
Chapter 51: The Sin Of The Parent, Part 6, Forty-Two Years Ago

"Please, Mr Kimberley, sit down." Abe Goldman offers him a seat, his expression neutral. "I asked you to call by today to discuss your position with the bank."

Al fiddles with his pen. "Yes, I know I'm a little late with the payments, but I'll have caught up by the end of next month. Everything's under control."

"You're sure of that? The fact is that you are not 'just a little late'. You have missed two monthly payments and the next would be due at the end of the week. Are you saying that you will have made good the deficit by the end of next week?"

"Um, no, but by the end of next month, definitely."

Goldman's expression remains bland. "Can you explain to me how you come to be late with the payments? When the bank forwarded the funds to you, you were quite positive that you could handle the repayments."

Al shifts in his seat. "Oh, some unexpected expenses. You know how it is. We had some storm damage to the roof, and then Shelley, my daughter, she needs school uniform and...."