
Chaos in Camelot

In the third adventure of the Voyages of the 997 series. Treasure hunters Kyle and Tina go on a quest to find the powerful gauntlet known as the Dragon Star in the Arthurian city of Camelot. A relic that it said to have the power to have power the lighting and grants incredible armor. Along the way cross paths with sea monster, some new friends and a sinister new enemy.

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18 Chs

Freeing Zhane

Kyle drew his sword. He and Zhane stared each other down for a few seconds and lunged at each other. It was the Astro Blade vs the Draco Saber in an epic sword fight. Zhane! You are a knight! You're supposed to fight for all things good, and beat the bad guys, not be the bad guy. Save it no one is stopping Master Broder from ruling Camelot. I won't allow you to interfere! Neither one of them are going to give in, said Tina. We have to help Kyle, said Margaret. How? I have an idea. Kyle was pushed back into the girls. Kyle! We have a plan. Margaret whispered in his ear. Do you think it will work? Only one way to find out, said Tina. Is that the best you got? Zhane boasted. Hardly! Kyle charged and the two locked swords.

Zhane, listen to me you don't want to follow Broder. Why not?! I'll show you why not. Kyle brought Zhane to his knees. Now! Freeze spell! Kyle side stepped and Margaret fired an ice blast that froze Zhane in his tracks. I can't move! Screamed Zhane. He reached for his sword but Kyle grabbed it. Oh no, we can't let you have that. Tina let's shock him back to his senses. Got it. Tina aimed Heaven's Charm at the squire. Sorry this is for your own good. Lightning! A small but powerful spark shocked Zhane's entire body. Aaahhh! Zhane fainted to the ground. Water. Said Tina. The water splashed on the squire to wake him up. Wha...What's going on? Where am I? You're in Avalon, and we saved you from Broder's mind control, said Margaret. Mind Control? What are you talking about? And where's the Dragon Star? Relax all we need to do is stop Broder from ruling Camelot, said Tina. Sorry but I work alone. You're the reason why Broder has the gauntlet in the first place! Yelled Kyle.

Yes, and that's something I need to rectify by myself. What is it with you? It's no wonder you're not a knight, you don't try to act like one. You watch your mouth! Let's set something straight. You and I are not friends, and we have nothing in common. No, you're wrong. Kyle picked up the Draco Saber and held it next to his Astro Blade. Look at this! We do have something in common. We are warriors, Zhane. And friends or not you, me, Tina and Margaret are the only hope Camelot has right now. So, if you really want to be a knight, help us save the city! Zhane grudgingly paused and thought for a moment. He nodded his head yes. You're right.