
Chaos in Camelot

In the third adventure of the Voyages of the 997 series. Treasure hunters Kyle and Tina go on a quest to find the powerful gauntlet known as the Dragon Star in the Arthurian city of Camelot. A relic that it said to have the power to have power the lighting and grants incredible armor. Along the way cross paths with sea monster, some new friends and a sinister new enemy.

Master_MoJo · Aktion
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18 Chs


I'm really starting to get sick of that guy. You shouldn't be worried about him because a real threat stands before you. This isn't the time right now, Haldor! You might want to change that tone of yours if you want your friends to be safe. What have you done with Tina and Margaret? Well, there is no time to lose. Let's find our stuff and get out of here. Right, Tina. Who knows what these Night Raiders are going to do to Camelot. cozy in their cells. Release them now or else. Or else what! Kyle paused. If you want to see your friends again, help me get out of this cave. Kyle reluctantly helped the general and thought to himself: I hope the girls are ok, and Zhane, you better enjoy the Dragon Star while you have it. Because I'm coming for it.

Meanwhile, Tina and Margaret struggle to find a way to escape from the Night Raider prison. There must be a way out here? Margaret, can't you use your wand to help us escape? No, the Night Raiders took it, and even if I had it, I'd just screw up again. I'm the reason why we're here. I'll never be like Grandpa Merlin. Margaret, you have powers that put other magic users to shame. All you have to do is believe in your abilities, and don't try to be the next Merlin the Magician when you can be the one and only Margaret the Magician.

The young wizard's face filled with glee and nodded in agreement. You're right, Tina. I can't sit here feeling sorry for myself. Let's get out of here. Margaret stepped forward in front of the cell bars and focused her energy on the keys being held by the sleeping guard. The keys floated towards her. Aa achoo! The keys jingled. The guard woke up. Oh no, not good. Said Margaret. Oh! You sneezed?! Hey, it's dusty in here. You two aren't going anywhere. The guard dashed to the cell door. Margaret grabbed the keys and quickly unlocked the door. Oh no, you don't. Tina opened the door, and the guard ran into it and knocked himself out. Ooh, that's gonna leave a mark. Said Tina. No time to lose. Let's find our stuff and get out of here. Right, Tina. Who knows what these Night Raiders are going to do to Camelot. We can't wait to find out.