
Champion of the Netori Goddess

If a depraved 'Goddess' offers you a choice between becoming her champion, and being extinguished forever... what will you choose? Notes - Support the author on Patreon. https://www.patreon.com/user?u=116426820 This work began as a way to practice writing smut. Expect lewd degeneracy - like holding hands, and a bare minimum of plot. Tags include - Netori, Keeping the Bloodline Pure, Breeding Kink, Yandere If you're an Issei stan, I would rather you didn't read this novel, please.

Mahou_Shonen · Anime und Comics
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11 Chs

Shrine Visit #1

Author Note - Early update by three days, as well as a double release, to celebrate the Author's mama's b'day with you all. 


'This whole situation. Did you orchestrate it?'

The goddess blinked in surprise and asked, <What makes you think so?>

'Firstly, the call. Why did it come exactly the moment after you made that creepy statement about me finding out about your gift soon enough?'

<Excuse me?! C– creepy!? How rude!>

'It is what it is.' He shrugged nonchalantly.

Pouting in anger, the goddess frustratedly punched her pillow – a plushie of her not-so-cute champion as she murmured in frustration.

<It was just a coincidence, damn it! And I said that because it obvious to me. Have you forgotten the background of this world already? In anime terms, you've had so many slice-of-life and 'romance' episodes something obviously going happen next! guessed would need my gifts. You!>

She suddenly burst into tears and spoke aggrievedly, <Why are you like this? Why do keep bullying me? don't have any trust in your dear goddess… Boohoo!>

Sosuke's face cramped awkwardly as he listened to what he felt were most likely crocodile tears of his matron goddess… even though she made them sound incredibly real.

Still, he believed in his gut feelings and tried to ignore them, and instead looked up at his hand that was grasping his mother's hand as they walked to the hotel they had reserved in Tokyo. His gaze moved to her other hand which was carrying multiple bags, the result of their impromptu shopping trip to many clothing stores.

<Sniff. Sniff.> The goddess sniffled loudly, pouting even more on realizing that he wouldn't try to console her this time.

Sosuke sighed as the sniffles continued even as the pair walked into their hotel, and he had a feeling that his gremlin goddess wouldn't stop until the end of time if he didn't talk to her now.

'I'm incredibly sorry for doubting my cute goddess,' He thought half-heartedly as the pair of mother and son walked into the hotel room they had booked for the day.

<Hmph! >

<Hmph! Hmph!> She just puffed her cheeks and put on a show of 'I'm angry and not talking to you.'

His eyebrow twitched in annoyance as he said sarcastically. 'Oh, are we really playing this game? Then, the fact that my younger self can somehow draw a manga from my previous life, even though you had sealed my memories all this time, it's just a cosmic coincidence?'

She stiffened and gave an awkward laugh. <Ahahaha… I guess some of your memories might have leaked into younger self. It's my bad. Uh, Teehee~? (ノ≧ڡ≦)>

Sosuke would have scoffed loudly in derision if he had not been in the presence of his mother. He instead chose to take off his clothes, drenched in sweat from the sweltry summer heat… as the pair went to take a shower together.

He chose to ask another question instead, as the pair stood under the shower. 'I see. You made a mistake then? It's not a big deal, I suppose, even though I have a terrible inkling of who the client might be.'

Closing the tap, the pair first took turns scrubbing each other's backs before lathering the rest of their own bodies, and he asked the suddenly silent goddess. <I suppose this is what you meant when said that life will throw an 'event' my way soon?>

<I– I don't know. really have nothing to do with this.> She repeated weakly.

'Hmm~ I'll believe you for once. Still, are you going to tell me that the fact that it's just my mother and me on this trip has nothing to do with you as well? You're not responsible for Dad's sudden chance of promotion that caused him to stay at the office for overtime? And Issei… well forget about Issei,' he thought in exasperation as he remembered his younger brother's face of happiness, probably from ecstasy that he could freely and openly play that new eroge of his, without fearing the chance of Miki suddenly entering the room.

<Hmm? > She suddenly perked up and said enthusiastically, <No… this is indeed my doing. After all, it's such a good chance… you don't want to be cockblocked by your Dad's presence, right? Or, maybe… Champion, were planning on hardcore Netorare and voyeur play for first time? That's bit…>

Sosuke's lips twitched, even as he involuntarily peeked upwards at Miki, as the pair now washed the soap off. 'Get your mind out of the gutter, please… Also, what do you mean by chance? We're only going to be staying at the hotel for today, and meet Kyouko-chan and the clients tomorrow.'

