
Chaos is a place for us losers

Christian Tsunade a high schooler in the respected Sakura academy, but Christian is a boy that get pissed easily, and because of this he can be violent, being someone who beats up people he is hated by almost everyone in the academy, but one day changed that, three people helped Christian to accept people and value their company, but the more Christian knew about these people the more he saw their own hell, and now Christian tries to help his friends that helped him.

Just_A_Guy_Web · realistisch
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24 Chs

One more time

Warning: words and stuff.

Christina Tsunade, a fifteen-year-old girl, and a 1st grader in the respectable Sakura Academy just found out something personal about one of her friends.

Chris woke up earlier than her roommates, "Sheesh, I guess I'm the only one awake," she then remembered what happened yesterday and she began to blush a little bit, "I wonder what Samuel is doing right now," then she remembered the talk with Samuel, "Hmph, he didn't have to say that much,"

Yesterday under the bridge

Chris was shocked by what Samuel was saying, he explained his past to Chris who felt sorry for Samuel, "So what do you think of my past?" Samuel said to Chris with his normal voice, he was feeling more comfortable with Chris as time goes by.

"Umm….." Chris didn't know what to say, Samuel said a lot of personal stuff to her in a matter of thirty minutes, "I think that you don't deserve what happened to you," she said to Samuel as Samuel's face was a mixture of happiness and relief.

"Thank you," Samuel said while giggling, "Oh Chris can you do something for me?"

"And what is that?" Chris said to Samuel who had a smirk on his face.

"Can you please keep my past a secret?" Samuel told Chris who was a little surprised.

"That's all?" Her question was quickly answered by a quick nod, "Well I wasn't going to tell anyone even if you didn't ask me," her response made Samuel very happy.

"I was lucky for being a friend of such colorful people, especially someone as dependable as you," What Samuel said made Chris feel weird.

Her heart suddenly was beating quickly, "What's this," she said while Samuel skipped stones on the river.

"Wh-what do you mean de-dependable," Chris stuttered as Samuel looked at her.

"Well you did listen to me rambling for thirty minutes," Samuel said to Chris who was now beyond red, "You also helped us clean up the….. Condom incident," Samuel damned Shinabaru for pulling that prank.

Meanwhile Chris was super embarrassed, her heart was also beating quickly, her heart was beating as much as she wanted to beat Shinabaru for pulling that prank.

"Oh yeah, Chris I have more good news," Samuel said catching Chris off guard, "I found a trick for my condition,"

"Wha-what is i-it," Chris said while stuttering.

"I just have to eat apples because they have a lot of fiber which fills my stomach up," Samuel said while still skipping stones, "I eat about….. ten a day I think, but I burn it off with exercise with Npc," Samuel said happily.

Now in the present.

"Geez, he didn't have to say those things to me," Chris said while hugging her pillow.

Meanwhile in the boy's room

Samuel just woke up from his sleep, he was the first one to sleep so he expected that he was also the first one to wake up.

"Morning Samuel," said a figure who was reading a book beside the window, it was Npc, and he was reading his... Diary??

"Hey Npc what are you reading?" Samuel asked

"Oh it's just my diary, I was just reading it because I forgot what happened yesterday," what Npc just said confused Samuel.

"How can you forget what happened yesterday?" he was about to say, but Npc beat him to it.

"Oh, Samuel can you wake up these sleepyheads," Npc asked politely while pointing at the other boys on the floor.

"Sure," Samuel proceeded to poke Christian's face repeatedly.

Christian was sleeping belly style, he was also drooling on his pillow a lot, Christian was woken up from his slumber by the death of a thousand pokes.

"Whhhaaaatttt," Christian said with a tired voice, but then he realized that his face was covered in drool, "I have to go to the bathroom," Christian said while running to the bathroom.

"Alright next," Samuel then looked at Shinabaru who was….. Inside... the cabinet, ��How did he get in there," Samuel said with a shocked expression, especially because Shinabaru somehow got his left arm behind his own neck.

"Oh, it's because Shinabaru is an energetic sleeper, and he also talks a lot, some of the things he says scares me," Npc said to Samuel with a terrified expression.

