
Changing Her Fate

Cover art is not my work | Chloe Brass works her entire life for a goal she never achieves, dying at the young age of 25 after working herself to death - quite literally. On the verge of her last breaths, she prays that if she is given a second chance, she will not take advantage of her life and waste it again. Her prayers are answered when she wakes up in the body of 21-year-old Athena Rose, a successful model and heiress daughter to a wealthy fortune. It seems all her prayers have been answered, and life couldn't be any better. It It seems everything she could ever want is at the tip of her fingers; but all good things must come to an end. While trying to live the life she always dreamed of having, Chloe is quickly learning why even Athena couldn't stand her own life, and tried to harm herself to get out of it. With new goals in mind, Chloe sets out to change her previous fate, and get revenge for the former soul of her new body. | All Rights Reserved Alice Marie 2022

AkuyaFox · Urban
Zu wenig Bewertungen
40 Chs

Chapter Three

After thanking the doctor and dismissing everyone from the room once again, Chloe sits and ponders what she has just learned. The girl whose body she has possessed, lived a life she hated so much that she tried to kill herself. A girl who on one side has everything any girl could ever dream of having, and on the other hand is living a secret life of misery, suffering in silence, enduring the pain for as long as she could, until she mentally and physically couldn't take it anymore.

When Chloe was breathing the last precious breathes of her life, she couldn't help but regret that she didn't treat it more preciously. Although she hated the life she was given, she never had the thought of ending it. She suffered day in and day out, scraping by to make ends meet and going some nights without food, but she always held onto the will to live.

She can't imagine not having that will. She can't imagine going through such hell to lose that will, something that she doesn't think is very easy to lose.

Now, she has been given the task of living that life. Is this a blessing, or a curse? Was she really that terrible in her past life, that this is the second chance she is being given?

Or is this another opportunity? The soul and will of the former Athena weren't strong enough to endure the challenges her life gave her, but maybe Chloe can, because she was able to face the challenges, she was given head on, and never backed down no matter how much life pushed her back.

This is her chance to not only get the life she struggled to get, but also get the revenge the former Athena was never able to get. This is her chance to fight for herself, and for Athena, and give them both the life they deserve. Wherever the former soul of this body is, Chloe hopes she is looking down on her and seeing the determination and promise she has made.

I will take this family down, and live the life of luxury and recognition I've always wanted. I'll take back what was stolen from you, Athena.

First things first, finally getting out of this bed. She has spent way too long sitting in bed, it's time to start taking action. It would be wise to make a list of things to achieve, something she did often in her past life to motivate her, reminding her that she is reaching her goals, no matter how small they might be.

Walking over to the large walk-in closet, she rummages through the colorful racks of clothing until she finds a comfy outfit with a pair of blue jeans and a tank top, before sitting down at the desk and taking out a fresh piece of paper and pen.

Okay, first off I need to figure out more about Athena and her home and family situation. My new stepmother and sister seem to be the biggest obstacles at the moment, and I have no idea what kind of situation is surrounding that, other than they only have power because of my father, who in reality has none without the Rose family name.

Is the Rose family aware that their son-in-law has already brought in his mistress and daughter? Why aren't they doing anything to help Athena and her deceased mother?

Another thing to figure out; what is the relationship between Athena and her mother's side of the family?

Fooling mere servants and the local doctor into thinking she is the real Athena is a walk in the park, but trying to convince her family members who have known her since birth is another challenge she is going to have to face. Speaking or reaching out to any of the Rose family members for support will have to wait until after she has nailed Athena's personality better.

For now, something she can do is learn more about Athena outside of the house, like her work and school. It says in her journal that she is a student at the capital city university and is in her second year studying business and economics, which means she was probably preparing herself and planning to take over the Rose family business when she came of age, which should be a year from now.

If that's the case, that might also mean that whatever fortune is left to her by her mother will be given to her when she turns 21. She has to get her hands on that will and learn exactly what is written on it, before her step-mother or sister have the chance of changing it themselves. Chloe assumes that since it is her mother's will, it isn't something she would have left lying around for just anyone to see.

Most people leave their will with their lawyers, having to create them with one present to begin with.

Another task for the list; who is the family lawyer, and where is the will?

Her task list is already filling up with tons of things, which doesn't seem to be helping her racing mind like she thought. There are too many things to tackle, this is nothing like she thought reincarnation would be like. Usually, you are reincarnated as someone or something new, not forced into the body of someone who has already lived 20 years of their life as their own person.

How is she supposed to pull all this off, while acting like some complete stranger she has never met? She has never lived like a rich girl, she has no idea if this girl is someone who is stuck up and flaunts her wealth, or is humble about herself and down-to-earth.

She hopes that the more she tries to live the life of Athena Rose, the more the chances of the body's own memories returning to it, helping Chloe to know who Athena was before she died, but so far, she has recalled nothing but her own former memories, another thing she doesn't understand. Why does she have the memories of her former life, but not her new one?

There has to be a chance of recalling them or unlocking a part of her mind that has the memories sealed away. The only solution she can think of is to continue living like Athena and trying to unlock them herself by doing so.

Her task right now; figure out what Athena usually does during the day, and what day it currently is. Walking over to the bedside table, she opens the drawer in hopes to find a phone or something and just like discovering the journal, she jumps for joy when she finds a phone charging in the drawer. When she turns it on, the screen comes to life and unlocks right away, the phone detecting her face and unlocking for her.

We've come so far in life, she thought sarcastically.

