
The First Incident

Storming into the tent Rue gripped her arm as she saw red hand prints form around it. Sitting down on her makeshift bed she held her wound and started shaking. "Fucking hell we've been up here half a day and already somebody worse than Dell!" Kosi said storming into the tent not noticing Rue's disheveled state.

"Fuck this place I'm exhausted already" he said as he dropped face down onto his bed. Left clutching her arm Rue gingerly laid down next to him and started weeping silently. Her soft shallow breathes were soon drowned out by police sirens blaring.

"The fuck is that?" Kosi said lifting his head as two police officers flung the tent open. "Kosi Blue, you need to come with us" a large police officer said as he charged over lifting Kosi out of his bed. "The fuck I'll go with but let me go!" he said as he was forcibly lifted out of bed.

Popping up out of bed Rue saw Kosi be forcefully removed from the tent and just froze in fear. "Shit shit Rue!" he said as he saw her reddened eyes. As his heart sank he swallowed spit and tensed up as he attempted to calm down. "Babe I'm okay I'll be right back" he said visibly wincing as he was taken away.

Rue remained sat glued to her bed as she opened her mouth to scream but no sound came out. As the commotion of Kosi being taken from the camp called attention from everyone outside Elise quickly ran into their tent.

"Shit Rue you're okay!" she said as she rushed over hugging Rue who remained wide eyed and speechless. Staring back at Elise she once again opened her mouth as no sound came out.

"Rue? Um you okay?" Elise said sitting next to her. Still speechless she mouthed a response before pointing at her arm and shaking her head as her eyes became flooded with tears and she finally let out a heartwenching cry. Panicked seeing her friend cry like she's never seen before Elise covered her in a warm embrace.

As out of context pictures of Kosi standing over Cole circulated people at every social and power level fumed and called for the Jaran to be immediately taken out. As fear and hatred roamed rampant through the city Brodie couldn't figure out a cellphone.

"Flynn what the fuck is this?" he said as he received a spam message on his new phone. "That's spam sir" Flynn said. "No that's meat, this is some type of car. Why would they send me this I can't drive" Brodie said visibly confused.

"No sir spam messages, they're trying to make you buy something you didn't ask for" Flynn said at his wits end with Brodie. "That's so dumb, why would they try selling me something I wasn't even asking about-" a loud beeping sound and vibration from the phone interrupted Brodie.

"The fuck is...Jaran attacks innocent Luxen, taken into custody?!" Brodie said incredulously as he instinctively clicked the link. His eyes skimming the article he paced to his bedroom and retrieved a hat. "Flynn grab a driver and get one of those cars we're going down to the police station!" Brodie said as he headed downstairs.

Minutes later they were in the car garage with a driver heading into a classic four seater SUV and headed out. "Flynn in the back with me. You're finding out what the fucks going on with this thing" Brodie said as he threw his phone to Flynn.

"Alright earlier today the first in a long line of incidents to come involving Jaran attacks on Luxens occurred when a petulant Jaran named Kosi Blue attacked a young Luxen man who has chosen to remain anonymous. A picture which shows Blue aggressively standing over the Luxen was posted onto social media earlier today- okay so then let me see what the socials are saying about it" Flynn said as he scrolled through angry hateful comments on social media.

"Kosi wouldn't do something like that without someone starting it. Find me proof he didn't start it now!" Brodie barked at Flynn while the driver quickly pulled up to the police station drawing eyes from onlookers on the street.

Ignoring the commotion Brodie lept out on the side facing the street and was quickly met with jeers. Tuning them out he turned to walk into the station but was knocked off balance by a rock colliding with the back of his head. Clutching the back of his head he leaned against the car and was quickly pelted with even more rocks.

Grabbing him by the arm Flynn and the driver hid behind the car before quickly running into the station. "A fucking royal just got attacked and stoned and you're all sitting with your thumbs up your asses!" the driver barked alarming the officers on sight to run outside and catch the attackers.

"Shit shit shit, you okay sir?" Flynn said in a panic. "Fuck I'm fine I'll be okay find that proof and take me to whoever is in charge here" Brodie replied clutching his side as blood trickled down the back of his neck.