Samuel proceeded to kick Shinabaru to wake him up, "STOP!! STOP!!" Shinabaru said to Samuel who stopped kicking the small boy, "You could have woken me up by shaking me, but NOOOOO, you had to kick me," Shinabaru said getting up and going to the bathroom to see Christian covered in drool.

"What happened to you," Christian said while looking at Shinabaru's messy hair, it was just as messy as his internet history.

"I should be telling that to you," Shinabaru said seeing Christian's drool mask, "It seems that you mouthed yourself,"

"Can you please stop that joke, it's not funny," Christian said while blocking the way of Shinabaru to the sink, "I got here first,"

Meanwhile, the two other boys were talking about what they'll do at the beach, "I want to build a corgi sandcastle," Npc said, still reading his diary.

"I want to make a sand fortress, and I wanna fight the waves," when Samuel said this, Shinabaru peeked his head out of the bathroom.

"That would be fun especially if the waves are massive, actually when I was a kid my dad and I used to fight massive waves, so I know how to DEFEAT THE WAVES," Shinabaru said to Samuel who was already planning how to destroy the waves.

At the beach.

"THERE ARE NO WAVES!!!!" the two boys said seeing that there were no big waves Samuel and Shinabaru wanted.

When the two boys were raging Christian went to meet the student council, but all he saw was a beautiful lady with two arguing "Young adults"

"What happened here," Christian said with a bored tone to Yashiro who was equally bored.

"They were talking about which game we should play on the beach," Yashiro then said something to Christian's ear, "Do you like my swimsuit," she said, a little embarrassed.

Christian looked at her, no cleavage, no unnecessary holes, and shorts, "You look beautiful," Christian whispered into her ear, this comment made her blush, the two of them were again in their world, Christian didn't have the tone that shook his classmates, and Yashiro didn't have her intimidating aura.

"Oh, whazzup Tsunade-san, Yashiro-san," one of the bodybuilders in the GET FIT club said to them.

"Oh hello Jora," the silver tongue said with his deep and bone-chilling tone in his voice.

"Hello, there Jora," the woman of steel said with her intense gaze.

"Oh! He-hello guys," the giant man said to Christian and Yashiro with a scared voice.

"What do you need Jora," Christian said to the giant man who looked terrified.

"We-well you see here me and Natsuki were thinking about- NATSUKI WHERE ARE YOU," Jora shouted to his lost brother.

Then they heard some noises from the water, "That's probably Natsuki," Jora said with an angry tone.

They walked to the water to see Natsuki and Shinabaru twirling their wet hair, "SKRA SKRA SKRA SKRA SKRA," the two boys said to each other while whipping their hair around.

"And of course if Shinabaru's here all the girls follow him," Christian said while pushing the girls away.

Shinabaru hired Christian as a bodyguard for an extra five thousand yen, and of course, he accepted.

"Thanks, Christian," Shinabaru said while about to get tossed by Natsuki, "Alright Natsuki LAUNCH ME," Shinabaru was tossed to the air, "I DON'T REGRET THI- I REGRET THIS," Shinabaru screamed while hitting the water hard.

"Is this what you suffer every day Tsunade," Yashiro said to Christian.

"Why no respect?" Christian said to Yashiro.

"Why are you using slang, and what do you mean Tsunade?….. Ohhh, SORRY SORRY, those three have been affecting me, I'm sorry... Tsunade-san," Yashiro said as cute as possible.

"Ahhahhhahhaoahahaooohoahaha," Christian made a very weird noise.

Meanwhile, Samuel and Chris were getting ice for the sodas, it was very awkward for Chris.

"Chris," Samuel said to Chris who jumped at this, "Oh sorry for surprising you there," Samuel apologized to Chris who recovered from the emotional blow Samuel gave to her.

"Oh, it's ok," Chris replied, trying to sound cool.

"I just wanted to thank you for helping me get ice, I knew I could depend on you," Samuel said to Chris with a smile.

"Not cool, not cool," Chris said in her mind, she was as red as a cherry, "I need somebody to save me," she was hoping for somebody to come to save her from the blush master known as Samuel.

"Yo, Chris, Sam, mind if I help you," Npc appeared out of nowhere, his entrance made Chris very relieved.

"Sure why not, but why though," Samuel was thankful for the offer.

