
Changing Her Fate

Cover art is not my work | Chloe Brass works her entire life for a goal she never achieves, dying at the young age of 25 after working herself to death - quite literally. On the verge of her last breaths, she prays that if she is given a second chance, she will not take advantage of her life and waste it again. Her prayers are answered when she wakes up in the body of 21-year-old Athena Rose, a successful model and heiress daughter to a wealthy fortune. It seems all her prayers have been answered, and life couldn't be any better. It It seems everything she could ever want is at the tip of her fingers; but all good things must come to an end. While trying to live the life she always dreamed of having, Chloe is quickly learning why even Athena couldn't stand her own life, and tried to harm herself to get out of it. With new goals in mind, Chloe sets out to change her previous fate, and get revenge for the former soul of her new body. | All Rights Reserved Alice Marie 2022

AkuyaFox · Urban
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40 Chs

Chapter Thirty-Two

Athena is unable to get a single wink of sleep that night, the conversation with Gabriel on the terrace running through her head. She had taken it for a joke at first, but when his serious façade refused to falter, she knew he was serious.

"I plan to properly pursue you."

What does that even mean? Is he insinuating that he has been pining after her this whole time, but he was just being too subtle about it?

She can agree that the sudden kiss they shared has made her wary ever since, of both his feelings and her own, but never dared to ask anything out loud. Once she did, they would find themselves in this situation, so she has denied her thoughts that Gabriel has feelings for her.

But then he goes and just announces it to me last night! What am I supposed to do now? I can barely look him in the face now, let alone be in the same room as him.

She knew this was only going to complicate their relationship and run the risk of losing this advantage before she even has the chance to do some real damage to her family, before retiring from her revenge scheme and finally settle into her new rich and extravagant life.

Maybe then, once everything is settled, she could consider a relationship.

But not now. She still has too many things she needs to do, goals she needs to accomplish, before she can think about relaxing and enjoying life. If she lets her guard down for even a second, who knows what her thieving father will manage to do in that short time.

He is working just as hard as Athena is, to take everything that he thinks rightfully belongs to him, simply because he chased after a rich girl and married her, before making her life a complete hell and pushing her towards her death.

If anything, everything her mother left should be given to her, for being forced to associated with such scummy family members. It's not like she asked to be born as a member of this family, and it isn't like Chloe asked to be transmigrated into this body.

But for the sake of the poor souls who have suffered at the hands of this despicable family, Chloe will get revenge for them, and hope that they can rest in peace knowing they have been avenged and what little was left behind is protected.

So, why did Gabriel have to go and complicate everything?

He said he would be away at work today, but she doesn't need to come in if she didn't want too, probably still feeling guilty over the ordeal last night. No doubt he is also going to pay a visit to Miss Verona Dynes to do damage control.

Regardless of what he told her last night about their relationship, it is obvious she is someone of importance in his family, or she wouldn't have acted so bold last night and brazenly tried to throw Athena out on the spot. It's common for families of immaculate wealth and power to marry into each other through arranged and political marriages, to solidify and expand their business and therefore, their wealth.

Athena isn't aware of exactly what kind of family the Dynes are, but she is aware of how popular their clothing brand is in Luxe City alone, at least. If Verona herself has been living abroad in New State, that can only mean her mother has expanded her business overseas and who knows where else, Athena herself has never looked into the brand, her past style never suiting theirs.

Maybe now that she has adopted a more sophisticated style after taking over this body, ditching the frilly skirts and bright patterned shirts.

To think someone like Gabriel would ever be involved with the heiress of such a company and family, it doesn't seem to suit him. Then again, he had mentioned it was his mother who seemed to be more supportive of this than him, which makes Athena wonder what kind of woman his mother is.

She always imagined her to be a reserved and sophisticated woman, the same way Gabriel seems to be, fit for someone who raised him from birth. With the way she also seems to be pushing for this arranged marriage, she now imagines she is more on the domineering side, another quality Gabriel seems to have inherited from her.

Regardless, she shouldn't be spending her time worrying about these things, she had planned to use her day off today to dig up some more dirt on her father and sister Stella. It's about time she starts putting together a file of solid evidence to bring over to Mr. Collins before the final will is to be read on her 21st birthday, where he no doubt will use any means possible to enter in a falsified will unless she can find the real one.

Athena has had her doubts that her father has been lying this entire time and he has the will in his hands, but he has already destroyed it, therefore acting like he can't find it to mislead Athena and keep her busy looking for it herself. If that's the case, he is likely to slip up this fact while relaxed and unguarded at home.

This is where Dmitri's eavesdropping equipment is supposed to come in handy, and maybe reveal other misdeeds her father and stepmother have committed along the way. She wants to reclaim the villa Stella and her mother have been living in, knowing it should rightfully belong to Athena once she becomes of age, a place for her to move out into and start her own life. After reading the previous Athena's diary, she learned that her mother often talked to her about building Athena her own little place for when she is ready to leave the house and spread her wings.

