
Champion of the Netori Goddess

If a depraved 'Goddess' offers you a choice between becoming her champion, and being extinguished forever... what will you choose? Notes - Support the author on Patreon. https://www.patreon.com/user?u=116426820 This work began as a way to practice writing smut. Expect lewd degeneracy - like holding hands, and a bare minimum of plot. Tags include - Netori, Keeping the Bloodline Pure, Breeding Kink, Yandere If you're an Issei stan, I would rather you didn't read this novel, please.

Mahou_Shonen · Anime und Comics
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11 Chs

Miki #4 [R-18]

On another night.

As Miki and Sosuke prepared to go to bed… and she was about to 'take care' of him like every day, Sosuke spoke somewhat hesitantly.

"U–umm, Mama?"

"Hmm? What is it, So-chan?" She asked as she took off everything but her panties, which had recently become much nicer looking.

He fidgeted slightly, standing by the foot of the bed. "I… wanted to ask something. Is… is it alright?"

Surprised, she pulled him into an embrace and murmured, "Sure~ So-chan can ask Mama anything."

"O–oh." His muffled voice sounded relieved as he asked her shyly, "T–then, like how Mama helps me out every time… even though I can do it myself now… does… does Mama need my help as well?"


Miki stiffened, and her mind, yet again, descended into a state of intense turmoil. She hesitated in choosing between going further or not. And a part of her wondered that if she did… would she be able to stop herself before she gave in to depravity completely?

She even thought to stop all that she was doing altogether… and beg for forgiveness from her Sosuke. She knew she had crossed several lines of taboo already, and that her So-chan, when he grew up a bit, would learn things, hopefully in school and not from Issei, and would know for sure what a depraved woman his mother was.

Her heart clenched with fear as a thought occurred to her. 'What if So-chan ends up hating me… thinking that I've taken advantage of him? What… what if he doesn't talk to me ever again? If… If I stop all of this… and come clean to him… will… will he forgive me?'

Before she could sink deep into a spiral of doubt and self-hatred, however, a pair of warm hands carefully held her face, and she heard her beloved So-chan's worried voice as he carefully wiped away the tears that had somehow begun to spill from her eyes.

"Mama, are you alright?"

She slowly looked down at her So-chan, who smiled softly at her and said, "Don't cry, Mama. It's… it's fine if you don't want to. I just… it feels good when Mama helps me, and I feel so… floaty… afterward… like I was… was on clouds."

He scratched his head sheepishly, "I just wanted Mama to– Mmph!"

'Ah, So-chan… you shouldn't keep saying such cute things to Mama, or else… I won't be able to give up,' Miki thought, her doubts instantly thrown to the side, as her lips pressed against his, and her tongue snaked into his mouth… this time slowly, languidly twirling in a sensual dance with his.

As their lips finally parted, she looked at his slightly red face and murmured desperately. "So-chan… you'll always love Mama, right? You… you won't ever… hate Mama, right? No matter what happens… Because if you do… then Mama will… Mama will–"

Her pleas were stopped as Sosuke tiptoed and kissed her forehead. He quietly stared into her eyes for a moment before smiling brightly.

"It's impossible for me to hate Mama, no matter what happens. I would rather die– mmph." His words were muffled by the hand of a terrified Miki who could only call out his name in fear and anger. "So-chan!"

Smiling behind her trembling hand, he kissed it lightly, and his muffled voice echoed softly in the quietness of the night, "Didn't I say it before… So-chan loves Mama the most in the world."

Miki couldn't help it. Her lips stretched into a beatific smile, and she felt like her heart was full of happiness at the moment… never to be taken away. Pulling her So-chan into a tight embrace, she happily peppered his face with kisses, listening to his soft giggles, and thought to herself, 'So-chan, I'm sorry, but it looks like Mama can't help but drown herself completely in the taboo. I can't give you up. I won't give you up~'

Her enamored eyes gazed intensely at him, and her thoughts slowly turned dark. 'So-chan, Mama trusts you… Mama believes in you… but– but… you'll forgive me for having a backup plan, right?'

Miki decided inwardly, that even if such a cursed day ever came… when her dear So-chan didn't love her anymore… then surely it was alright if he couldn't live without her slutty body anymore, right?

Her tumultuous thoughts aside, she whispered to Sosuke. "So-chan, are you sure that you want to help Mama?" Only to receive an almost instantaneous, enthusiastic nod in return. She smiled and shook her head, and led Sosuke by the hand to the bed, where she sat down, resting against the headboard. She slowly, sensually, slid her last piece of clothing down her legs, before beckoning him forward.