"Well… There were a lot of people so we need more ice than what you'll buy, I'll carry the ice and you'll buy the ice," Samuel suspected so, Npc wasn't good at talking to other people, when talking to people Samuel was the best and Christian and Npc were the "not good" side.

"Alright, plus we needed your muscles for this," Samuel said to Npc.

They walked to the store, Chris was glancing at Samuel now and then, Npc was just kicking rocks, meanwhile another girl was walking behind them.

"Hi guys," said Tsuyuki from behind, "Are you guys getting ice," she asked nervously.

"Yeah, how about you?" asked Chris to Tsuyuki, then suddenly Tsuyuki put her mouth near Chris' ear.

"I'm getting information about Shinabaru, I... want to confess to him during this beach trip," said Tsuyuki while trying to look and sound composed.

"I see, so you're going to risk it during this trip eh? I always knew you liked younger boys," whispered Chris with a sly smile, "Shotacon," Chris said tauntingly, but Chris did want her best friend to be with Shinabaru, even though she knew Shinabaru's a massive pervert.

"It's true love, age doesn't matter," Tsuyuki was trying to hide her little boy obsession with the "True love" excuse.

"Whatever, anyway here are some things about Shinabaru," Chris rambled about Shinabaru for a long time, she didn't even help carrying the ice, she told Tsuyuk everything about Shinabaru, to his favorite colour, his fashion, how he does his hair, his favorite sleeping spots, but one thing caught Tsuyuki by surprise.

"Whatever you say, don't bring up his pills, he becomes very quiet and awkward for the whole day if you do so," this made Tsuyuki wonder.

"What about his pills," asked Tsuyuki.

"Well, every day at exactly 7:30am he takes two pills, I tried to find out what it is but…... he keeps his pills hidden or locked," Chris said with a worried face, this made Tsuyuki very curious.

"Actually everyone in the house has a weird thing that they do, Shinabaru with his pills, Samuel with his isolation, Npc with his diary, and big brother with his.... soft side," the more Chris speaks the more Tsuyuki becomes curious.

"What do you mean soft side," asked Tsuyuki who was more than curious about the subject.

Chris hesitated for a moment, she began to shake, and then she suddenly stopped, Tsuyuki didn't see this side of Chris often, she was always happy and cheerful, even since they were kids, Chris only acted like this five times for fifteen years.

"Big brother always visits Mom every two months on a friday, he always picks flowers for her like what we used to do everyday... well when she was alive, and for a day Big brother becomes very vulnerable," Chris said with a sad expression on her face.

Tsuyuki was shocked, the Tsuyuki family and the Tsunade family were close, Tsuyuki, Chris, and Christian were childhood friends, Christian was actually Tsuyuki's first childhood crush, Christian was a shy but kind kid, he never insulted anyone or tried to hurt anyone, but he was always bullied and made fun of, but it all changed when his mother died, since then he became the silver tongue and left his old personality, but it seemed that there was still a little bit of his old self in the silver tongue.

When the girls were having an emotional talk, the boys were failing to put out the fire of the grill that they brought.

"ARAWAN GIVE ME THAT!!" one of the teachers shouted at Shinabaru who was spilling a liquid at the growing fire.

"THAT'S LIGHTER FUEL, ARE YOU STUPID ARAWAN," the teacher shouted to Shinabaru who was panicking at this point.

"YOU TRAP, YOU MADE IT BIGGER," Christian said while throwing ice at the fire.

"HEY THAT'S OUR ICE," Npc and Samuel shouted at Christian, who shouted back, Npc just threw Christian at the ocean to solve the problem.

"NATSUKI DON'T GO NEAR THE FIRE," Jora shouted as his brother started doing tribal dances near the fire, he was later joined by nine other students.

"Woah, now that's a big fire," said Jemuzu who was in spectator mode while everyone was playing.

"Don't just stand there Jemuzu," the MVP of the mess, Kurapa said to Jemuzu while appearing with a fire extinguisher.

"Ok then, but you know you can walk a little faster," Jemuzu said while looking at Kurapa who was slow-mo walking.

"I'm cool," Kurapa said to Jemuzu.