There is no doubt this villa is the intended house for her, which is why Athena never knew of its existence until she discovered Stella and her mother living there, and that the deed had come from her father. There is no way her father could have afforded the place on his own, even with a bank loan or a successful night of gambling, which means he stole the deed from her mother after she passed away and transferred it into his name.

Athena has some proof that the villa was originally meant for her, but the solid evidence she needs is the original deed to the place, which is most likely hidden inside the villa itself.

She just needs them to reveal where it is, and she has the perfect fool-proof way to do it. Grabbing her diary from under the bed mattress, she showers and gets dressed for the day. Wanting to confirm that Stella or her mother are at least present in the villa, she goes to the living room to check the computer wiretapping.

Walking out into the living room, she is surprised to see Julian sitting on the couch drinking a cup of coffee and reading the newspaper. He gives her a gentle smile and raise of his cup as a greeting when he sees her.

"What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be with Gabriel at the office?" she asks.

"Gabriel was afraid that Miss Dynes would come here again and cause trouble, so he asked me to stay and make sure you are well taken care of. Are you leaving somewhere Miss Rose?"

Athena nods. "Yes, I was just going to visit my father but first I was going to check and make sure someone was home," she says and gestures to the set up in the middle of the room.

"Not a problem, I can help you set everything up. I think Gabriel left it the same way as the last time-" Julian is cut off by loud knocking at the door. "Allow me," he says and walks towards the front.

A timid looking bellboy is standing there with a piece of paper in his hand.

"Good morning, sir, sorry to disturb. There is a uh, Miss Madden, downstairs requesting to see someone by the name of Miss Athena Rose in this room," the bellboy says.

Julian narrows his eyes at the mention of Athena's stepsister, knowing full well the intent this girl has with Miss Rose.

"How does she know that Miss Rose is here?" he asks, his tone threatening.

The bellboy squeaks and shrinks back from Julian, feeling at a loss, before Athena intervenes. "She saw me outside one day, I may have told her I was staying here. It's alright, I'll meet her, send her up please."

The bellboy nods quickly and rushes off, thankful to be out of the situation unscathed, but Julian looks upset with her.

"Miss Rose, I don't think it's wise to meet with her, I really don't think she has good intentions by coming here," he tells her.

"Don't worry, Julian. To be honest, I was actually on my way to go and see her, there is something I wanted to discuss with her and my stepmother. But, her coming here saves me the trip, so why not see her?"

Julian doesn't argue but frowns, wondering if he should send a message to Gabriel and alert him of the situation. He told him to make sure that Miss Dynes didn't show up and cause trouble, but he also told Julian to make sure that Miss Rose and her family never come into contact.

But he is conflicted because she just declared she was going to see her stepsister anyway. Unsure of what to do, he decides to trust Miss Rose and whatever plan she may have but turns on the recording app on his phone and sets it down under a stack of magazines on the coffee table.

"I will excuse myself then, Miss Rose. I will be in the other room if you need anything, just press the call button by the living room entrance," he says and points to the far wall.

She thanks Julian and awaits the arrival of her stepsister with her diary and what she plans to say to lure Stella into her trap.

It isn't long after the bellboy and Julian disappear that there is a vicious knock at the door. It's clear that Stella doesn't plan on holding back today and was probably waiting to catch the chance when she can confirm Gabriel isn't there to confront Athena in private, thinking she will have nothing to back her up.

But Athena isn't the same timid girl she was before. Chloe has taken over this body and she has dealt with much worse people than Stella, who only relies on the little power she has.

"What a surprise, I thought you would have learned your lesson the last time that Gabriel Monroe has no interest in you, unless you're stalking his hotel for a different reason this time," Athena taunts after opening the door and letting Stella in.

Her face is already red with anger as she points an accusing finger at Athena.

"Who the hell are you to be given such special treatment by Gabriel Monroe? You're nothing more than some dead beat retired actress who never even made it big before she chickened out. Meanwhile, I've already taken over the modelling industry and I'm quickly making my way to best actress. You're nothing compared to me, and soon Gabriel Monroe is going to realize that, and all of this is going to be mine."

Athena raises a brow. "Oh? Are you planning to steal another piece of property from me? I'm sorry to say that this time, it won't be that easy seeing as I'm not the rightful owner of this hotel suite. Rather, it was gifted to me by Gabriel so I would have a comfortable place away from you, where he can visit me in peace. I'll have to tell him this place is no longer suitable, maybe he'll give me a mansion next."

Stella starts sputtering out of anger, taking a calming breath but seeming to fail at calming herself down.

"Just you wait, Athena! I will help Gabriel wake up and realize what scum you are, and that without him or out father's support and money, you would be nothing more than some homeless street rat, begging people like me to give you even just a sliver of their time. And what are you talking about, I never stole any property from you, and you know I can sue you for slandering me like that without proof."

