
Chasing The Odd Dream

Hannah Corey is a teenage girl whose life can be considered as a synonym of the burning abyss. Nothing goes on her way. School life? Bullies made it hell. Home? Financial problem makes her parents always abuse her, even for the simplest reasons. Moreover, she has to work all the time because of which she cannot follow her dreams, do what she likes, enjoy her life like any other teenagers. One night, out of the blue, she found herself in another world through an odd dream which seems weirdly realistic. Everything there is unknown to her, things she had never seen in her life. She begins to travel there through that dream and came to like it more than her own world. Her unbelievable adventure through the dream made her life more and more interesting. Every night, she dreams of her other life and is found to get more addicted to it. At one point she got an offer to finally live in her dream, every memory from her past life will vanish, and she'll be able to live a normal, beautiful life like she sees in her dream... Will she regret chasing after the odd dream?

hannah_axine · Fantasie
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22 Chs

Chapter - 19

"H-Hannah?! It's nice seeing you again! How are you?" - Said Ren, the class monitor. He didn't change much, same neatly pressed shirt, tucked in his black jeans, same shiny polished shoes, a proper example of how a student should be in school. I didn't expect him to be so excited after seeing me. He'd never been like this, before. I gave him a warm smile before answering.

"Better, I guess! How are you?"

"Good. Here!" - Ren said as he handed me a large envelope.

"What's this?"

"Notes! You've missed a lot! We've already finished Trigonometry and now on differentiation. I hope this will help you, if you need any help, just find me! I'll teach you everything from the start." - Ren said, rather gently. I never knew he could be this nice and gentle to someone who he knows to be his rival. The disappearance was worth it!

"Thanks a lot!"

"No worries and... Welcome back to school!"

The class started almost immediately, everyone was on their assigned seat. It was maths class, our home room teacher, Mr. Berkins, was our maths teacher. Everyone bowed to him with a 'good morning' groggily. He was about to take the roll call when he noticed me. Judging by his face, I can tell he already got the news of me coming back to school.

"Hannah's back, I see. So, How are you feeling? If there's any discomfort, you can go to the infirmary right away, I will provide you the hall pass by the end of the class." 

"Thank you, Sir. And I'm totally fine now." 

He didn't ask anything further and started the class. Everyone seemed nice to me throughout the whole school period. They tried to talk to me, gossip about who's dating who, got me snacks and so. I was really liking this feeling. I'm liking school finally. At lunch, a few of my classmates sat next to me, and I couldn't decipher how much I liked it.

"So, you like Harry Potter too?" - Asked Mira, my classmate who used to sit right beside me, upon noticing my tiny Draco keychain dangling from my front chain. She has short, curly, hair and the colour of the hair is the same as her hair, brown. She has a pointed nose and a bit chiselled jaw. 

"Yeah! It's my favourite! In the world. I like everything about the Harry Potter series! I even have the all seven books and DVDs."

"Wow! That's so cool. I've always wanted to read them! They say the books are a bit different from the movies, there are more details in the book."

"Yeah! That's true. Do you want to read them? I can let you borrow it, sometimes."

"Aw, thank you for that! That's so sweet of you!"

"Hey, Do you have any plans after school?" - Asked Luna, she's also my classmate, and she's super popular among guys because of her stunning angelic looks and model like figure. She has a small button nose and dark emerald eyes, that perfectly goes with her slightly wavy black locks, that's what makes her outstanding. Last year, she dressed up as Jennifer Check from Jennifer's body! I never thought anyone could pull out Jennifer, but she did!

"No, I've got now plan. Why?"

"Well, we're planning to go to the karaoke. Wanna join? It'd be fun!" - Luna said with an expression that neither seemed excited nor uninteresting. She maintained a poker face, it's hard to read her. 

"If you guys are okay with me going, then of course! I've never been to one."

"Great. Meet us after school." 

The school ended much quicker than I expected. And now, I'm in front of the school with Mira and Luna. We're waiting for Jaqueline from our neighbouring class. She's an athlete, tall and a little bit masculine than the rest of us, oh and her speciality is running. 

"Agh... What do you mean you can't come? We can't go there without you!" - said Luna, frustratingly on the phone.

"What did she mean?" - I asked Mira, curiously.

 "Jacqueline is like our guardian angel. Everyone kind of knows her in that area, she lives around there. And she's super strong too! The place we're going to is infested with different school bully's and alcoholics."

"Where are we going actually?" - I asked her with a tint of worry. We're all girls in our gang, ang going somewhere that dangerous is draining out all my excitement. 

"The Barren Moor, Quinue alley... we haven't told you?"

"What...? That's absolutely no to me. I can't go to the Quinue alley, if my mom finds out, I'll be dead."

"Oh, come on, how'd she know!? Well have fu-"

"She works... there..."