It took a full two minutes for Kurapa to walk a full fifteen meters.

After the whole mess, Shinabaru had to clean up after the fire, the teachers had to apologize to the owners of the beach, Kurapa was awarded for being a responsible student.

When they got back to the motel, Shinabaru instantly went to the hot pools, Christian was playing air hockey with Yashiro, Npc and Samuel were playing the arcade, meanwhile Kurapa and Jemuzu were playing a very intense game of chess, Kurapa being the one who takes attack, meanwhile Jemuzu always set traps for Kurapa.

When dinner came the gang already had their own spot in the motel, the place was under a tree, near enough for people to see them, but far enough for them not to hear the ruckus from the outdoor all-you-can-eat buffet.

Shinabaru and Chris were playing with sticks, until Shinabaru realized that one of the sticks were pointed, so he stabbed the ground to make a hole, and that's what they did instead, Christian and Yashiro were flirting when no one was looking and talking about life when someone looks at them, Jemuzu, Npc, and Kurapa were trying to climb a tree, but Kurapa fell off causing him to have a sore shoulder, but strangely, Samuel and Tsuyuki were walking around talking about their lives.

"How is it being with siblings?" Tsuyuki asked, but Tsuyuki wasn't only talking to Samuel to make him one of her friends, but she was also training herself on talking to boys.

"Well.... If they have an argument, I was the one who would take care of it, I was what you call, the deciding sibling," Samuel proudly said.

"Hehe, I bet it was challenging for you," Tsuyuki said to Samuel who looked a little embarrassed, "Why are you covering your eyes," she said to Samuel.

"Well you see here….. I just remembered what happened yesterday and... I'm very sorry please forgive me," Samuel bowed as Tsuyuki lit up.

"No no no no no, it was entirely our fault, I'm sorry," Tsuyuki bowed her head as fast as a lightspeed plane, while Samuel was lifting his head, this caused Samuel's head to smash into her head.

"Ow, sorry sorry Samu-" Tsuyuki realized that she knocked out Samuel, she panicked because their walk was long, they were about one kilometers away from the motel in the middle of the woods, "What do I do, What do I do," she was jumping and running around.

Then something popped in her mind, "Carry Samuel?" Tsuyuki told herself, she had two choices, one was to call for help while leaving an unconscious Samuel lying on the dirt floor, or carrying Samuel for about one kilometer.

"You guys know where Samuel and Tsuyuki is?" asked Kurapa who wasn't allowed to climb trees for the moment.

"I actually don't know," Shinabaru said while finishing his seven... inch... hole.

"Look, it's them," Yashiro said, seeing a silhouette of someone carrying somebody.

There stood Tsuyuki, she was carrying Samuel on her back, she looked more than tired, her legs were shaking, and her breaths were hard.

"TSUYUKI!!" Chris shouted as everyone went to help her.

Christian picked up Samuel who was unconscious, when Christian did that Tsuyuki instantly got to her knees, "Why did you do that Tsuyuki?" Chris said as Tsuyuki fainted due to exhaustion.

Tsuyuki was instantly sent to the clinic, Chris was worried about her friend, so she stayed at the clinic until Tsuyuki became better, she was frustrated with herself, not only because she wouldn't carry Samuel for that long, but also because she let her best friend go through that, "I'm a bad friend aren't I right... Nanaka," she whispered in her friend's ear.

Later that night, when everyone was sleeping, Christian peacefully drooling, Samuel moving around now and then, and Shinabaru constantly moving from place to place and saying stuff about how to make a burnt fire, the only person awake in that room was a man who wanted to forget about the past and change.

"I had fun today…. I hope you remember this future self," he wrote something in his diary.

A life of giving pain, a life of lies, a life of being someone who everyone hates, a life full of regrets, a life of forgotten memories, all of these lead up to a being who just want to live a life of peace, with no past demons or shattered memories, all of these factors were the reason why Npc Png is how he is now.

Thanks for the reading readers, I was procrastinating too much, I almost couldn't post this on Sunday.

My team.

Z - writer

C, S, Z - Idea creators

P, J, D, J - re-readers

All of these people are sleep deprived teens who has a lot of time in their hands.

Thanks team.

Just_A_Guy_Webcreators' thoughts