
Chaotic Journey.

Oemitsu Gremory, the son of Grayfia and Sirzechs, is neglected by his own family for not being born with the Power of Destruction. A power that is characteristic of those of the Bael Family, however, it was inherited by those of the current Gremory generation. He was not only born without this power, but he was doomed to be a low-class devil. Finding no warmth in his real family he sets out to create his own family. Disclaimer: We do not own any of the original animes used on this fanfic. We only own our current original characters. The mc will be evil. He will regard most human life as grass or as pawns that he will get rid off. The only people worthy of his respect are the ones as strong or stronger than him. He will do anything to protect his new family even if it means comiting crimes, massacres or torture. If that is not your cup of tea, then we suggest you to leave and find a more suitable novel or fanfic for you. Also, our character will not be overpowered we will try to balance him as much as possible. We will decide the pace of the story and will not change it even if the readers ask. This is supposed to be a slow story with character development. If you spot any grammar mistake, then you can write it in the paragraph and we will edit it. If you want to do some review, it must be in english and do not review this novel based on the other novel.

Dereck_Oliveira · Anime und Comics
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134 Chs

Carnage, and Ganelon.

(Oemitsu POV)

'It has been 2 years since I crushed Zhcted. Afterwards, I focused on expanding to the west, leaving Zchted alone, because, to be honest, I have no interest in it. At least not now. I just focused on stabilising my home territory, however, Asvarre decided that they wanted to try their luck again. This time, with 100,000 soldiers. In response, I mobilised 50,000; and crushed them completely. This event now leads to the current situation.' Right in front of me, there is the enemy camp which is on fire, and the enemy General who is on his knees.

"If you beg for you life, I will let you live. After all, the King forced you to make an army. No one in their right mind would try to fight me in the battlefield. I still hate you for burning my cities on the border, and taking everything in them." I proposed after I got in front of him.

"I am a proud General of Asvarre! I would rather die than beg for my life, now kill me! What is wrong? Don't you have the balls?! I thought you-" before he could finish his sentence, I use an ice knife and slit his throat.

His eyes widened as blood was gushing out from his neck.

"You are quite boring you know?" I crouched. "If you begged for your life, I would have spared you." I told him as I looked at his eyes, and had the pleasure of seeing his eyes widening in disbelief, right before they lost the spark of life inside them, and turned lifeless.

Like this, the General died, regretting his meaningless pride. After getting up with a smile on my face, I said. "Kill them all. Leave none alive. I'm tired of getting attacked by Asvarre." And at my command, more than 60,000 soldiers were executed, creating a beautiful symphony of deaths cries, curses, pleadings, etc.

Koku came at my side, and saw the huge smile I had. "Happy as always." She commented.

"Happy? Nah, I would say that I am amused. Death is always amusing." I watched as the ground was turning red.

"Should we push deeper into Asvarre? Now they don't have an army, while we have a navy, recapturing Maliayo is possible, we can even reach their capital." Koku said as she placed a handkerchief on her nose.

Seeing this, I found it rather comical. "Fufufu. Not yet. It is not time to deal with Asvarre."

Kyoukai arrived right after her. "The royal army, numbered 25,000 was defeated at the Dinant Plains. They were defeated by 5,000 soldiers led by Elen, a war maiden."

"What about the Prince? He was killed right?" I asked her.

And she nodded. "Prince Regnas was defeated, and killed in battle."

"That is a lie. For starters, he is not a Prince, but a cross dressing Princess. And she is still alive. She has been trained by shiro, so there is no way that she would die that easily, what about the King?" I turned to her.

"He has retired, and closed himself off in his room." She answered.

"Perfect. The Dukehe Duke of Nemetacum was already fighting against the Duke of Lutetia, now that the King retired from politcs, nothing can stop them. A shame for both of them, the one who will prevail in the end is me." I shook my head.

"This changes the nature of things. Now with the King out of the picture, we can finally unite our lands between Eisen, and the Dinant Plains." Ousen, my newest General, commented.

Ou ki nodded. "If we obtain Lutetia, then our lands will be connected, and the north of Brune will be on our hands. However, I gotta ask... was this always your plan, your majesty?" He looked at me.

Smiling, I decided not to reply.. "Prepare the army, we march. Our goal is the capital of the Lutetia county, Artersium."

'Now, no one will stop my ambition. The entirety of Brune will fall on my hands, and I will finally release one of my seals from my eye. Duke of Lutetia, Ganelon, I am coming for your head.'

(Maximilian Bennusa Ganelon POV)

'I'm currently planning my next move. Now that my rival, the King of Brune is poisoned, and almost dead, I can do as I wish with Brune. However, at the same I am bored since there is no one that can offer me a challenge. The Duke of Nemetacum, Thenardier, is an interesting opponent, but he is a human, not something that can come close to me, a Demon. I am way more interested in picking up a fight with the God of War in the west. His battle prowess is feared throughout the entire continent.

It doesn't matter the odds, he does not lose a battle.' As I was pondering, my tactician, Marquis Greast, came in the room.

"My Duke, the barbarians are marching west. They are probably coming to take your lands." He said.

I nodded. "He was always eyeing our lands, he wants to reconnect the lands that he has conquered in the east with the ones in the west, if he manages to conquer Lutetia, then he will have a land route to supply the invincible fortress Babel, and the north of Brune will also be under him. Interesting. I always wanted to see just how strong he was, if he wants these lands, let's give them, however, with a little twist. "I couldn't help but smile. 'I hope that the King of the mountains isn't a boring opponent like the King of Brune.'