"Alright, I need to get a better hold on Athena's life and make sure I live as normally as possible, until I can get the hang of it. What would she be doing at this time?"

There has to be someone who has a schedule set for Athena, if she really is as popular and desired as her diary says. Chloe remembers that there was a maid that attended to her when she woke up and decides to hunt her down.

Her bedroom is thankfully not far from the stairs and the scent of baked cookies wandering down the hall helps lead her towards the kitchen.

"Excuse me, I'm looking for the woman who helped me earlier?" she calls out, poking her head into the room. A few attendants turn to her with a shocked and confused look. She supposes it is weird to see the master of the house wandering down to the kitchen herself, but there isn't anyone in sight that can help her.

"Oh, Miss. Is there something you needed?" the woman bounds up to me with a hesitant smile on her face.

"Yes, there is something I would like to speak to you about. Can you prepare tea in the living room for us?" Chloe asks, her eyes wandering around the hallway in silent search of said living room. If she can't find it, she can always wait to watch where the maid goes and follow her.

"Of course, right away Miss." She turns and bustles about in the kitchen, while Chloe turns down the hall to wander into the door a little further down. To her relief, the first door she tries is the one she is looking for, opening up into a large living area.

There is a fire place that takes up most of the left side wall, with a large family portrait hangs above it, like some medieval castle. She recognizes the face that stared back at her in the mirror, standing under a woman who looks strikingly like her, with luscious blonde hair and dazzling blue eyes.

The man next to her has a shit eating grin plastered on his face, greased back hair and dark green eyes that seem to scream greed. Everything about him look pompous and fake, how this girl's mother ever fell for a man like that is beyond her, but everyone has their type, and maybe there was once a type where he didn't look like that, and didn't have the dirty ambitions that he has now.

"Tea is ready, Miss, and I have prepared a few light refreshments if you are up to trying to eat something now," the maid comes in carrying a full tray. Chloe runs over to the small table by the window and clears it, pulling out the chairs for the two of them.

The woman looks at her with a mix of shock and skepticism.

Oh, right. Athena was known for being very full of herself, always making others pull out her chair and make sure she was tended to properly.

There might be a chance to slowly change her image, but acting like this right off the bat will raise suspicion.

"I asked to speak with you, because I need someone in this house that I can trust to confide something in. I want to ask if you can be that person?"

The woman seems to hesitant in answering, reminding Chloe that the previous Athena might not have been very polite to the staff of the house when she was alive.

"I know I may not have been the best person to have served in the last while, and for that I sincerely apologize. I have had a lot of time to reflect on my past actions, and moving forward I want to start anew, turn over a new leaf. To take the first step in doing that, I want someone who I can trust by my side, someone who can help guide me down the right path."

"But Miss, as great the honor is, why me?"

"Because you were the first and only person to tend to me when I woke up, and you cared for me despite how I might have treated you in the past. That might now show you like or truly care for me, but that shows loyalty none the less, and even someone like me can appreciate that."

The woman smiles slightly and bows her head, before lifting it and giving her a confident look. "I have served your family for many years, and have always admired your mother and cared for her deeply. Though we may have had our differences in the past, Miss, I have come to care for you as well, since you were very precious to the former Madam of the house, and I know you loved her very much too."

Maybe because there was still fragments of Athena's memories in her body, thinking about her deceased mother that isn't really her mother, seems to affect Chloe deeply that she feels a pain in her chest.

"Thank you for saying that, and with that in mind, I hope you can forgive me for my past deeds and come to trust me as well in the future."

The woman waves her hand and covers her mouth, looking like she is on the verge of crying. "Oh please, Miss. There is no need to apologize for having to live such a trying life, you never asked to grow up in such a stifling environment, and even I can recognize the struggles you have had to go through the past couple years, even with having to cope with losing your mother."

"So, does that mean I can trust you with something very sensitive? I need to know you won't ever breath a word of this to anyone else, under any circumstances, as well as not ask any questions about the situation until I can answer some of them."

She nods quickly. "I promise, Miss, you can trust me with anything. The Rose family has always treated me with respect and kindness, I have already pledged to serve you and your family by any means necessary."

Chloe lets out the first light laugh she has felt since she awoke in Athena's body.

"I appreciate that."

She takes a deep breath and explains everything that she can, without giving away that she isn't really the real Athena. That is something she will wait to reveal until she can truly trust someone, and at least know she won't be deemed a witch of some sort if she does reveal the fact that she is someone else transported into a stranger's soul.

"Oh, my goodness, Miss. You can't remember who you are?" the woman gasps and the tears she was holding back before come pouring down her face. "I am so sorry, if I had known that, I would've never left your side the moment you awoke."

"Thank you, Margaret, that's very kind but I did need some time alone to myself, to digest everything that has happened. Thankfully I remembered that I kept a journal that has a lot of details of my life before I tried to end it, but I'm worried I won't be able to reclaim my memories completely. I was thinking of paying a visit to the doctors tomorrow, would you be able to assist me?"

"It would be my pleasure, Miss Rose. Just give me a time you would like to leave, and I will make sure to have the car and driver ready outside."

Chloe nods and they continue drinking their tea in comfortable silence. Everything is going smoothly so far, she has even gained a trustworthy person to help her regain her memories and navigate this life with the missing pieces.

If everything continues going as well as it is, she may have her revenge plot done and over with, and can finally get on with living this comfy and lavished life she has been looking forward too since the moment she woke up in her new body.