
Chaos has come to Orario (A Seven Deadly Sins X Danmachi SI story)

This is a tale of ancient times, a time before the human and non-human races were forever divided. An era of power and glory, the 'Days of the Dungeon'. A legend so old and mythical, it has been lost in the flow of time. During this age, greater beings descended upon the lower realms to find entertainment. They roamed the surface of the Mortal Realm, bestowing blessings upon whom they pleased, which gave those fortunate few the chance to transcend the limits of their flesh, and taste the experience of an existence beyond what they could conceive. These greater beings called themselves 'Gods', and their children whom they bestowed their blessings upon were called 'adventurers'. These brave mortals strove to become something greater than the rest of their kin, by facing the trials of the treacherous and ever perilous Dungeon. And in the centuries that followed, many found glory where others found only their demise. But there was 'one' adventurer, who sought something that even the so-called gods could not imagine. A mortal boy who fought for what he stood for to the end, and achieved something beyond anything that anyone of that world could dream of. A child that faced the greatest of tribulations, and came out above all who had preceded him. And he was known...as the King of Chaos. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Join my Patreon: Patreon/ Vulkizaro_Zoromi

Vulkizaro_Zoromi · Anime und Comics
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(General POV)

Some considered the Denatus to be the most sacred event in the world because it was essentially a place where the gods went to make world changing decisions. And because they were rather whimsical at times, these changes could be quite phenomenal at times.

The most reverent of the dungeon city's citizens even believed that it was something that could bring about the end of the world if the gods so wished. That was how much of an anticipated and eagerly awaited occasion it was.

Few people outside the patrons of the Familias knew exactly what went on there though. Since barely any mortals were there, they never got to see exactly how lazy their respective deities were.

The Denatus was really just a chance for them to catch up on things outside their usual rivalry while eating and drinking aplenty. It was really just a big holiday in which they escaped their duties and spent their time horsing around. At times, the Denatus could go on for days and it would only be the last day on which the important decisions were actually made.

Loki was known to be among those who thoroughly enjoyed herself at these meetings and this time was no different. However behind her playful antics was an underlying worry on what would happen when it came to her children. She had two record breakers to introduce to this Denatus, both of which would be given names.

While she usually worried over what sort of ridiculous name they would be given, she was more so worried about how nosy her kin would become. It went unsaid how everyone would converse on certain traits the adventurer had that afforded them their alias but they also seized the time to talk about them beyond those reasons.

And Loki knew that there was no one burning with more questions than the silver haired beauty who had just so happened to have chosen the seat next to her this time around.

It was well into the naming phase at this point as Ganesha danced around on the floor dramatically announcing the new names of adventurers from different Familia, and her children were soon to be next. Best for last as they say. It was at this point that Freya decided to finally speak to her.

"You know, it is quite the strangest thing, don't you think?" Freya said in her captivating voice that drew the attention of some of the people around her. "Here we are, soon to name a new record breaker for that exact reason and yet he is already so close to another level up."

"Yes, I would guess. How did you find out about that anyway?" Loki asked.

"Well, when you shout it aloud in a drunken haze right inside the most infamous tavern in the city, you tend to hear it sooner or later. Word travels very fast around this city you know."

"Huh." Loki rolled her eyes. "I guess it does."

"You wouldn't mind if you shared how he was able to achieve that would you?"

"What do you mean?"

"I'm just saying, if an adventurer is able to progress that fast in such a short amount of time, surely it must be due to a special habit or method of training that allows him to grow so."

The other deities around nodded and mumbled in agreement while leaning in to listen eagerly. A conversation between the patrons of the two most powerful Familia in Orario was something worth listening to. Loki coughed with a wry smile.

"You would have to credit that big boy of yours Freya. Ottar really put my Lyzie through the ringer when they faced off on the 18th floor."

There were subtle gasps around them as their exchange surprised the deities listening in.

"The rookie fought with Freya's strongest child?"

"When did that happen?"


"Well I'm hoping you don't blame me for anything, Loki dear." Freya smiled. "Ottar was simply interested in how someone could have levelled up so fast in one day alone. He wanted to see if that sharp rise in power was genuine. I hope you see the outcome as a mere contribution to the little boy's development."

"You would like me to see it that way wouldn't you harpy?" Loki said before she took on a quieter tone. "Stop with the crap Freya, what do you really want?"

"My, my. I have no idea what you are talking about?"

"But I do have an idea. Don't think I haven't forgotten what you did at that idiot's party." She said pointing to Ganesha. "I think that is very much telling of what your intentions are."

