
Chaos in Camelot

In the third adventure of the Voyages of the 997 series. Treasure hunters Kyle and Tina go on a quest to find the powerful gauntlet known as the Dragon Star in the Arthurian city of Camelot. A relic that it said to have the power to have power the lighting and grants incredible armor. Along the way cross paths with sea monster, some new friends and a sinister new enemy.

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The Avalon Dragon Descends

The Night Raiders made it to Avalon Sanctuary and there saw the mighty sword secured in a clear protective box. Are you telling me you couldn't just break the box to get the sword? Haldor, you have so much to learn. The box was magically enchanted by Merlin himself. Nothing can break it. But only the king, royal magician, and the Camelot knights can break the seal.

So Zhane if you would be so kind. Zhane walked up to the box and entered the code to unlock it. A crack formed, and the box shattered into pieces. Zhane grabbed the sword and offered it to Broder. Ah, Excalibur, it's even more magnificent than I imagined. But there is one more thing to add to my collection. Broder placed his Dragon Star hand on the dragon statue in the middle of the sanctuary and channeled the gauntlet's power to the statue.

Night Raiders! Behold the mighty Avalon Dragon! Glowing cracks surrounded the statue until the whole thing burst. Master Broder! A powerful dragon with the same color scheme of crimson and silver as the Dragon Star descended from the sky. Haldor and the Night Raiders stood in shock. The Avalon Dragon!? Sir, are you sure you can control it? This beast was before King Arthur himself. Of course, Haldor. As long as I have the gauntlet and the Mind Scepter for added incentive. This creature will have no choice but to obey me. Kyle, Tina, and Margaret arrived at the sanctuary and stood in shock as well. Margaret, what is that thing? Asked Kyle. If I didn't know any better. I'd say that is the Avalon Dragon. But one hasn't been seen in 10,000 years.

Impressed? My final piece of the puzzle to rule Camelot is complete! I have the gauntlet, the sword, and the dragon. The rise of the Night Raiders is here! Now, if you would excuse us. Fire! The Avalon Dragon fired a huge lightning blast at the heroes that covered the area in smoke. The smoke subsided, and only Zhane stood in front of the heroes with his Draco Saber in hand.

We can't let Broder take over Camelot. Said Tina. Yeah, but we the dark knight eyeing us down. Said Tina. Freeing him is our priority right now. Replied Margaret. This guy may have trapped me in a cave, but two wrongs don't make a right. So, let's free Zhane. Said Kyle. Silly fools, there is no way I'll let you interfere with Master Broder's conquest. Zhane, I'm only going to tell you once… stand down. The only way for you to get past me is to fight. I guess we don't have any choice then.