
Chasing my Luna

Scott Devlin, the bold Alpha of the Devlin clan was so disappointed at his adoptive parents to have him forced to marry a complete stranger, and above all professions, a doctor, whom he hates. He was reluctant to attend the wedding because he thinks the bride isn’t willing to marry him too. Besides, he is devoted in finding his Luna. His siblings managed to take him away so he can escape his fate since Scott can’t say no to their father. While Scott is enjoying his escapade in his friend’s private island, he noticed a faint fragrant scent that lured him towards the bar. His attention directed to a brunette woman wearing a red fitted maxi dress, with mesmerizing sapphire eyes. He can’t help but approach Diana who was sitting at the bar. “Finally, my Luna”, Scott whispered to himself. Little that he know, the Luna he imprinted on is not what she seems to be. **********

rocksunxv · Fantasie
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159 Chs

Your Secret’s Safe With Me

Diana received a call from Hendrick saying that her personal belongings were already delivered at the lobby of her new residence. She felt bad for not saying a proper goodbye to Hendrick and the rest of the household helpers. All her life, it was them who saw her ups and downs. She eats meals with them, and shared half of her laughs and cries with the unrelated people she considered family.

However, she's more than afraid to see Calvin, and the possible things he can do to her. She hate the fact that she can't transform to protect herself, and all she can do is hide or runaway.

As soon as she changed to a set of more comfortable clothes, she went down to the lobby and collect her things.

When the elevator opens, she sees the empty lobby and a concierge manned by one clerk. She asked if her stuff already arrived, and was told that they were placed under the stairs, by the fire exit.

Diana went there and saw her stuff piled in three big boxes. She tried to move one but it's too heavy for her.

"I can lend a hand", she turned around and saw Calvin standing behind her.

"I think I can manage. Were you the one who delivered these here?", Diana asked as she forced a smile. She turned back to her boxes, and checked which one can she bring up first.

Calvin went up close, leaning on the boxes facing Diana and said, "Yes.. your forever trusted friend".

Diana didn't want to show fear for he might be enjoying to see her afraid. She faced Calvin and said, "I can take it from here, see you around?". She then turned away.

Calvin grabbed her arm, and pulled her forcibly towards him. "Why are you so distant? .", Calvin held her face with his cold palm.

Diana wriggled from his grip, and stepped back from him. "You're hurting me Calvin. I want to be clear, friendship is all I can give", she said as she met his gaze in anger.

"I want more, D", he advanced a few steps towards her, as she backed away until she reached the wall.. "It's always been you. If not you, then I'll make sure no one else can have you", Calvin lowered his face to her lips.

"Diana? Are you okay?", Sebastian blurted out as he sees his fearful new neighbor being cornered.

"Sebastian!", she cleared her throat and shouted his name then glared at Calvin. "Yes I'm okay.", Diana walked past Calvin.

"Need help?", Sebastian stared at Calvin who seemed to be pissed off.

"Yes, these boxes are too heavy for me", she smiled as she requested for a package trolley to the clerk.

Sebastian and Calvin faced and scowled at each other as if measuring each others strength.

"Thanks for your help Calvin. Sebastian and I can bring these all up", she said.

"I'll see you tomorrow then?", as Calvin walk by, he whisphered to Diana saying, "You're mine, keep that in mind".

Diana exhaled sharply not looking back at him. She is so glad she was saved by the bell again. They went up, and no one dared to speak of what just happened.

Sebastian was mindful not to show his strength even if he can lift all the boxes with his both hands. He took his time bringing the boxes in her house one by one.

"Boyfriend?", he finally asked.

"No…", Diana sighed deeply.

"Good, Looks creepy. Stalker?", Sebastian said as he bring in the last box.

"You can say that", forcing a smile, she wiped her hands with a small towel on the table.

"So… you live here?", Sebastian looked around nodding, thinking his brother bought this largest pad in the 21st floor.

"Yes, why?", Diana wondered.

"I thought… nevermind", Sebastian shrugged it off. "Nice place.", he said.

"You want a drink?", Diana opened the fridge filled of food and drinks. She can only think of Scott.

"What have you got?", he asked as he sat down on the couch.

"Soda.. Juice.. water?.", she said.

"Uh..", Sebastian scratched his head. "Well, soda please?", he smiled catching the can of soda Diana tossed.

The two bonded like soul siblings. They easily found comfort in each other, as they found different similarities. The new house was suddenly filled with laughters and good talks of the two new found friends.

"Diana, no one knows I'm gay. So if you would see me with other people, please don't tell anything about it", Sebastian said as he trusted Diana, the only person who knows his gender identity.

"Your secret's safe with me, Seb", she said with a smile. Sebastian is her first gay friend, she never thought that the company of an opposite gender could be this enjoyable.

"Alright, it's been fun. I better go", Sebastian stood up and went to the door. "In case that Calvin bothers you again, you can ring me, okay?", he said.

Diana didn't want to involved Sebastian with Calvin. He's too dangerous. Not unless he's a wolf, she thought.

"Thanks Seb", she smiled as she closed the door.

The house was quiet again. She closed the lights and went to the living room. Diana sat on the floor by the large panel of window. This is her first night to live independently. Somewhere in her heart, she felt happy.

With the moonlight shining through the window, she stared at the waning gibbous moon up in the sky unaccompanied with any visible stars. She leaned back, closed her eyes and hummed Scott's lullably. "Alone, but never lonely", she said.

Meanwhile, Scott was drying his hair from the cold shower as he open a can of beer. He just hang up from a long conversation with Lucas about what happened to his undercover mission at the AW Lab Corp, warning him to lay low for a little while. Alva is too difficult to read, and she's very dangerous to mess with. Regardless of that, Scott thought he will

keep is Luna safe, no matter what.

While drinking his beer, he stood by the window and saw the moon. "It's almost full moon", he said as he thought of Alva who seemingly warned him about it. When he looked down at the adjacent building, he noticed a woman sitting on the floor.

He stared at her for a while, and noticed she haven't moved for a few minutes now, thinking she could be asleep. He smiled, put on his shirt and stepped out in no time.