The goddess chuckled pervertedly. <Ah you sweet little summer child~ Did think that your dear Mama only bought those normal clothes~? I can say with 100% certainty she some racy underwear for special occasion~>

<What do you think was her final choice~? Garter? Babydoll? Or maybe something really lewd like those lingerie found in sex shops? You know, the one with nipple and crotch cutouts?>

She cackled loudly, jeering as Sosuke's face reddened slightly. If Miki had indeed bought lewd underwear, at least to him, her face did not indicate so at all. <Oh~ Oh~ You're imagining it, aren't you? Tell me, which one came to your mind first? Ne~ pretty please~>

He definitely did not tell her, though he was not sure if she used her Goddess powers to find out or not.


"Say, So-chan?" Miki whispered as the pair snuggled together in bed. They had almost immediately fallen asleep after the shower, being tired from the train journey as well as the shopping trip. Sosuke's frail body didn't help their case either, so nothing lewd happened, much to the chagrin of the perverted goddess, who bemoaned her previous decision of making his body like that.

"Hmm?" He asked, still feeling a bit sleepy-headed.

"Your editor, Takizawa-san was it?" He nodded slightly.

"Hmm, did she say that the clients were 100% sure that they wanted to make the anime?"

He looked up into her clearly worried eyes, and even though he wanted to reassure her that everything would go alright tomorrow… even he wasn't sure of it. He shook his head hesitantly. "Big sis Kyouko said that they were adamant about talking to me first."

"Oh…" she murmured and quietly stared into the air for a while before speaking again. "Say, So-chan. How about we go to a shrine, to pray for success?"

<Tch. The only deity that my champion needs a blessing from is me!>

Sosuke smiled and nodded. "Sure. Let's go now… Hmm, should we wear those matching yukata Mama bought for us then?"

<Ah? Champion?!> She wailed, before realizing awkwardly that he was in shota mode, which had somehow made their connection only one-sided.

She snorted, knowing that she could probably make him listen to her forcefully… but then would probably cause him to sulk for eternity or something.

Sosuke stood outside the hotel doors, as Miki went back to talk to the concierge, his right eye twitching as he remembered that the shota him was such a Mama's boy that… as he said earlier, the pair had bought matching yukata… which meant that a lot of the people who saw him right now would gush to their companions about the 'cute little girl dressed in the pretty yukata,' like the elderly couple that had 'molested' him just a moment ago.

He huffed in annoyance and switched to shota So-chan… who expertly ignored every single gaze on him as he single-mindedly focused on one task – staring past the hotel's glass doors.

Soon, Miki walked out, before pausing momentarily as she saw her little So-chan standing outside patiently, somehow giving the impression of a cute little puppy waiting for its owner. A smile crept up her lips as she walked up to him and squealed slightly while pecking his cheeks, "So-chan looks so cute in the yukata~"

Smiling happily, he kissed her back and said, "Mm, I'm Mama's son after all."

Giggling softly, she held his hand. "What a little charmer~ Let's go then. Mama asked for the path to a shrine that was relatively nearby. Though, we'll still have to take a taxi."

"Ou~!" He cheered softly, and the pair set off.


"Mama," Sosuke called out doubtfully as the pair stood in the midst of a densely forested trail.

"Yes, So-chan?" Miki answered him while she looked around in confusion as well.

"Is this really the path that the Onee-san in the hotel said led to the shrine?"

Miki's face cramped as she too wondered if she had accidentally taken a wrong turn somewhere in between. She closed her eyes and tried to recall the route they had taken, and murmured, seemingly to herself. "It's weird. I'm pretty sure I followed the directions to the letter."

She looked around. "According to that hotel lady, there should be a small shrine around here that's run by a young lady who lives with her little daughter of So-chan's age." She shook her head and smiled sheepishly, not noticing Sosuke stiffen or his eyes widen. "Sorry So-chan, it looks like Mama got us lost."

At the same time, another set of casual words with terrifying implications rang in his mind. <Well it's not her fault. After all, you've entered a warded area. Hmm, let's see~ There's spatial lock, as well broad-range illusion. Congratulations, champion. It seems like your first-ever event has started~>

Any words of retort to the goddess who was clearly excited because of the dangerous situation… or words of comfort to his slightly distraught mother died in Sosuke's throat as his body suddenly moved by instinct, and he stood protectively before Miki, even though his body shivered in fear as a massive wave of malice blanketed the area, followed by the sound of a series of distant explosions.