Athena smiles at her and takes out her diary, waving it in front of Stella.

Stella just scoffs at her. "What the hell is that?"

"My diary, which has many conversations recorded between my mother and I, about how she was going to leave me a place to live once I turned of age and wished to move out of the family manor. From my understanding and records, she left a villa in my name, to be given to me when I turn 21, and coincidentally enough my father gifted you and my mother a very nice villa on the outskirts of the city by the water. I have always wondered how he was able to afford such a lavished and expensive place such as that, after all the money he had to give for my mother's funeral expenses and the previous plummet in stocks when it was rumored that our father was having that horrid affair with your mother."

This time all color drains from Stella's face and she looks rather nervous but tries to cover it up by sputtering out more nonsense.

"Father was given that villa in the settlement after your mother's death, it has nothing to do with my mother and I, and he is free to do whatever he wants with the property he owns. So, what if he decided to give it to my mother and me? He may have loved your mother once upon a time but now he is deeply in love with my mother, I'm sorry if you're unwilling to accept that and wish to accuse me of stealing what you think should belong to you," Stella sneers, but her face still gives away her fear and hesitation.

It's obvious she is lying through her teeth, most likely told exactly what to say by her mother in advance if Athena were to ever find out and question her about it, like now. It still goes to stand that Athena has no evidence other than self-recorded message between her and her mother, who isn't even alive to help testify.

She just needs to taunt and scare her enough into feeling the need to move the documents, giving her a window opportunity to find out where they are and where they end up. Afterwards, she will have to figure out a way to get herself in the villa or wherever it ends up and search for it. Once she has the document, she already has the proof of her father secretly transferring company assets and properties in his name, and her mother's missing will document is the final piece.

"You must think me an idiot, I was there after my mother's funeral when my father's lawyer spoke of what was left unclaimed in the company's name, and that villa wasn't one of the properties. There is no way it is a seized or company owned property given to my father, or it would have come up in the record given to both my father and I. I suppose you didn't get one, since you aren't an official member of the Rose family and therefore, have no business dealing with such things."

Athena is aware that Stella is secretly jealous and harbors a lot of resentment that she isn't an official member of the Rose family since her father has decided to drop the name and try to reclaim the Rose family company under his own name, but his old family name already carries negative weight and was impossible for him to reclaim in the past. He joined the Rose family in hopes of being recognized again, but he was unable to break away from the influence and power given by the Rose family and was always recognized as a pampered businessman who was handed everything he has, neve earning a single worth.

Now that Athena's mother is not around, he has lost not only the influence of the Rose family but their support as well, Athena's grandfather never approving of the relationship between her mother and father, he now has no reason to keep pretending to like her father or support him. Therefore, her father is doing his best to hold on to everything he has been given by illegally transferring as much as he can into his name, knowing his days at the company are numbered if the head of the Rose family decides to step in and take over.

"W-well, that doesn't really prove anything. Unless you have proof we stole that property, what can you really do? I'm just here to warn you, Athena. You better leave father and our family alone, stop spewing nonsense or we'll sue you with everything we've got. Oh, and stop dreaming that you will every be anything of meaning or worth to someone like Gabriel Monroe, you're nothing more than his current plaything, and he'll get tired of you sooner or later. Don't come crying to me when that happens," Stella says and stomps her way towards the door.

She opens and slams it without another word, the sound echoing throughout the suite for a few seconds, the entire conversation resonating in Athena along with it. She takes a few deep breaths to calm herself and release the slight anger and irritation she gained from that and proceeds to ring the call button on the wall.

"Julian, do you mind helping me with the computer set-up? There is something I would like to check." She can hear her muffled voice coming from another room just down the hall, and soon sees Julian appear with a hesitant smile on his face.

"Miss Rose, why didn't you call me when stepsister was slandering you with such nonsense about Mr. Monroe? I could have given her a piece of my mind and put her in her place once again, I'm very skilled at it," he jokes, but there is a serious tone behind his words.

She smiles gently at him and takes a seat behind the computer, turning it on and grabbing the headphones. "Don't worry, Julian. I can tell the difference between someone saying something out of anger and frustration and factual truth. Now, we have some spying to do. Would you like to do the honor?" she asks and gestures to the started up menu screen.

Julian chuckles and bows mockingly.

"It would be my pleasure, Miss Rose." He hovers over her and boots up the spyware program Gabriel installed and navigates his way to what she thinks is the live voice recording bug that he placed in their home.

She is pleasantly surprised when she is instead brought to a screen that holds a series of camera angles – all of them positioned secretly in the villa.

Gabriel, you brilliant devil.

Athena tries to hide her thrilled smile as to not look crazed in front of Julian and thinks to herself – let the games begin.