
Changing the world to suit me

"A second chance" `He who gets a second chance at life will live life to the fullest.` Follow Parth as he makes the best of his second chance at life. Given the opportunity to redo his life, Parth traverses an unknown path to reach a greater power. Wealth, fame and women, will he have it all as he takes the world by storm. This is the start of a mortal who yearns for power. Be it through pain or suffering Parth will never his stop his pursuit for power as it is power that drives him. *cover is not mine, if you are the creator/owner do contact me if you wish for me to credit you or to take it down

Halo_x · Fantasie
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14 Chs

Chapter 4: Guide to Mirron

"A noob's guide to Mirron? " Parth questioned as he read the title of the book that he had in his hands.

Parth had taken out this book from his item-box. He was kind of weirded out at first, seeing his own flesh and blood dissipate into absolute nothingness but he came around after a while.

The moment he called the skill, a small tear in space appeared on the right side of him and after hesitating a bit...a lot, he put his thing in the hole...uhhh...he put his arm inside the hole in space...yeah. The moment he put his arm inside, he felt a sudden chill go up his spine as if tiny bolts of electricity had zapped him all over. Along with this electrifying feeling came all the contents of his item-box.

Along with the guide book, there was also some coins that looked almost rusted...no not bronze. There was also a purple colored liquid housed in a test tube which gave it a poison like effect, though Parth had no clue at all what this thing was or what it would do to him.

Wanting to get a better grasp on the way this world works, Parth opened the guide book and flipped through the many pages before stopping at a section on leveling up.

'So there are essentially 2 ways to level up. ' Parth said his mind while reading his newly acquired book.

'It seems the most common method of leveling up is through getting experience also known as 'exp', this can be accomplished through the vile act of murder...I mean through killing other entities...interesting. The other ways of gaining exp is through eating certain enhanced food items or through the use of special skills. Though enhanced foods were quite rare and more so for exp gaining skills apparently. '

"Lucky me. " said a man who was grinning from ear to ear.

'Another way a person could raise their level was if they could get their sticky hands on rare items and elixirs which had the effect of increasing a person's level without the need for any exp. I would like this method seems the simplest but consisting it costs a fortune to purchase even one. '

"So if I wanted to raise my level, I would have to mainly kill 'monsters' for their exp. It seems this world is more game-like than I had thought. Of course killing 'monsters' is not the only method I could use but it is the most convenient for me that is. "

'Normally speaking, there is only 2 ways for someone to level up but due to my system like thingamajig, I have a third option which is if the system decides that I have done something 'worthy' of leveling up. '

'According to this book, the amount of exp needed to break through to the next level will steadily keep increasing as my level increases. '

As interested as he was in leveling up, his attention quickly shifted towards another page of the book.

'Oh...how interesting...So each time I level up, I gain a certain amount of stat and skill points uh. And I can use such points to increase my stats or upgrade my skill arsenal. '

"Well that was pretty much obvious anyway. "

Parth continued reading this surprisingly useful guide book as the sky above him grew darker and darker to the point where one could see the setting sun and the rising moon at the same time.

A beautiful sun set that drenched the forest in a burnt orange hue combined with a calming glow left by the shining silver moon as its moonlight swept across the trees made everything seem to harmonize as if heaven itself was descending on the mortal world.

By the time Parth had realized it, there was only the gentle moonlight left in the forest so he could not even admire the spectacular sight that had taken it's leave, let alone carry on reading.

'Should I go in search of food and water? ' he thought while storing the book back in his handy item-box.

However he decided against it as he instinctively knew that the dark night would be crawling with 'Duck hunters' . There was no way in hell he was going to risk his precious life over something as feeble as food and water.

forgetting about resource gathering, Parth tried to get some much needed sleep but the rough bark of the tree made it nearly impossible to get even a wink of sleep. He was also feeling 2 contradicting feelings within himself, this made the 'nearly impossible' plummet to 'downright impossible. He was filled with fear and anticipation, he felt fear because in this gloomy forest he was stranded with no way to protect his sorry a*s and anticipation well...due to his wild imagination he could not help but place himself in fancy shoes of the famous protagonists across the anime-verse.

However after what felt like eons to him, his eyelids soon felt heavy as if they were bearing the weight of the entire world. A new dream, a new life, a new world and a new start, he could not help but smile remembering his Miserable past life. But unlike before he would not waste this twice in a lifetime opportunity.

'No! ' he thought, as his mind shut down slower than a windows 7 computer.

HaIo_x here-

If y‘all find any grammatical errors or have any suggestions/queries, do let me know in the comments and if you are enjoying the novel so far do please leave a review for others.

HaIo_x out :D

Halo_xcreators' thoughts