"Intentions aside, you know I like testing people who show exceptional promise. Their souls glitter with so much colour, it's hard not try and have a closer look." Freya's cheeks gained a little colour to them. "And little Lyze certainly has the most interesting colours of all."

Loki remained silent. Freya's tone indicated she knew more than what Loki was comfortable with. Her suspicions had been right. Freya continued.

"What is one to do when they come across such a gem Loki? A soul completely out of place and different to those around it. One that radiates so much glory and beauty that it swallows the sight of all those around it. You understand that as one whose sphere is beauty itself, I can't help but get a little handsy."

"On what does not belong to you. When I say that you are a shameless goddess, I mean it many different ways." Loki went silent for a bit, watching as the other gods around them lost interest in the lack of conversation and turned their attention back to Ganesha as yet another adventurer was named off. "Tell me Freya, what exactly have you seen?"

Freya smiled and leaned a little closer as her voice dropped to a whisper. "I have seen 'it', my dear. It burrows within the deepest recesses of his being but I still see it. It cannot escape my eyes...just as much as none of 'us' can escape its gaze."

"Or Lyze's for that matter." Loki remarked. "He complains to me you know, how much you keep staring at him from your perch all day, whether he's in the market or at home or even in the dungeon. I have to say, it's quite creepy."

"Like I said, I can't help myself. 'That' thing aside, the child himself is a sight to behold." Freya leaned her face in her hand as her eyes gained a dreamy and faraway look as she thought back to that particular image. "I have never seen a fire so beautiful, so bright, so...devouring." Freya shuddered at the last word. "It's like it yearns to consume everything around it. And I believe that given enough time, it soon shall. It feeds on passion, on emotions, and outputs power and determination that casts a shadow on the efforts of every other adventurer in Orario."

"A fire? Are we talking about Lyze's soul?"

"What else? The only thing reminiscent of it is the Eternal Flame back in heaven, the one guarded by that particular goddess you were always at odds with. What was her name again?"

Loki squinted her eyes more before they widened in horror. "Wait, you're not talking about-"

"Oh yes! Dear old Hestia. Yes, the fire she treasures so much is akin to the one burning in his soul. I'd almost say that itself cannot even compare to the whispers of promise I hear from that lovely silver flame."

"A silver flame?" Loki muttered in shock. "Are you for real? You know that silver fire can only be of-"

"Divine origins. Yes, I am quite aware. And I'd say that your little record breaker is the one most fit to behold such a visage. A seedling born amongst the Children, the very first to emerge since the dawn of time. You got quite lucky." Freya then cast a lowered brow at the redhead. "I don't get it. You're usually so much more vocal to me about your objections to my snooping around your children. Why is that not the case now?"


Freya's eyes narrowed. "You wouldn't happen to be...conceding?" She asked with feigned hopefulness. That mockery turned to complete shock as Loki seemed to sigh.

"I don't know what to do. That old man's always keeping an eye on you and you're never going to stop. Under normal circumstances I'd be willing to send you right back to Asgard so you'd keep your hands off my kids..." Loki glared at her as her crimson eyes flashed dangerously. Her face then took on a discreet and defeated look. "...but after everything I've seen, I'm beginning to wonder if anything I'd do would help at all. He's just so difficult to deal with."

"You're...going to let go of him? Without a fight?" Freya gaped before giving her a disbelieving smile. "I'm a goddess of War too you know. It would be boring if you didn't show some sort of resistance."

"Resistance that would catch Ouranos's attention." Loki snapped. "Think about it. From what you've seen alone, do you think the old man is going to let it slide."

Freya's expression changed to one of realization. Loki stared at her in disbelief.

"Is you brain so addled with sex that you didn't think about that?" Loki asked.

"For your information, I do not sleep with just anyone." Freya said primly. "I have only ever laid with those that were worthy of touching my flesh, and that was few and far between." Freya then gained a thoughtful look. "Yes, now I think of it though, I can't imagine Ouranos would tolerate something like Lyze existing."

"Lyze himself is not the problem." Loki said. "Ouranos's sphere is the Sky, and not just the empty blueness that we see. That encompasses the void, and the wall between realms. That an entity such as that was able to slip under his radar and inhabit someone down here is surely going to give a knock to his pride." Loki suddenly looked very grim, to such a degree that Freya found herself a little unnerved. "There is more to it though. Something far more dangerous, something that could threaten us all."

"What are you talking about?"

