Alexanders hesitates, then, "You say she knew about Blessingmoors. Had she seen inside?"
"Yes. I wouldn't have hurt her. I just wanted her back."
"Did she know about the cellars?" He leans forwards. "I've been in those cellars," he hisses. Jennifer jerks alert again, staring at him, wiping her eyes on the back of her hand. "They're enough to scare the shit out of anyone, let alone a young woman, alone in the world."
I think back.
Was she down in the cellars?
I don't know....
"What would you have done?" says Jennifer, "If she'd come looking?"
"I don't know. Taken her somewhere I suppose. Where we could be together."
She cocks her head. "You mean, invited her to go with you? Or taken her?"
When I don't reply, she continues, "You see, I think your idea of love is ownership. And my mother didn't want to be owned."
Is that a fact?
"I know what kind of relationship you have with him." I nod at Alexanders. His chin tilts up, eyes narrowing. "What's the difference?"