
Chapter 41 Are You Sure That You Won't Implicate Me?

A villa for his son?

A conflicted look flashed across Dr. Wood's face. The car accident had cost him a lot of money, and now he was stuck in a department without a future. His son’s girlfriend was kicking up a fuss about wanting a four-room house for marriage, or she would not marry his son. It had caused him and his wife plenty to worry about.

"Dr. Wood, the result of this DNA test can bring not much change to me, but a lot to you."

Vivian's smile was light and gentle. The more she smiled, the more she exuded a tempting aura. She was offering a house! Houses in the city were extremely expensive. No matter how much he made in the future, he would not be able to afford a villa.

"If I faked the DNA results for you, what would you do?”