
What you did.

Rodney followed behind and stopped the car as well. His gaze was fixed on the car in front of him. The door had yet to open when he saw the woman helping Elliot untie his seat belt. In the past, he had always helped her fasten her seat belt. But now, she was doing this for another man.

It seemed that she liked Elliot very much, and Elliot must also like her very much. Otherwise, he would not hook up with her after knowing that she was a divorced woman.

Thinking that Elliot hadn't had any sex news recently, Rodney was a little jealous. This woman's charm was really charming. At that time, she made him dream about her, but now she let the playboy go back to the shore.

However, why didn't they get out of the car? The scene that followed made it even more unacceptable to him. He could clearly see that when Amber helped Elliot untie his seat belt, Elliot suddenly hugged Amber.