Loki leaned back and put her arms behind her head. "You wanted to meet him in private, and he'll do that soon enough. Anything more you wish to know, you will have to see if he is willing to share." Loki went silent for a moment. "I'd be surprised if you were willing to take him after that though."

"Why are you giving him up so easily?" Loki had not said it outright, but Freya was intelligent enough to catch on the underlying message beneath their exchange.

"Because Freya...there are forces involved in this matter that are unpredictable and beyond us. Once you realize exactly what...your view of the mortal world will change drastically, just as mine has."

Freya gave her a perplexed look. Loki was acting so much out of character, Freya was tarting to become a little anxious at the thought of her upcoming encounter with the boy. What was it about Lyze that had the trickster goddess so much on edge.

Loki was notorious for being as fearless as they come, and it took a lot to make her lose her footing. To make her lose hold of her character altogether, and accept defeat so easily was a serious cause for concern.

And while it certainly stirred great caution within the other goddess, it also only raised her curiosity. What was a mere mortal boy, even one such as him, able to bring forth that it made one of the most devious deities she'd ever known act like someone who'd lost all the fight in them? The enigma of Lyzof Keele did not seem to give up on growing it seemed.

And speaking of which, it appeared that they'd already begun deciding on his name during their conversation...


Lyze was walking back from the Hephaestus Familia Workplace late at sunset. He wrapped his cloak around him tightly as he smiled on thinking back. He did like productive days, and although he'd created a few disasters in the forge, he'd finally begun getting a handle on how to properly process valuable materials and monster parts as opposed to regular iron and copper.

Life was going great.

Or it would be if 'Thread' did not keep egging him. For some time now, in the alleyways on the side of the road he was walking one, someone had been tailing him, constantly moving around in the shadows. As he was nearing home, he finally decided that enough was enough.

Taking a sharp turn to the right, he walked into the backstreets, hoping to catch whoever it was.

"You can come out now." Lyze called. "I know you're there. You did well in concealing your presence like that, but I'm afraid that I'm just too perceptive for you to go unnoticed."

It was silent for a moment before the sound of footsteps neared round a corner. And from it emerged a person he remembered quite well. A man he'd seen on screen but also one he'd met many times as child, when he was ignorant of his past life.

Lyze's body went cold, not from fear but from a hatred so abysmal, he seemed to lose sensation of his limbs as he recognised the smarmy face. Old anger and a deep rooted prejudice that he once believed he did not care for resurfaced; for during his time unaware of his true identity, he had blamed this man as the source of his childhood suffering.

"Well, well, well. The brat has grown up it seems. Should I be happy? Or should I just throw up?" The man sneered before sniffing imperiously. "I can still smell the excrement clinging to you, even if you have done well for yourself these days, gutter rat."

"...Zanis Lustra." Lyze spat. "I honestly never thought I'd see you again. Perhaps I just didn't care all that much to remind myself to ever be cautious of you."

"And how would you 'see' anyway?" Zanis mocked as he came closer and pointed at his blindfolds. "Did the crows peck your peekers out while sleeping on a wall? Or did you give them to a witch so she could make you appear more than you are to increase your chances of joining the Loki Familia?"

"Are you that stupid to think that those so called 'charms' they sell would ever help me get into Loki's good books?" Lyze asked in a stony voice.

"Hah?" Zanis turned up his nose. "Don't get cocky, brat. Even if you have joined a Familia of one of those two harlots, you are still beneath me." Zanis leaned downwards close into his personal space. "After all, you're just a level one grunt in their Familia. You won't be sorely missed." Zanis grabbed him by the back of his collar and picked him up clean off the ground. Lyze made no move to react though, not just yet.

"Level 2 actually. I thought you prided yourself on being well informed."

"Do you actually believe that I am convinced of that ridiculous notion? It is impossible to level up in a day alone. And besides..." Zanis sneered right up in his face. "How could the little bastard of two nobodies that cleaned our toilets for a few scraps ever be the same level of someone like me? I who has brought success to the Soma Familia on my efforts alone, surrounded by idiots that are only good for the dirty work? Speaking of which, you haven't forgotten that you owe me a great deal of money."

"My parents owed you a great deal of money. Not me."

"Th sins of the father fall on the son. And your sin right now..." Zanis harshly slapped Lyze in the face. "...is that you don't remember your place."

Lyze said nothing on this attack but he nonetheless opted to question this soon-to-be-dead idiot further.

