
Chasing the Wind (English Version)

Meet Xavrina Alexiahiana P. Fortalejo, a girl who loves Quart Raven S. Montemayor the most, she is chasing him for almost 5 years yet Quart doesn't care about her, she gave up but regrets starts to fill Quart up, now he is the one chasing

XamWrites · Teenager
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17 Chs

Chapter 2

The Chase


"IVE told you enough Xavrina, i told you to stop chasing, you will not gain anything" Vina, angrily she said while she is wiping the mess happend earlier, it was the food i made that is scattered all over my body. Tears won't stop from falling from my eyes down to my cheeks.

"Now what?! You'll cry? O c'mon Xavrina, stop doing this will you?" Bianxi said, and i know stress is written all over her face. She is now washing my handkerchief to wipe of the dirt on my body. My body is full of mayonaise and juice because of the food box i made and now its sticking on my skin


And the next thing i knew he did is pushed me that made the food scattered all over my body from face down to my cheeks. The orange juice made my uniform orange, laughter and joy filled the area, Vina and Bianxi immediately help me to get up

"Dont you remember anything i always say to you before dont you? Stop chasing me, idiot" he said and leave along with his friends, Vina and Bianxi assisted me to stand up, we're on our way to the school's comfort room when the academy's twin queen bee blocked our way, that made us stop our walk to our destination

"Poor girl, does it hurt? I suggest stop chasing Quart and live your life to the fullest" Yvonne said as she smirk and that made her twinnie laughed. "Aww poor Yvonne, that's it literally poor" Bianxi teased as she reply from what Yvonne said, using my elbow i slightly pushed Bianxi to stop, we start walking at the moment Bianxi smashed away Yvonne and Klarrise that is blocking our way

-Flashback Ends-

"You know what, im really getting mad because of that Yvonne girl, she is really stressing me out and making my blood boil, the way she acts she even thinks she is so pretty, she even thinks that every guy in the academy likes her, little she didnt know, she look like my nail on my toes" Bianxi complained as she throw the used tissue, we went out the CR in a rush because we might get late for our 4th subject

"Same thought, same vibes" Vina replied, i just remained silent, i was just downcast while walking until we reached our classroom, people were looking at us as if they were really focus, but my sight diverted towards Quart who doesn't even lay his eyes on me

"There she is, the girl who she thinks she so damn pretty, who is as well crazy and deeply inlove with my Quart" Yvonne said, i just remain seated when i reach my seat. "The little crazy bitch speaks" Bianxi replied, Yvonne was about to grab her when our teacher arrived

"Stop me, and if you dont, hair wont grow on her head again" Bianxi whispered at me while she was doing the seatwork given, i just laughed what she said a little even thou i cant really laugh out loud. Sadness is invading me, i should be accustomed of what he's doing, he's doing it to me almost everyday but why does it hurts more when it gets longer and longer as time passes by. When we finished the seatwork, our last subject teacher arrived for the day

"Ms. Fortalejo, please distribute this" my subject teached ordered me, i took the paper and quietly distributed it. My heart beats so fast when i saw his name written on the paper above. I slowly walked towards his seat, he is currently sleeping with his heads down, I'm scared to wake him, I'm really hesistant, i dont know if I'll give it to him or not. "He's not sleeping, just tap him and he'll know someone is there" Sniper said, my look diverted to Bianxi with my eyes widened because the famous Sniper talked to me. He is known for his cold aura thats why no one ever tried to talk to him ever. I immediately tapped Quart, he looked up at me with his deadly glare and snatched his work and looked down once again. "Told you" Sniper said as he continue what he's doing. I'm still in the state of shockness while my eyes is still wide.


ITS dismissal, finally! We're fixing our supplies, Quart is on his way out when i pulled the end part of his school uniform to stop him from going, he turned around and once again he gave me his deadliest glare. "What" he said in a calm and cold tone of voice but trust me it can gave you the scariest goosebumps you'll ever have. "Ahm i just wanted to say ahmm take care on your way going home" i said while blushing, yes! Im literally blushing infront of him. He madly throw and pushed my hands away from his uniform and made his way out of the scene. I'm already accustomed of what he was always doing, will i still cry despite of everything he was doing.

