craft he decided to give up the idea of building it for a while because a lot of the technology needed hasn't yet been invented or built.

He then looked at the battery and noticed that it was far superior to anything that existed on earth currently or from the future he had came from. The information on the battery said it was the size of an average humans thumb nail and yet on a single charge it could power an entire home for a year if the lights and appliances were never turned off, and up to 3 years if they were used normally. This greatly astounded him considering a typical phone battery could hardly last a day, yet alone a year.

Since he noticed these different technologies that were far beyond anything he had seen even in the year 2022 he decided he would set up a technology company first and use it to help develop the world further.