"If we are the ones only fit for dirty work, does that mean you brought others along with you to take me back?"

"What? No. It's true that it is slightly distasteful that I have to do this job. But the others are currently hunting down that little Pallum bitch that you took from us with you. But other than that, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to see the look on your face when you realize that there is no hope of you ever escaping from us again." Zanis held him higher with his hand as his smile became a little demented. "So scream, shout for help! In the end, you'll just become my little dog, my footstool. Just like your miserable father."

"You well and truly came alone then." Lyze said before a smile took over his face. "Good, that makes this easier."

"Hm?" Zanis raised an eyebrow before Lyze reached down with a hand and grabbed the man's wrist. With no effort at all, bones became powder under his grip.

It was exhilarating, seeing the transition of emotions on Zanis's face. From bewilderment, to horror, to fear and then to anguish as he collapsed onto his knees, letting go of the boy.

Before the man could scream out in pain, Lyze clamped his lips and his voicebox closed with a telekinetic grip. The coldness around them intensified while the shadows grew, as Lyze took on his demon form. Zanis's eyes filled with terror as he no longer saw a little boy stalking towards him but something...that couldn't even be named.

Zanis was a level 2, so he had experience adventuring before. He'd developed the basic instincts of sensing monsters, and the thing before him was so, so much worse. The man turned to run but a metallic flash shone for a moment and both his legs went flying off in front of him. His breath became constricted as he could not even scream in pain and fear.

He desperately tried to scramble away with the remaining half of his body but a boot stomped into his spine, completely severing his connection to his body. The boy then used the foot to push the man on his back as blood began spilling out of the man's nose.

Lyze stood over him, emitting a miasma of a sickly dark magical energy. In his terror, Zanis noticed a moth that happened to be flying by. As soon as it came near the dark mists, it suddenly froze mid-air and lost colour. It stayed, suspended for a moment before falling to the floor and smashing into millions of grains, as if it were made from flour.

All the people in the surrounding areas had a strange and sudden urge to steer clear of this place, even though they were not witness to what was going on.

The boy held Excalibur in one hand as it was stained with blood...HIS blood. The other hand was reaching up to the pieces of cloth wound around his head. All the while sporting a crazed, sick smile, similar to those he'd seen on men in the...darkest parts of the slave market.

Those were smiles that were void of any emotion or empathy. The people they belonged to cared not for morals or standards, for they did not see their victims as objects. Regardless of what race or age the unfortunate ones were, as long as those men and women received the carnal pleasure they sought, those victims were mere objects.

This smile was akin to those. Except that this time, the boy did not see him as a human...but an animal waiting to be slaughtered. No mercy, no respite, no promise of coming out of this alive.

"I have waited a long time for this." Lyze's voice was unnatural, literally demonic in nature as it's tone deepened while simultaneously becoming several decibels higher, echoing around the dark alleyways. "I have honestly always thought you so pathetic. I merely crush your wrist and this is what you do? Immediately turn tail and run without even fighting? Just how exactly did you achieve level 2 with such pathetic cowardice?"

Zanis could only thrash his head around in terror, some small desperate way to avoid what awaited him. The boy's smile widened, becoming fittingly demonic in nature. The Joker or the Smiling Batman would have been jealous.

Lyze finally unwound the blindfolds with his one hand and shoved it into a pocket. He lifted the same hand and a dark black flame erupted into being. Zanis focused on that fire as he imagined a ghoulish face, mockingly smiling back at him.

"I'm going to kill you Zanis Lustra. And I'm going to do it so thoroughly, there will be no soul to move on to the afterlife, and no chance of you ever entering the cycle of reincarnation." Lyze said as he opened his eyes.

The man was met with a two hollow spaces in the boy's eye sockets, like he was staring into a dark void. No eyeballs could be seen. Then all of a sudden, two purple irises flickered to life and the boy's face became a thousand times more terrifying as pillars of mangled flesh with jutting teeth and thousands of eyeballs seemed to form behind the boy.

Horrible, hideous creatures that could never be described properly with words alone seem to emerge out of nowhere behind Lyze, all of them wrought by Chaos as they turned their hungry eyes upon the unfortunate man, awaiting the orders of their master.

"Feed." Came the word and what followed was something so terrible, only the King of Chaos had the ability to live through it. For if any person nearby even heard one of the screams that Zanis would have released, they would have died from shock alone.

That night became the one where Lyze committed his first 'murder', and he did not regret doing it one bit.


Let those power stones pour in. Let's break it pass 300 for this week.

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