

Eva Collins was your everyday average elementary school teacher, she was beautiful, kind and had her way with children. She works a full shift at a prestigious elementary school for the rich and has her life easy until that one day. Eva has the chance to acquaint herself with the sibling of one of her pupils but this encounter forever changes her once simple but plain life. "God...when are they coming for little Avry....the caretaker who usually comes for her has taken far too long now" Eva wonders as she looks at the six year old little girl beside her. The little girl yawns from tiredness. Eva sighed heavily and looked at the little girl beside her with a light smile. "Hey Avry.....can I ask you something" Eva asks gently. Avry nods her head softly as her big adorable eyes stare at her teacher. "Do you wanna come home with me....it's getting pretty late and I can't leave you here" Avry's eyes sparkled from excitement. "Yes Miss Eva....I wanna come with you" Eva smiles brightly but she can't help but scowl inside "What kind of people forget about a little girl at school to such hours" Eva checked her watch and saw that it was eight thirty pm and the school had practically closed. 'Huhhhh...' ...................... But little did Eva know that this little action of care and responsibility had already changed her life. Eva sat quietly in her living room and checked her watch. It was nine twenty and no one had called about Avry Walker from the school yet. She had informed the school that she would take Avry home to atleast have something to eat and rest. They had allowed her since she stayed quite close to the school and had a respectable personality. Suddenly Eva heard a knock on her door and glanced at Avry who was watching cartoons slightly. She got up and walked towards the door. She peeked through the peep hole of her apartment door and saw a man. He was completely shrouded in darkness and beside him stood another man. Eva couldn't make out their faces at all since it was dark outside. Eva picked up the baseball bat next to the door and slowly opened the door. A chilling gush of cold wind immediately brushed against her skin. Eva didn't know whether it was because of the cold rain outside or that indifferent cold stare that the man with the black investigator hat gave her. And still Eva couldn't make out his face since he held his head low. Eva glanced at the other man who stood their calmly like a faithful assistant. He was quite good looking. "Who are you" Eva asked as her grip on the bat tightened. The assistant like man smiled calmly but didn't answer her question "We're here for Miss Avry" Eva looked at them suspiciously but suddenly Avry's soft but tired voice came from behind. "Big brother.....you're here" Eva glanced at the man whom the words had been directed to and she saw the man who had been holding his head low lift it up. Since the light from the living room could now fall on his face, Eva saw him clearly. Eva immediately froze in amazement and her heart had slowed but it beat hard as she looked at that ethereal face. .............. From that day, Eva had a feeling that nothing in her life would remain the same. Join Eva as she unlocks dark and dangerous secrets about this mysterious man. But her curiosity to know this man brings her deeper into a world she knows nothing about. She is soon faced with something even more dangerous and she can nolonger turn back. She wants to run but her emotions and heart have already been captured by him and she is faced with a dilemma. Their love was forbidden and she was in danger from things she had once thought were fairy tales.

writerxs · Fantasie
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7 Chs


Eva tried to calm her nerves as she thought of the message. She checked and saw there.

The message stood out like a sore thumb


You have received a total sum

of US $ 10,000,000 from the account of Zarian Cain Walker.

Eva breathed in and out as she tried to calm herself. She shook her head "Are these the kind of prizes Avry's brother gives"

'The hell.....how did he even know my number'

Eva paced back and forth 'I have to find this guy and return his money...I just can't keep it'

'I'll return it first thing when I get the chance to meet him'

Eva looked at the amount of money one more time.

'It seems Avry's brother must be a big shot if he can casually just give a rando ten million dollars.....but why is it I've never heard of a renown family of walkers that has him and Avry as their children'

Eva seemed frustrated. She wouldn't have minded receiving something small from Zarian but this was too much....plus she knew that those people that despised her would go ballistic if they found out that she had received such a huge amount of money despite their attempts at ruining her.

They would make her life hell just because they loved to see her suffer and ten million in her account was just inviting them to her door step.

'I've already been through enough and am not ready to face those bastards that ruined my life....I already gave up everything for this simple but comforting life.....I may not have much as before but atleast there aren't that many scheming people behind me now'

'I just can't give up this peace.....and this money is a risk especially when I know that they are constantly watching me'

Eva sighed bitterly and swallowed the lump in her throat as she thought of the past.

