I'm supporting Charlotte. Mitch stays close by Michael, who doesn't look happy.
Klempner moves around the room, standing by each door in turn, ear pressed close. He shakes his head a little. "Can't hear a thing."
Laying hand on handle. "Ready everyone? Let's see if Laughing Boy is still out there."
There's a tremor in Michael's voice. "Don't hurt him if you don't have to."
Klempner's reply is cool. "Why don't you give it a rest? I'd say you've let your brother get away with far too much." Michael's jaw sets.
Klempner stands by the exit to the passageway, easing the door open a crack, peering out. "Stand back." As the gap widens, a shot ricochets through the opening. Klempner jerks back. "He's by the stairs, blocking the exit."
Michael pushes forward. "I'll talk to him. He only shot me by accident. He wouldn't do it deliberately."
Klempner arches brows, standing back from the door, gesturing out. "It's your funeral."