(Oemitsu POV)

'I have gathered an army of 60,000 men from the west, and an army of 30,000 left from the Babel fortress led by Ou Ki, with the objective of taking Lutetia. I was expecting the little Demon to run away, however, he choose to fight me on the field with 80,000 men. He just made my life a lot easier.' I smiled, but at this moment, I saw a big fire behind their army. "There is no way... Kyoukai, come here." Hearing my call, she simply appeared behind me.

"What is it, my King?"

"Go ahead, and check the capital city of the Lutetia county, Artesium." After I gave her my orders, she disappeared.

After this, I turned to my aid. "What are you waiting for? Get into formation." After I ordered them, they did as I said, and got in formation.

I was on a hill, so I had the terrain advantage while Ganelon's army is mostly composed of cavalry and infantry, my army is composed of a mixed ratio of cavalry, infantry, and archers. After a few seconds, Kyoukai appeared behind me again.

"My King, Ganelon has burned down Artesium."

I widened my eyes. "Fufufufu. You little bastard. So if you can't have it, no one else can. You will pay for it. All those resources gone to ashes... he might have just made my world conquest last a year longer." I gritted my teeth before I took a deep breath. "Have our infantry assume defensive positions, remember have our cavalry hidden behind the hills, and eliminate any scouts. Do not allow them to know the exact number of our army." After I ordered them, their army marched headfirst.

The infantry went in first. "Infantry, build a shield wall. Stop their charge at any cost." Following my order, the infantry built a shield wall and stopped their charge. "Bow cavalry, rain down arrows from their flanks, do not engage! Archer units, rain down arrows from behind the infantry units, do not allow them to be breached!"

"YES SIR!!!" They answered.

After quickly controlling the battlefield, soon enough, trumpets were heard. The enemy infantry didn't have the mobility to chase after the mounted archers that were raining down arrows from their flanks, besides the mounted archers, there were also the archers on foot, shooting arrows from behind the shield wall composed of the infantry.

"Sir, it appears that they have sent out all of their infantry. If this keeps going, the infantry will not hold on." My aid explained.

'They have way more infantry than me...' I pondered. "Bow cavalry retreat. Send the regular cavalry!" After my command, our cavalry that was hidden behind the hills charged out, rushing towards the enemy. However, their aim was not the flank, it was the rear of the infantry units.

With Mo Bu leading them, they split into two. One from the left, and another from the right. Hitting them at the same time in the back. In the end, in front of them they had a shield wall, and arrows raining down on them, and from behind they had Mo Bu, and the cavalry charging into their ranks, splitting them into two.

The only problem with this, is that the enemy still has their cavalry. If they charge their cavalry in, they can, without a problem, destroy the flank of Mo Bu's cavalry.' And just like I predicted, their cavalry charged in. If they let their infantry die, then they would lose.

"Ou Ki, I will let you in command of the rest." I told him.

"Kokoko, always leaving the most boring tasks to me." He said.

"Sorry, but this time I need to make sure that I get Ganelon's head." I smiled. "Hussars, with me!" I commanded.

Like this, me and my 5,000 Hussars charged down the mountain, completely avoiding the infantry, and Mo Bu's cavalry. Instead our target was the 10,000 enemy cavalry that was threatening our troops. Both cavalry collided at the same time, however, there was a difference. My cavalry is composed of veterans who have fought in multiple wars, and skirmishes with me, so they broke through quite easily, but it doesn't mean that they were able to defeat them easily.

The enemy still has at least double our numbers in mounted soldiers. I moved my spear and split a soldier in half. 'Since I can make weapons out of ice, I trained with ice swords, spears and knives, after all, I can't use a sword on top of a horse.'

"That is the enemy General! Get him, and you will be rewarded with nobility!" One of their soldiers screamed.

After his announcement, I simply cut another soldier's head off, and grabbed a spear from a charging soldier, after that, I lifted him up with the spear, and threw him on the ground before I threw the spear like a javelin, and impaled two soldiers. Since my horse was on a maddened charge, he trampled over the poor soldier that was thrown to the ground, killing soldier after soldier that came in my way. Soon enough, I broke through, and charged into the enemy's headquarters alone because none of my elite soldiers managed to break through yet.

My horse trampled over the basic defenses. "Ganelon come out! Your head is mine!" I yelled, however, the only thing I was greeted with, was soldiers. 'He left a unit of reserves.' I shook my head before I swung my hand. "You are annoying." After I swung my hand, an extremely cold wind passed by them, and froze soldier after soldier.

Like that, I continued my absurd massacre. After I killed more than 2,000 soldiers with my spear and sword, I finally arrived into the center of their headquarters. Half way through I sent my horse back and switched to my sword. Since he was getting in the way, I couldn't fight for real, or else he would die... I really need to get a stronger horse.

Now I am surrounded by foes, however, none of them actually dared to attack me. Behind my back there was a huge amount of corpses.

"Don't be afraid! He is just one enemy!" One of them tried to encourage the others.

"But that is the Death Reaper!" Other one commented.

"According to the rumours he killed more than 10,000 soldiers of Asvarre himself when he was enraged!" Another soldier said.

'Who the hell is spreading this rumours?! And what is up with the 10 different nick names?' I shook my head.

"If you are not coming to me, I will go to you." I firmed my feet on the ground before I propelled myself forward, smashing a poor soldier's head on to the floor before I turned to the next one, and sliced him in five with my strings.

"Pentagon Strings!" With a simple attack, more than 150 soldiers were split into 5.

After seeing my carnage, some of the other soldiers abandoned their weapons, and started to run away. The only thing around me are my strings, and they were cutting everything in their way.

"You are causing quite a bit of trouble... those soldiers are expensive you know?" I suddenly heard a voice behind me.

When I turned around, I saw a old man in his 60's with an imp-like stature matching that of a prepubescent teenager.

"You have given me quite a bit of trouble, Ganelon, or should I call you Koschei?"