She dropped on the chair and drowned herself in endless TV dramas.


But in a rather far away and secluded place, an ink black rolls royce phantom drove at a leisurely pace as it wind up the exclusive and quiet road.

The road was lit up by bright street lamps that spoke of grace and elegance.

The road was clean and it was clear that only the owner of the mansion that it lead to could drive here.

Right now in the back seat of the car, a man who seemed twenty six years old sat calmly and a six year old girl was beside.

She was leaning on him and he in turn lightly caressed her back like a loving older brother.

"Big brother....I don't want Darlene to be my caretaker anymore....I don't like her and she didn't even come to pick me up today....." Avry complained with a pout.

Zarian just smiled lightly "Don't worry, I'll find you a new caretaker"

Avry just frowned but she then looked at her brother with those sad, adorable and innocent eyes only kids could give effortlessly.

"But big brother...can't you just be staying at home with me...it gets pretty lonely.....I-I I don't wanna be lonely big brother..."

Avry then broke down into soft sobs, though this was part her sweet plan to get her two favourite people together, it still hurt her childish heart that her brother was rarely home.

Zarian's usually emotionless eyes showed a hint of guilt as he looked at Avry.

"Avry..." He called out.

Avry looked at him with her wet eyes.

"I have good news for you....am gonna be staying at home this summer holiday"

Avry's eyes widened in surprise and excitement "Really"

Zarian nodded and continued "But I still need to get you a nanny"

Avry was too excited and she squealed from excitement "OK big brother"

She hugged him tightly and looked into his calm eyes and a thought popped into her head.

"Big brother can I recommend someone who I think would be a good nanny" Avry asked with hope in her eyes.

Zarian chuckled lightly as he ruffled Avry's hair "Sure"

Avry straightened herself and became very serious as though this was a matter of national importance.

Zarian just shook his head.

"Big brother I'd like for Miss Eva to be my new nanny. I like her and she's very nice, smart, responsible and intelligent. She even likes me and she's my friend. I know she'll take care of me....so please big brother, can she be my nanny"

Eva rattled nervously and she watched for Zarian's reactions.

He remained calm but his gaze was profound as he was thinking.

"Eva Collins" Zarian muttered softly.

Avry nodded "She's very nice brother"

Avry praised Eva nonstop.

Zarian glanced at Avry's hopefilled eyes and he couldn't find it in him to reject her request.

"I'll try to get her to be your nanny but I hope you know that it's up to her whether she wants to be your nanny or not"

Avry was overwhelmed with happiness but she nonetheless nodded in understanding "Thankyou big brother"

Zarian nodded as the black rolls royce phantom came to a smooth stop before the gigantic mansion.

Avry and Zarian stepped out and a middle aged looking man immediately welcomed them "Welcome back masters" he said respectfully with a bow.

Zarian gave a simple nod but he gave the middle aged man a look of dissatisfaction and the man immediately lowered his head in slight fear.

There eyes did all the communication and Zarian turned around and walked into the mansion indifferently.

"Good Evening Uncle Smith" Avry said in her jolly childish voice and Dennis Smith who acted as the butler smiled.

"Good evening Little miss.. how was your day" he asked and Avry happily bubbled about her day. About how she enjoyed her time with Eva.

She intentionally spoke loudly to make sure Zarian who was walking ahead of them heard.

She praised Eva to no end.

"Wow.. miss Eva is really nice for taking care of you" Dennis complimented.

Zarian paused in his tracks and glanced at Avry and then at Dennis "Make sure she has her supplements before heading to bed...she's already taken a shower. It's just a matter getting changed"

Zarian said calmly and Dennis nodded

"Where are you going older brother" Avry asked with a tingle of disappointment in her voice.

Zarian looked at her and he smiled "Don't worry...I'm not going far....Older brother just has to say bye to Darlene so that Miss Eva can become your nanny soon"

A barely noticeable murderous intent flashed in his calm eyes but Avry was too young and naive to notice it but Dennis noticed and shivered lightly.

Avry was ectic when they spoke of Eva becoming her nanny and hurriedly ran and gave Zarian's leg a hug.

"Good night big brother" She said sweetly and she walked back to Dennis.

Zarian turned around and left for his room while Dennis escorted Avry to the kitchen where he gave her her supplement.