"Come, So-chan~"

She smiled encouragingly at the boy who kneeled by her now parted legs. Her hands crept down to her naughty bits… and an impromptu lewd but practical lesson began.

Her fingers slowly traced along her outer lips and she trembled, realizing that she was highly sensitive right now, from the depraved situation of her creation. She breathed out, "You see this, So-chan? This is Mama's precious place~ It feels good for Mama if you… hah… caress it like this…"

Her face flushed with arousal as she saw her So-chan pay attention to her movements, and her fingers started moving faster by themselves. Her breath became hot and heavy, and she called out to Sosuke as she finally dipped her fingers into her honeypot. "Mm~ ❤ So-chan… hah… this is Mama's vagina."

She looked at his slightly red face and whispered the most depraved, incestuous thought she could think of. "Did you know, So-chan~? If So-chan puts his penis inside Mama's vagina and lets out… Mama will have So-chan's baby~ ❤"

She suddenly trembled at the image that took root in her mind from her own words, causing a mini-orgasm to rock her body, and she was barely able to hear Sosuke's words.

"T–Then… Mama did this with Papa?" He muttered in a dejected tone, and Miki shivered, being able to discern his feelings of disappointment.

"No!" She ended up almost shouting her denial, before softly repeating… "No… daddy is… he… has a problem… he can't get an erection."

"Huh? But then… how were Issei and I…"

She blinked and suddenly giggled at his serious question. "Mama and Daddy had to go to the hospital. The doctors helped me give birth to my So-chan~" She cooed happily before her expression became smoky as she whispered, "So, So-chan… you're the first one to see Mama like this. You'll be the only one to see Mama like this~ ❤"

"O–oh." He whispered and Miki felt wetter than ever before as she saw a slight, involuntary smile on his lips… before he murmured, "Mama… should… can I do it now?"

And with his question, the slight remnant of awkwardness that Miki felt from the talk was immediately dispelled as she nodded in anticipation.

Receiving her approval, Sosuke paused for just a moment before nodding determinedly. He crawled even closer to Miki's body… and his face ended up arriving infinitely close to her vagina. She shivered slightly as she felt his soft breath on her sensitive parts, before gasping as his small fingers tentatively ran along her slit, trying to imitate what he had just learned.

He gained courage with every passing moment, watching as her body trembled under his tender ministrations, while she cooed out words of encouragement. "Yes, like that, So-chan~ More~ ❤ You can be faster… just remember to be gentle~"

He did as she said. His fingers gently and repetitively ran along her rapidly wettening and swelling folds. He paused momentarily in surprise as he saw a small, nub-like thing appear at the top of her lips. He hesitantly caressed it as well, causing a sharp gasp of pleasure to escape Miki, who moaned out.

"That's Mama's clitoris, So-chan ❤~ It feels the best there ❤~"

Encouraged by her sounds, he redoubled his efforts, his left hand's fingers gently rubbing circles on her clitoris, while his right hand resumed its previous task.

Squelch! Squelch! Squelch!

Lewd, watery sounds echoed in the room that was otherwise silent save for the heavy, aroused breaths of the pair… as Sosuke attentively, and rapidly brought Miki closer to finish, until his drenched fingers eventually slipped… and slightly penetrated her vagina.

A loud moan left Miki's throat as his fingers accidentally stimulated her G-spot before she froze in fear of having awakened Gorou or Issei… only to gasp sharply as she felt what was definitely Sosuke dragging his tongue slowly along her slit.

"S… So-chan?" She whimpered out his name. He looked up, his face flushed, and a hesitant but sweet smile on his face. 

"I… remembered how Mama did it in the bath. It felt really~ good back then… so I thought… that maybe Mama will feel good as well." He said, before his tongue darted out of his mouth again, and started lapping up her juices vigorously as he murmured almost inaudibly, "Mama is tasty~ ❤"

His tongue eventually dipped into her depths, and Miki couldn't do anything but use her hands to muffle her moans, while her body was left to her So-chan's mercy. She twisted and writhed in place as his tongue explored her insides, before finally–

A soundless wail left Miki as her hips lifted in the air, and her body wracked with a massive orgasm. Her vision went white, and she collapsed onto the bed, almost comatose from the world for a moment… before letting out a moan as she felt her So-chan licking her remanent juices.

"S… So-chan… hah.." She gasped. "Please… please be gentle… Mama is… is sensitive… there, right now."