A thud sound sounded from behind him, and he immediately turned back, blanching as he saw his mother's pale, shivering form. He rushed to her and carefully pulled her into his embrace, rubbing soothing circles over her back as he whispered gently. "Shh… It's going to be okay, Mom. I'm here. Everything will be fine. I promise."

"S… So-chan?" Miki mumbled as she stared at his face in slight confusion, while her body and soul were almost overwhelmed by the fear of imminent death.

"We have to get out of here first…" Sosuke murmured to himself, before looking up and asking Miki hesitantly, "Mom, can you get up?"

She looked down at her trembling legs and tried to stand up… only for them to give away at the beginning itself. Tears pooled in her eyes as she panicked and said despondently, "So-chan… leave Mama behind. I… I can't move."

She flinched as the everpresent and worsening malicious intent now almost dug into her skin. Her face paled as they heard yet another, even louder explosion, and she cried out in fear as she tried to push him away with trembling hands.

"Please, So-chan, run away al– mmph!" She tried to shout over the hand that clamped over her mouth… only to pause and stare with widened eyes at the impossible sight in front of her eyes.

Even when the hand over her mouth dropped down a moment later, and even though she knew within her mind that they were still in mortal peril, she just couldn't tear her gaze away.

'The shota lewds were cute and all but I suppose this is even better. Now~ What will come of this decision of yours, my cute champion? I'm so excited~!' The goddess muttered to herself while watching in interest as her not-so-little champion instantly threw away his fears and his doubts.

Not asking her for any powers fit for the situation, he just instinctively chose the most direct path to get his mother to safety.

Her second 'freebie.'

"Don't… ever say that again." A soft but mature voice called out in admonishment before a pair of lithe arms carefully picked Miki up in a princess carry.

"S… So-chan. Is that really you?" Miki called out in hesitation, unable to believe that the 'elegant beauty' in front of her was indeed her cute little boy. And yet, as he looked down at her, she saw his eyes. The same eyes that, as always, held seemingly endless affection for her.

How could she even doubt then? That it was indeed him? And yet, how–

As if reading her mind, he smiled softly, brought her closer to his chest, and murmured. "It's really me, Mother. I will explain everything later but for now… I want you to know something."

Miki blushed fiercely, her fears all forgotten, and a warmth seemed to envelop her entire being as he gently touched their foreheads together and whispered. "There's no need to be afraid. Because no matter what happens, I will protect you from all harm. Always."


<Ugh, so mushy.>

Sosuke's mouth twitched, but he chose to ignore the obvious bait and instead chose to look around, trying to find the way that they had entered… only to huff in frustration as he guessed the extent to which the illusion had affected them.

'Were we going in circles this entire time?'

<Pin~ Pon~ Correct answer~>

He sighed and didn't even bother to ask her for the correct route to exit the forest. Instead, his gaze fell upon the now-visible shrine, causing the goddess to sing-song cheerfully. <Looks like there's only one option left~>

Sosuke hesitated, as he peeked downwards at Miki who was still staring at his face somewhat disbelievingly.

<Tch. Why are you being such a worrywart? Did think I'd really send there in that frail body without any means of self-defense?>

'I can't help it. Your previous two boons were…'

She frowned in dissatisfaction. <Ugh. Isn't it obvious? You save the best for last! Now hurry up and move~>

'But you still haven't told me what it is even now.'

The goddess sighed annoyedly. <It's because you need to be in a situation for it work.>

'Oh.' Understanding dawned upon him, and Sosuke finally started walking in the direction of the shrine under the cajoling of his goddess, who guaranteed the safety of Miki.

'Still, you seem really excited. Is it because there is a potential 'victim' at the shrine?'

The goddess paused before giggling lewdly. <Ara~ I got found out so easily huh~>

Sosuke shook his head and remained silent, instead choosing to increase his pace. As he arrived infinitely close to the shrine, he asked Miki to close her eyes… before a thought occurred to him.

'Say, could I fight against Baraqiel? In case he treats me as an enemy as well.'

The goddess snorted in amusement. <You can, but little cutie of mine, to masochist-kun, you would appear as a pitiful, frail girl, who looks like she could be blown away by the wind any moment… and yet, is valiantly carrying her distraught 'older sister' safety.>

Eye twitching at the description, Sosuke asked in confusion, 'You could just say harmless. Still, why did you even make this body of mine like this?'

<Hmm? Why~ For drama, of course~>

Almost missing his footing on the stairs, Sosuke fumed inwardly as he heard his goddess' snickers and grumbled. 'Why did I expect anything else from you?'
