
Changing Tides

Cordelia Rose is desperately trying to live up to her royal name. With her brother being the heir to the throne, she wants her parent's approval. So when she is sent on a diplomatic trip to settle a dispute; what will she do when her ship is overthrown by the most fearsome pirate known to man? Will she succumb to his reining authority? or will she lose herself in the process.

Fantasia_Stories · Fantasie
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4 Chs

Chapter 4 - Green Eyed Monster

When I awake, a deep ache in my head makes me groan. I was hoping this was another dream but of course, it wasn't. I open my eyes and realize I'm in a cold dark jail cell. Nobody was in sight as I get up from the hard and dampened wooden bed. My neck feels awful, equally from Charlotte and the uncomfortable wood. The room smelled of mold along with the sour stench of seawater.

Bruises cover my entire body as I feel the immense guilt taking over my body.

Everyone was dead...

It was all my fault. I couldn't help but sob as I imagine the face of Asra and Katlyn as they were being murdered. The amount of blood from the deck yesterday was enough to make me vomit. I could almost still smell the metallic liquid.

The bodies of the guards were traumatizing enough. The image of deep red is permanently stuck in my mind. I furiously wipe my tears as I wish I was back home in the comfort of my mother's arms, joking around with Jameson while our father tells us stories.

I don't even know how long I've been knocked out as I try and find anyone in sight.

I was left completely alone and I couldn't bear the deathly silence of the creaking ship. The only thing I heard was the waves and occasionally footsteps above me.

I was still in my nightgown from the night before. My corset constricting my breathing but I had no energy to take it off.

Suddenly a door was creaking open and I go silent, bringing my legs to my chest.

Footsteps grow closer and I begin to panic again.

To my relief, it wasn't anyone that I saw last night but I knew better than to trust them.

"I see you've awakened"

The man says, I look up and see a light brunette with blue eyes staring at me with a natural look. I stay silent not in the mood to acclimate with pirates.

"My name is Jack, I'll send someone to bring your food."

He adds and I stare blankly at the cell wall. He awkwardly stands there before letting out a cough.

"Well, I'll send you food down soon. Just don't do anything stupid."

I roll my eyes as he exits the room. I wished they would've just killed me.


True to his word, I was sent food but I refused to eat. Nothing could convince me to eat the greenish slop of so-called 'food.' Not that it was much anyways. I wasn't going to give in to them and I would die in this ship in order to protect my family.

Because what else would they want from me besides my hair or to assassinate the king and queen.

As soon as I get the chance I'm going to escape.

In the next few hours I sit in my own sorrows and grieve the losses from my crew. It would be long before my parents were notified that I never made it to Karis. They would probably expect me to be dead.

How would they react? What would this mean for the kingdom?

Many thoughts cross my mind as the loneliness of the empty jail cell haunts my soul.

By the time dinner comes around I am already starved but I refuse to eat once again. I wasn't in the mood to eat this slop.

Another day passes and my stomach changed from grumbling to a deep cramping pain.

As much as it agonized me I couldn't bring myself to do it.

I never heard from Jack again or anyone for the matter as I refused to speak to them. The only person I saw was a lowly crew member that brought me my food twice a day.

My body ached and my bruises started to turn a dark purple color.

There were no windows so I couldn't tell what time of day it was. I figured times based on when my food was brought. The last meal I assumed it to be late evening while the first meal was during the morning.

I lay in my cell staring at the wall like I normally do when I hear the door creaking open. I furrow my brows as I was already fed for the morning.

As the footsteps grow closer I recognize the sound of boots hitting the wooden floorboards. My suspicion was correct as the familiar curly-headed, green-eyed monster comes into view.

"I hope you're finding your new room comfortable"

He doesn't even bat an eye as he leans against the wall in front of me. I completely ignore his comment and look away in the opposite direction.

"You know I'm generous enough to even be feeding you and you want to refuse it."

He remarks and I instinctively grow annoyed with him.

"I never asked for your disgusting slop, I'll starve myself to death if it means getting away from this hell hole"

I snap and it strikes something inside of him as he opens the door without even unlocking it. I look at it in shock and he lets out a fake laugh. I move to get up to move away from him.

"You're not as smart as you look, princess"

He was mocking me and I wanted to punch him in his arrogant face.

"You see I make the rules around here. I am the one in command so you will do as I say and you will eat every last bit of what I give you!"

He demands while slowly walking towards me. I back up until I am pressed against the cell wall. His dark Demeanor looming over me as my body begins to tremble.

Despite my obvious fear, I glare up at him as he stares deep into my soul with emerald eyes.


I snap and In one swift moment, he grabs my neck and slams me against the wall before moving it behind and shoving me out of the cell. I wince in pain from the remaining bruises from a few days ago as he shoves me out the stairs and outside to the deck.

It was bright as hell as the sun beams down at me. I could barely move as I am guided to the edge of the deck where the plank is.

I yelp in surprise as the speeding boat keeps my legs off balance and with one wrong move, I would be in the salty sea to fend for myself.

"You wish to die do you?"

He was livid, I had pissed him off to the point of no return.

He moves his hand to the front of my neck and leans me over the waters. I fear I might fall in as I already feel some of the water hitting my body.


I beg and he lets out a growl.

"You will do as I say! If you wanted to die I'll grant that wish but so help me, it will be the most gruesome, painful death you will ever experience."

He pulls me back to him and his eyes never leave mine as his dark side emerged.

This was his true self, the rumors were true, he was a cold and ruthless pirate.

"Now what will it be princess?"

He questioned as I spot the rest of the crew acting as if nothing were going on. I spot Charlotte by the wheel, smirking with her very amused face.

I feel absolutely pathetic and know if I don't obey him he will kill me.

"I will follow your orders"

I seethe, hating myself for giving in to his power. His face changed into a fake smile and he shoves me back onto deck. I wince in pain as my head feels fuzzy, the lack of food has taken a toll on my body.

"Take her back to her cell, lock the door this time"

He demands Jack who had walked in at the moment he released me.

I was his person to toy with.

Jack kneels down to my level and I look up at his sympathetic eyes.

"Come on let's go"

He says while reaching his hand out to me.

I grab it hesitantly and we go back down to the cells.

This was going to be a rough escape.