His pace slowed down as he gave Miki a few more languid licks before he pulled himself up. Miki's face flushed as she saw her So-chan's face wet with her naughy fluids. Her pussy clenched, and she began to feel the onset of arousal again, and she dragged herself to his hardened member and took it into her drooling mouth, as a single thought overwhelmingly occupied her mind.

'So-chan… you're mine now. Forever~'


Since that night, the mother-son pair had sunk into the grasp of debauchery and spent each night comforting each other's bodies. 

Still, whether it was because of a remaining shred of doubt in Miki, or because she was worried about the other two people in the house – Gorou and Issei, finding out… or maybe because she was planning for a special occasion… the pair had yet to take the last step.

The voyeur goddess thought that it would probably take a large, maybe drastic change in the lives of the pair… and the opportunity for such a change soon arrived, one weekday evening… when Sosuke returned from school.

<Wow. I had forgotten how mean little kids can be~>

Sosuke huffed tiredly as he took off his shoes at the genkan. "I'm now sure that my decision… even though made in panic… was 100% the correct decision to make. Had I been made to suffer spending my entire day with a bunch of snot-nosed brats with no filter… I would have snapped someone in two by now, especially considering that you promised to give me 'powers to play with." 

He slipped on a pair of indoor slippers and started walking "Speaking of which… you talked about some freebies back then. What was that all about?"

<Wow~! I had totally thought that you forgotten all about it… what with being lovey-dovey your Mama… know it hasn't been much time, but sometimes feel we changed the genre to vanilla hentai~>

Sosuke could only scratch his head in embarrassment as he smiled sheepishly. 

<Tch… you're lucky I find you cute~ Don't worry though… should out soon enough~>

"Hmm? What do you mean? I thought you weren't peeking ahead," he muttered suspiciously, thinking that his cheeky goddess was finally up to something major. Before he could say anything else, however, the landline phone near him began to ring. Considering that he was currently home alone, he walked over and picked it up. "Hello, Hyoudou residence."

He blinked, his demeanor changing as he heard the voice on the other side, and he spoke softly, "Mm, yes it's me, Sosuke… big sis Kyouko."

He quietly listened to the person talking on the other side, only adding hums of affirmation, before finally saying, "Alright. I'll tell Papa and Mama… Mm, I'll call you then. Bye-bye, big sis Kyouko."

Hyoudou Issei arrived home a bit later… only to find his older brother blankly standing in the hallway, staring at the landline. He walked up and tapped Sosuke's shoulder, asking. "What's up? You look like you saw a ghost."

"Hmm? Oh… Issei, you're back." Sosuke muttered as he finally broke free from his trance-like state.

Issei nodded, and the pair of brothers walked into the kitchen, where Sosuke washed his hands before putting on an apron. 

"Yeah, a friend wanted to trade for my game," Issei said as he leaned by one of the kitchen counters.

Raising his eyebrows, Sosuke asked in surprise, "The new one? You finished it already?"

A lewd smile came upon the younger boy's face as he mumbled, "Yeah, it took a few all-nighters… but I reached 100% completion." 

He then opened his bag and pulled out a game case. A trio of girls with sizable breasts were on the cover and Issei giggled perversely, "I traded that fighting game for this eroge~"

"Oh…" Sosuke muttered blandly as he started to busy himself with cooking dinner, causing Issei to click his tongue in annoyance. "Tch… you're so boring. How can you be my brother and not understand the gloriousness of oppai, I don't understand." He shook his head theatrically, before asking. "Anyway… what was that all about in the hall? Got a phone call?"

"Yeah… Kyouko Onee-san called. She asked me if I could come to Tokyo for a day." Sosuke mumbled as he finely chopped the onions.

"Wait? That onee-san with the big booba called?!" 

"Ise…" Sosuke warned.

"What? I'm right and you know it!" He folded his arms and said self-assuredly, even though he trembled slightly, seeing the knife in his brother's hand and his dead-fish eyes. Still, he stood his ground, and the pair of brothers got into a staring contest for a while, before Sosuke huffed, knowing that it was impossible to win over his brother who had nothing but breasts in his mind. He sighed and turned back, resuming his task of chopping the vegetables.

Cheering in victory, Issei asked, "By the way, why curry today? Anything good happened?"

"Hmm? I just said it, right? The phone call?"

"Ah right… almost forgot. Still, why did your editor call you to Tokyo though?"

An odd look came upon Sosuke's face as he muttered, "Someone wants to make an anime of Madoka Magica."



Author Note: Please support the author in paying rent!



Ugh, I'm so tired from writing all the lewds. Need to watch some shonen AMVs or something to cleanse myself.

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