

In a room were people inside strange glass boxes with a strange liquid and wires connected to it,they all looked like they were asleep. One of them suddenly woke up,she looked confused and held her head as she tried to open her eyes she looked around the room and once she saw everything it was like she recalled something scary as she tried to hit the glass but it was really hard.As she did so she saw red lights flashing and knew she was done for. The door to the room opened and two men in white coats walked in as one of them pressed a few buttons on the glass and increased the voltage from 50 to 70 and then the girl blacked out as she was electrocuted. "Subject 001 has become more dangerous".one of the men said as they stared at her inside the box,if it wasn't for the situation she looked really beautiful. "They've asked that we watch her carefully or else there will be a repeat of the same situation".The other man replied suddenly cracks began showing on the glass as the girl opened her eyes and smiled slowly at them,they nervously tried to increase the voltage to 100 but even after doing so she still kept on her cold smile. They tried to run as the glass broke and the strange liquid gushed out,they slipped on the liquid as she walked out of the box. Red lights began flashing in the room with a robotic voice sounding everywhere in the building. "Warning! Warning! subject 001 has escaped"

Coco_Belladonna · sci-fi
Zu wenig Bewertungen
52 Chs


Once Evelyn was inside the study she stood in front of her father with tight nerves,he kept staring at her without saying anything.

"Evelyn you might actually be asking yourself why i always control you and always tell you what to do,you might even think that oh am an adult why does he treat me like a kid more than he does his own children".Mr Williams Gray said as he picked up his pen from the table and began spinning it around.

"It is only because i care so much about you Evelyn,to me you are special".

Evelyn kept quiet and didn't say a word,which seemed like she was listening quietly to his brain washing but she was actually having q conversation with Scarlet.

"Your mother seems extremely different, earlier when she gave you tea she seemed more courageous and her eyes... I don't know but it seemed like I've known her for decades or more"Scarlet said as she recalled how Charity Gray looked at her "Her entire demeanor spelled seduction".

"My mothers demeanor spelled seduction?"Evelyn asked since it seemed unbelievable that her weak mother seemed like a seductress earlier in the day, although she had been noticing how her mother kept switching back and forth from being abit brave to being her normal self but being a seductress was pretty big an assumption.

"It is not an assumption".Scarlet said abit frustrated "listen to your father before he gets suspicious".

"So Evelyn i hope you can trust that am doing all this for your sake".Mr Williams Gray said

"Daddy you didn't question me about where i went, I Know you would've been worried sick". Evelyn said

"If you have a boyfriend you can bring him home if his good enough I'll accept him but still you must never have any sexual relationship until marriage".Mr Williams Gray warned

"Dad why all of a sudden although i don't have a boyfriend i don't even know how i left the house". Evelyn said

"It's ok you can go to your room".Mr Williams Gray said

"Thank you daddy". Evelyn said as she walked out,she could feel her father's eyes almost boring holes into her back.