My 2 bestfriend made their way home first, while I'm here at the lobby waiting for my older brother to come, while waiting i saw Quart in the distance, he assisted a woman who hopped in his car. I just diverted my gaze even it torn me into pieces. "What?! Are you still going to ride? Will you hopped in now please!" i was shock when my brother spoke while his car's window is down, i just entered and remained silent. "Let me guess? He rejects you again, didnt he?" he asked while laughing, a tone of sarcasm crossed over his question while he was driving, my little brother, Xivian just laughed at the back

"Stop teasing me, Xior! Will you" i said in my rudest tone ever since, im in no mood for his jokes for now, im so mad and sad in the same time because of the scene flashed earlier. Argh! Who's that girl? I cant help but to think about it a lot. "O C'mon Xiah, im not teasing you in the first place, im stating a fact for your information, and by the way look at your uniform sissy?! What will be your stupid reason once again if ever mom asked about what happend?" He said and made a turn as we enter our village. I always went home with my dirty uniform, and my mom can't help but to get curious of what always happend

"Dont tell me you'll keep telling your nonsense excuse again? Your rubbish excuse that will always be the 'Bully' dont let mommy know that your bully is the son of her one and only bestfriend" he pulled over and made his way out of the car and lift Xivian out of it as well. He closed the car as i stoop down as well and locked it. I just followed them on their way inside, Xivian runned towards mommy to hugged her and she was still wearing her apron. "What happend to your clothes, Xiah?!" she shouted that made me flinch, she is calm but i think she wants to strangle her own daughter. I can't say its Quart, i can't ruin her great friendship with tiya Queenie

"Mhie! You know?" i said with a caress on her back and a embarassing laugh but still she is glaring at me, she put down her spatula and came closer to me, Xion is laughing behind mommy's back, he is really damn teasing. "I'm going to your school tommorow, I'll talk to your principal regarding about this issue! Always going home with your dirty uniform on" Im sweating really hard, I'm so worried as hell while she was saying those words and sentences. I'm dead on the moment when she finds out that Quart is the mastermind of all this mess. She will definitely rush to the mansion of the Montemayor's and talk with tiya Queenie

"Mhie, don't bother to go, it's alright, my adviser already talked with them" i am now currently using my charms for her to agree, I'm still hugging her until we reached the kitchen. I need to convince her, i hope so. I will no longer notice the sunrise if i didn't convince her. We ate first before we went upstairs, but still until now im sweating crazy because I'm so damn nervous, maybe if i don't convince her enough, she will tag along with us as we go to school. She will never back down. I've already settle things down before i go to sleep. We can do this, Lord help me


7:05 AM 

I AM now at my section line here at the school's quadrangle, while junior and senior student's were here, I'm now currently busy collecting my classmates activity that Ms.Smith ordered me to do so. Today is the deadline by the way, I'm now infront of Sniper waiting for his paper when someone lined up behind his back which is his 3 friends, one of them is Quart. I am now literally blushing at the moment i saw him. He looks the same everyday yet he always become more handsome than usual, his messy hair made that.

"you will submit your activity Claiden?" Gunter asked, his friend, he is the sweetest yet the boldest and the one who always like to pick up fights, and he is also the reason why Quart is full of bruises. "Okay, stop using your words of devil Perez, here you go Xav" Sniper said as he passed his activity, his friends just sighed and passed their paper as well. Shouting and screaming were invading the area and they are the reason, my heart was beating so fast when i walked infront of him and to collect his paper

"I'm not submitting those shits" he said and turned his back on me, i immediately followed him, here i am again, chasing him, i hold his arms that made him stop. "But Quart, we need this, its included in the written works of your grade which is 50%" i said, i don't want him to fail, his family has big expectations at him, but once again, he throw and pushed my hands away and said the word that made my heart shout in pain "Stop chasing me will you?" he said and left me dumbfounded and the people around us are now laughing at me
