
Chapter 147 How Could There Be So Much Blood

Shawn's eyes scanned around the living room, and saw a maid leading Jasper towards the washroom. Before he could follow them at heels, Connor stopped him by grabbing his arm.

"Brother, are you really mad at me? I swear up and down that I'm on your side. We've been best friends for so long, you know me well."

Only then Shawn's steps came to a halt, but he looked at him in disdain. "Who's your best friend? I think you've been watching too many soap dramas lately. You truly have the aptitude to be single."


"Singles are only those who have no grills!"

Connor's ironic denial almost had Shawn spat out the red wine he drank. Well said, for he himself was not in a romantic relationship.

"Wait a minute. Who are you calling me single? Shawn, you're not much better than I am. You haven't dated anyone as long as I did not. Don't drag Yelena in this. I don't believe your relationship with her at all."