

*1 year later*

Chase POV

Today is the day I ask Charli to marry me. I'm in the bathroom and I'm in here because I didn't want to wake Charli up. She's sleeping and I have to get ready quietly to pick up her ring. I'm going to have her and Paisley get dressed up, and tell her I have a surprise, and then I'm gonna blindfold her and a driver's going to drive us to the football field and I'm going to propose to her in front of all of our family and friends. It's all gonna happen tonight. I've invited everyone we know and I have a ring for Paisley. My plan is to get ready, tell her I'm going to get Dunkin', and pick up the rings on the way. So, I'm gonna get ready and check back in with you guys later." I said while turning the camera off. I. showered, washed my face and brushed my teeth. After I finished, I tip-toed back into my room and grabbed a hoodie with some jogging pants. "Charli, I'm going to get Dunkin', I'll be back" I said. She nodded her head. I left out and drove to the jewelers to pick up the rings. After I picked up the ring, I got our coffee and Paisley some munchkins. Then, I drove back to the house. When I unlocked the door, Paisley was standing right in front of me. "Good morning pumpkin!" I said while setting the drinks down and picking her up. "Good morning daddy" she said while laughing because I was tickling her. "Where's mommy?" I asked her. "Upstairs" she said. "You want some donuts" I asked her. "Yes please!" she said. I handed her the bag of munchkins and she ran away to her play area. Then I walked upstairs. Charli was sitting up on the bed looking at her phone. "Good morning Char" I said while walking in. "Hi baby, thank you for my coffee!" she said. "Okay sit down, I have to tell you something. I want you and Paisley to start getting ready at 4, because I have a surprise." I said. "Okay!" she said. I could tell she was excited.

*4 Hours Later*

Charli POV

So Chase told me to start getting ready at 4, and it's 4 now, so I guess I'll start getting Paisley ready. I gave her a quick bath and got her clothes on. After I got her clothes on, I did her hair. I did half-up half-down with a bun and curls in the back. And I always pull the wispies out in the front. Once she was ready, I had Chase watch her whike I got ready. I showered, and washed my hair. Then, I put on a random t-shirt, and did my makeup. After I finished my makeup, I blow-dried and flat-ironed my hair and then I got my outfit on.After I finished putting my dress on, I put my earrings in, my contacts in, and my heels oAfter I goy her clothes on, I did her hair. I did half-up half-down with a bun and curls in the back. And I always pull the wispies out in the front. Once she was ready, I had Chase watch her whike I got ready. I showered, and washed my hair. Then, I put on a random t-shirt, and did my makeup. After I finished my makeup, I blow-dried and flat-ironed my hair and then I got my outfit onn. When I finished, Chase was ready so we left out. We got in this car and Chase said I had to put on a blind-fold. He put the blind-fold on me an dthe driver drove us somewhere that took 30 mins. When we got there, Chase helped me out of the car. "Okay, I'm gonna hold your hand and carry Paisley. Just keep walking until we make it." Chase said. I was excited. We walked for what seemed like forever, and then he stopped. "I'm gonna take off your blind-fold" he said while gently untiying it. When he took it off, it was really dark, and then a bunch of bright lights turned on. We were in a football field. "Okay, let daddy see your hand" Chase said to Paisley. Then she gave him her hand. "This ring is to let Paisley know that Daddy will always love her and be there for her." he said while slipping and ring on her finger. He put her down, got down on one knee, and reached into his back pocket. "Now this ring, is for a special person, who has been with me since day 1, and I love her with all my heart. Charli, will you marry me?" he said. "Yes!" I said. I put the ring on my finger and suddenly, I heard cherring and applause. I turned around and there was a crowd of people running towards me and I saw my parents and all of my friends in one huge crowd. Once they got to us, they picked me up, and I was tossed into the crowd. Once everyone congratulated us, me, Chase, my mom and dad, Chase's mom and dad, and our sisters went out for dinner. I asked Madi if she could watch Paisley. Of course she said yes and took Paisley home with her. We went to The Palm in Beverly Hills. It was really nuce and we had a good time. "So Charli.... are you changing your last name?" my dad asked. "I was planning to" I said while laughing because I knew he was up to something. "So, what about a wedding" my mom asked. "Mom, we just got engaged today!" I said. "I know, I was just asking." she said. "Anyways, I have an announcement to make. So me and Chase have been talking about this for a while, and we've decided on it. I'm starting my own dance company" I said. "Congratulations!" said everyone. "We're in the process of buying this nice dance studio downtown. We might have it in about 2 days." I said. Everyone was excited about the dance studio and I am to of course. It's just gonna be a lot because I used to be a Tiktoker, and I just recently left the app, and people are might use this opportunity to gain clout from me, and not put in effort to dance. But, I won't let it happen. But anyways, when we were all ready to go, the driver drove us back home. We called Madi, and she said Paisley was asleep, so we should just leave her there. Me and Chase watched movies and cuddled for the rest of the night and of course, I fell asleep in his arms.